Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1972, Image 20
20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23, 1972 I Farm Women Societies Society 3 Farm Women Society 3 met Saturday, September 8 at the home of Elva Shelly, Lititz. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs Clarence Stauffer. Final plans were made for the party at Coatesville Veterans Hospital. A donation of $25 was given to the United Fund. Members, family and friends will take a bus trip to Mystic, Conn and Strawbndge, Mass, on October 14, 15 and 16. Men’s Night will be held November 10 at Black Horse Hotel, Reinholds. Mrs. John Edwards reported that the following nr. .us would be served at the Societies food stand at the Ephrata Fair - Wednesday, Pork and Sauer Kraut; Thursday, Chicken Pot Pie, Friday, Deviled Clam platters; Saturday breakfast, fruit juice, hot cakes and sausage, lunch, baked ham All week there will be short orders of hamburgers, hot dogs, fried ham, deviled clams, pie, coffee and dairy drinks Rev. Robert Etter, Lititz, showed slides of a tour of the Holy Land This tour was a Christmas gift for Rev. and Mrs. Etter from their congregation, the Coleman 'Memorial Chapel, Brickerville Society 8 Farm Women Society 8 met recently at the home of Mrs. Charles Felty, 114 East Charlotte St , Millersville. Mrs. Kenneth Wittle, Berwyn, presented a cake ■ decorating demonstration in detail to 23 members and three guests present Miss Anna Mae Eby was elected president and Mrs. Lewis Bixler was elected vice president. Some members went to Conestoga View September 21. The sewing date for the General Hospital is October 25 from 10 a.m to 2 p m The County Con vention will be held November 4 at Lancaster School of the Bible. Mrs. Alvin Reist has returned home from the hospital and Mrs. Lizzie Keener has entered the St. Joseph’s Hospital The various committees gave reports The hostesses for the NEW HOLLAND FARMERS FAIR OCT. 4-5-6-Z Send this coupon for entry number To Mrs. Robert Weaver R.D.I, New Holland i i I I Name I l I Address I l .Other Exhibits ED I [ • Livestock • •••••ED ! ] Crops _. ..ED j L I 1- afternoon served a treat decorated by the speaker. The next meeting will be at 2 p.m. October 14 at Chicques Methodist Church, Mount Joy. Mrs. Frank Eshelman will present a book review. Society 11 Farm Women Society 11 members and friends met recently at Willow Valley to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the Society. One new member was received into the group. A candle was Needle Arts By NANCY SEWELL Four Seasons Quilt Embroider the lovely flow ers one for each season to form this attractive quilt. Pattern No. 2058 has hot-iron transfer for flowers; color chart; full sewing and finish ing directions TO ORDER, send 60 cents for each pattern with name, address with Zip code, pat tern number and size to NEEDLE ARTS, P.O. Box 5251, Chicago, 111. 60680. lighted in memory of Mrs. William Bucher, a Charter member who passed away during the year. Entertainment was provided by Miss Carol Horn on flute, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Helen Wagner. Mrs. Esther Musser, the only living Charter member, in troduced Mrs. Carol Huber who entertained the group with a hat demonstration. The next meeting will be held Thursday, September 28 at the home of Mrs. Norman Wood. Farm Women Society 14 en tertained members of Society 28 Thursday evening, September 14 at the Red Caboose Lodge east of Strasburg. The regular business meeting was held. Dues for the year were paid and five new members were installed. A donation was given to the United Campaign. Ellis Bachman, Strasburg, spoke in behalf of the Strasburg Heritage Society and showed slides of many historical homes and buildings in the borough. Many of these have been remodeled and restored to their original beauty. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Harold K. Groff, Mrs. Charles H. Leaman, Mrs. John E. Groff, Mrs. Jacob C. Herr and Mrs. Ira W. Kreider. The Society will hold a “Car-A- Rama” on October 12 instead of the regular meeting. Farm Women Society 22 reports the fifth printing of the Dinner Bell cookbook is in 2058 (Continued On Page 21) Breeding TODAY? 43 733 1224 Society 14 Society 22 Your Guide To Better in ’73 PLAN YOUR BREEDING PROGRAM NOW WITH THE 1973 SIRE DIREC TORIES FROM SIRE POWER AVAILABLE FROM YOUR PROFESSIONAL NEBA A.I. TECHNICIAN OR THE SIRE POWER “DIRECTLY YOURS” DIRECT HERD SERVICE. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TO SIRE POWER Tunkhannock, Pa. Lancaster Farming Ads Pay SEE LAMPETER FAIR Your Rebuilding or Remodeling Stolls-Custom 6 or Regular Cow Mats BADGER EQUIPMENT for your material handling needs SHOW EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Road GET THIS! v NORTH CO saiiTH Serv-O-Matic I, IT IN OPERATION AT SEPT. 27-29 Leave us Help You with Full line of PHONE 299-2536 Dairy Feeder Model 101 Lancaster, Pa. 17601