4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23, 1972 Poultry Market Reports Fogelsville Tuesday, September 19 (Prices paid dock weights cents per pound, except where noted). Fowl, Leghorns 6-11, mostly 6- 7; Fowl - colored 7%-21, mostly 12-15; Pullets, colored 26-35 mostly 28-30; Roasters 12-31, mostly 25-27; Ducks 20-39, mostly 33-39; Drakes 20-48, mostly 44-48; Rabbits 5-40, mostly 34-36; Guineas 40-60%, mostly 55-60%; Piegons (per pr.) 90-3.91. Total coops sold 485. Auction every Tuesday. Poultry received Monday 7 P.M. to 10:30 P.M., Tuesday 7 A.M. to 12 Noon. Sale at 11:30 A.M. Eastern Pa. and NJ. Wednesday, September 20 LIVE HENS Prices on light type hens are higher. Demand moderately active. Offerings limited and difficult to procure. Isolated flocks of light type were priced as higher as 10%c. Few loads were moved into the area from Ohio. Prices paid at Farm: Light Type Hens 7-10.60 mostly 10-10% in Pa., mostly 10c in N.J. Heavy type hens 13 1 / 2 -14 1 / 2 c. Delmarva Wednesday, September 20 BROILERS Ready-to-cook demand spotty and generally no better than fair; delivered price held unchanged Processing volumes are lessening m some instances. Live supplies adequate to occasionally short. Pool trucklot prices for Thursday arrival: U.S. Grade A 31-35 Mostly 31%; Plant Grade 30-33 Mostly 30%. New York Eggs Wednesday, September 20 Market unsettled on large and smalls, steady on mediums. Demand is irregular, improved m some quarters, slower in others as offerings increase. Some distributors are unwilling to hold stocks over anticipated regular needs and are tending to become free sellers in an effort to move supplies. Locally, jumbos are light but increased slightly. CARGILL ANNOUNCES A NEW HIGH SPEED GRAIN DRYER AT MARIETTA, PENNA. WITH A CAPACITY OF 2500 BUSHELS PER HOUR. FAST UNLOADS AROUND THE CLOCK DURING CORN HARVEST. Corn bids subject to conformation. New Dry Corn $ 1.40 plus mileage New Wet Corn $ 1.47 plus mileage CALL FOR HOURS AND DETAILS PHONE 717-426-1961 2 miles North of Marietta on Highway 441. Weekly New York Egg Market (From Monday, September 18th to Friday, September 22nd) Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 44 45 45 45 45 Large 41 42 42 42 42 Mediums 35 36 36 36 36 Pullets 24 25 25 25 25 Peewees 13 14 14 14 14 BROWN Fey. Large 45 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Standards 35% 36% 36% 35% 35% Checks 16 17 17 17% 17% Long Tone - Mediums and Pullets about steady, but large whites weaker under heavier offerings. Local Grain Thursday, September 21 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by five participating local feed and grain concerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel, except for ear corn which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, September 21, 1972 are as follows: Bid+ Offered-I- Ear Corn 46.00 52.33 Shelled Com 1.50 1.69 Oats (local) .81 .95 Oats (western) 1.06 1.17 Barley 1.12 1.35 Wheat 1.66 1.82 +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. Extra large adequate to fully adequate large, mediums and smalls irregular but fully adequate or available. Carton movement is fair with offerings generally fully suf ficient. 45 45 45 45 Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 19 404 Head of Cattle Compared with last weeks Viarket, slaughter steers weak to riiostly 50c lower. Slaughter cows steady to 50c lower. Slaughter bulls mostly steady to 50c lower. STEERS: High Choice and Prime'(few) 36.00-37.25; Choice 1050-1200 35.10-36.25; Good 33.85- 35.00; standard (few) 31.50-33.10. HEIFERS: Choice (few) 33.00- 33.85; Good (few) 31.75-33.00; Standard (few) 29.25-32.25. COWS: Utility and High Dressing Cutters 27.00-28.75, couple to 30.00; Cutters 25.10- 27.50; Canners 22.85-25.00; Shells down to 21.00. BULLS; Choice (few) 35.25- 36.60; Good 33.60-35.35; Utility and Commercial 32.10-34.50. 