Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1972, Image 1

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    Vol. 17 No. 45
Barbara Gehman, the 1972 Lancaster County Poultry
Queen, waved and smiled to throngs of watcher's at Wed
nesday evening’s Ephrata Fair parade. Barbara is from East
Petersburg, and is the daughter of Noah Gehman.
Fourteen-year old Sue Frey, showed the grand champion
and senior grand and senior champion Holstein at the dairy
contest held Thursday during the West Lampeter Com
munity Fair.
Donald Wenger, an FFA member from Manheim, took the
grand championship prize for the Brown Swiss breed at the
Pennsylvania Junior, Dairy Show on Monday at Harrisburg.
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30,1972
Ephrata, Lampeter
Fairs This Week
Activities at the Ephrata Fair
started Tuesday afternoon with
the adult tractor driving contest.
Tom Zartman won the event,
Tom Bollinger was second and
Cliff Bollinger was third.
Tuesday night, 25 squealing
youngsters converged on a
squealing 88-pound pig in the
annual Ephrata Fair pig chase.
Fifteen-year-old Kevin Drost of
Ephrata Hi, carried the porker
back to the pen to win the trophy
and the pig. The adult pig chase
was won by Vernon Martin,
At Wednesday’s Cloister FFA
tractor driving contest, Mike
Bollinger took first place and
Gerald Musser came in second.
Elizabeth Herr, 12, and her
brother, Christian, 10, shared top
honors in Wednesday’s sheep
New Holland
Fair Schedule
Wednesday, October 4
7 p.m. - Farmers Fair Opening
Thursday, October 5
1 p.m. - 4-H Baby Beef Show and
Hog Show following Beef Sale.
6:30 p.m - Tractor Driving
9 p.m. - Fire Company Tug-of-
Friday, October 6
Kid’s Day.
2 p.m. - Hog Sale.
7:30 p.m. - Pet Parade.
9 p.m. - Tug-of-War Semi-Finals.
Saturday, October 7
4 p.m. - Baby Parade.
9’ p.m. - Tug-of-War Finals
Farm Calendar
National 4-H Week, October 1-7.
Monday, October 2
Collegiate Dairy Products
Contest, Convention Hall,
Atlantic City.
Dairy and Food Industry Expo
72, Atlantic City.
Tuesday, October 3
1-3 p.m. Lancaster County
Gourmet Cooking Workshop,
Farm and Home Center.
6:30 p.m. Annual 4;H
Leadership Banquet, Farm
and Home Center.
7 p.m. District 6 Inter-State
Milk Producers Cooperative
dinner meeting, Honks Fire
7:30 p.m. Penn Manor Young
Farmers monthly meeting,
vo-ag room, Penn Manor High
Lancaster County Farmers
Association board meeting,
Farm and Home Center.
Wednesday, October 4
4:30 p.m. LCVATA meeting,
(Continued On Page 30)
Sunday, October 1
show, with Elizabeth showing the
grand champion pen of three
lambs and winning the champion
showman award, while Christian
The agony of victory was evident on the larded face and
body of Vernon Martin, an Ephrata man who won the adult
pig chase on Tuesday night at the Ephrata Fair.
Wentink is NEPPCO President
Hendrik “Henk” Wentink was
named president of the Nor
theastern Poultry Producers
Council at the annual Neppco
meeting held last week at the
Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake,
Neppco is a poultry industry
association serving a 14-state
area in the northeastern U.S.
Other officers elected were:
McDonald Miller, Morrisville,
Vt., vice-president; Albert
Russo, Hope Valley, R. 1.,
secretary; Robert H. Horsburgh,
Doylestown, Pa., treasurer.
Wentink is assistant to the
president for Pennfield Cor
poration in Lancaster. He for
merly lived in Wyomissing, Pa.,
and is a native of Holland.
An active participant in in
dustry affairs, Wentik’s positions
have included Wentik is on the
executive committee and on the
board of directors of the Penn
sylvania Polutry Federation.
He is a member of the Penn
sylvania Millers and Feed
Dealers, National Egg Council,
Pennsylvania Livestock and
Allied Industries Associations,
$2.00 Per Year
had the grand champion single
Paul Horning, Stevens, won the
(Continued On Page 18)
Hendrik Wentink
member of the board of the Berks
County Polutry Association,
advisor to the Southeastern
Pennsylvania Poultry
Association and a member of the
Marketing Council of the
American Food Manufacturers