242 Head of Veal Calves Vealers steady to $1 higher. Prime 58.50-60.50, individual at 63.50; Choice 55.50-59.00; Good LIMING PAYS ail BAK£r v S LIMESTONE PI|S off I Liming pays off in healthier soil, better crops, stronger and more productive animals. In fact, it has been estimated that each $1 in vested in limestone returns from $3 to $lO in bigger and better yields. Baker’s agricultural limestone pays off best because it does more. It sweetens soil to reduce acidity and raise pH level, and it also adds vital magnesium. Both are important to make sure that your crops can make full use of the fertilizers you apply. Take care of your land, and your land will take care of you. Choose the brand of Baker's agricultural limestone that meets your needs. Conestoga Valley balanced limestone from our Ephrata quarry Prime Lime dolomite limestone from our Gap quarry ‘Hy Mag limestone from our Porodise quarry. . ROY W. ZIMMERMAN Ephrata -733-8161 STANLEY HOFFER Paradise -687-6860 LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER Quarryville - 786-2547 HAROLD LANDIS Willow Street - 464-3800 F. H. BUCHER LESTER M, WEAVER RothsviUe- 626-6504 New Holland - 354-5477 Products of The J. E. Baker Co. Call collect—(7l7) 354-4202 Feeder Sale Monterey, Virginia Tuesday, September 19 There were 825 head sold. Steers Choice and Fancy: 500-700 Peoria Cattle Thursday, September 21 Cattle weekly: Receipts this week 4350; last week 4689; receipts last year 4085. As compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers closed steady to strong, instances 25 higher. Cows and bulls mostly with only a few loads Choice to Prime. Balance of receipts mainly cows. Receipts about 65 percent steers; 30 percent heifers; 5 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Load High Choice and Prime 1235 pounds 3-4, 37.25. Mixed Choice and Prime 1125-1250 3-4, 36.50- 37.00. Choice 950-1275 2-4, 35.00- 36.50. Mixed Good and Choice 925- 1200 34.00-35.00. Good 31.50-34.00. Standard to Good Holsteins 32.50- 33.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Load High Choice to mostly Prime 1150 pounds 3-4, 35.00. Mixed Choice and Prime 900-1035 3-4, 34.25-34.50. Choice 800-1050 2- 4, 33.25-34.25. Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 32.00-33.25. Good 30.25-32.00. COWS: Commercial 24.25- 26.00. Utility 24.75-27.00. High Yielding Utility 27.00-28.00. Cutter 23.00-26.50. Canner 20.00- 23.00. BULLS: Utility and Com mercial 30.00-33.00; individual at 33.50. 52.00-55.00; Standard 48.00-52.00; Utility 90-120 pounds 41.50-48.00; 70-85 pounds 36.50-39.50. FARM CALVES: Bulls 80-115 pounds 40.00-51.00; Heifers 80-150 pounds 50.00-65.00. 32 Head of Sheep Good and Choice 60-100 pound spring slaughter lambs 28.50- 31.00. Slaughter Ewes: (few) 6.50- 11.00. Magnesium Oxide Calcium Oxide pounds 42.50-45.00; 705-800 39.00- 40.00; 805-1000 35.75-39.50. Good: 500-700 pounds 42.50- 45.75; 705-800 39.00-39.75; 805-1000 35.00-37.75. Medium: 500-700 37.25-42.50- 705-800 36.25-37.75; 805-1000 32.75. Common: 705-800 pounds 27.00- 33.00. Heifers Choice and Fancy: 500-600 pounds 38.00-38.50; 605-700 36.25- 37.25. Good: 500-600 pounds 36.75- 38.25; 605-700 35.00-38.25. Medium: 500-600 pounds 26.75- 605-700 30.50. Abingdon, Virginia Tuesday, September 19 There were 1008 head sold, Steers Choice and Fancy: 500 - 700 pounds 43.50 - 44.50; 700 - 800 39.80 - 40.20; 805 - 1000 34.00 - 37.40. Good: 500 - 700 pounds 43.00 - 44.50; 700 - 800 38.30 - 39.90; 800 - 1000 34.00 - 35.25. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 38.50 - 40.00; 700 - 800 36.00 - 37.50; 800 - 1000 31.25 - 33.50. Common: 500 - 700 pounds 35.90 - 37.00; 700 - 800 33.50 - 34,00; 800 - 1000 30.00 - 32.80. Short: 500 - 700 pounds 38.40 - 39.10. LANCASTER FARMING Lancaster County's Own Farm Weekly P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa 17543 Record-Express Office Bldg. Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E. Wanner, Editor Subscription price: $2 per year in T ancaster County: $3 elsewhere Estalished November 4, 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa. 17543 Members of Newspaper Fartn Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. -- *|