Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1972, Image 17

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Frpm local Aq. Teacher*-
(Editor’s Note: This is one in a
series of articles introducing
Lancaster County’s newest vo-ag
Pequea Valley’s new vo-ag
teacher is Gerald Phillips, who
graduated this past June from
Delaware Valley College. Gerry
took over at Pequea Valley on
July 1, just days after his June 17
marriage to the former Donna
Deibler of Quarryville.
Pequea Valley has a one-man
vo-ag department, and Gerry
said he thinks he’ll like the
chance to work in all fields of vo
ag with all of his 53 students. He
also likes the location and the
people he’s working with.
Black-Outs and Brown-Outs
Can Deliver your
Agri-Business a Knock-out.
- To 40,000 watts continuous duty
- To 90,000 watts surge capacity
- Outstanding motor start
TEL 717 397-8231
See us at the Lampeter Fair
or call for more information or a free demonstration
Is 2# per bu, too
in Passing
One of the first projects Gerry
plans to tackle is the construction
of a vo-ag greenhouse, using
donated materials and student
A 1968 graduate of Solanco
High School, Gerry is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Blair G. Phillips,
who owns a 90-acre dairy farm at
Quarryville, Rl.
While a member of the Solanco
Chapter FFA, Gerry held the
offices of reporter in his junior
year and president in his senior
year. He was awarded the
Keystone Degree and played
percussion in the state FFA band.
At Solanco, Gerry lettered twice
in varsity track.
You can
high moisture corn
Harvestore for 2/
per bu. per months
For further information contact —
Pennsylvania Harvestore Inc.
Phone (717) 697-0308
Dillsburg, Pa.
Penn-Jersey Harvestore Systems Inc.
Phone (717) 354-5171
New Holland, Pa.
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At Delaware Valley, Gerry was
sports editor of the college
yearbook, a varsity sports an
nouncer, a member of the dairy
science club and proved his
scholastic ability by making the
dean’s list.
In the Kitchen
2 cans (IOVz-oz. ea.)
condensed beef broth
2V2 cups water
1 can (8-oz.) tomato sauce
2 tsps. lemon juice
3 cups shredded cabbage
2 cups diced apples
Vs cup onion flakes
1 tbsp. caraway seeds
1 tsp. sugar
Vi tsp. instant garlic
Va tsp. ground black
In a large saucepan com
bine broth, water, tomato
sauce and lemon juice. Bring
to boiling point. Add remain
ing ingredients. Cover and 0
simmer 20 minutes. Serve
with sliced rye bread, if de
sired. Makes 6 to 8 portions.
purchase a
If you are a handicapped
homemaker, let your kitchen
equipment work for you. Simplify
household tasks by selecting
equipment and utensils that are
versatile, durable and easy to
The fewer pieces of equipment
you have, the less storage space
you’ll need. Store frequently used
items in convenient places,
suggest Extension home
management specialists at
Pennsylvania State University
An example of a versatile
utensil is a heatproof casserole
that may be used m the oven, on
top of the range, and is attractive
enough to go to the table as a
serving dish.
Before buying equipment,
examine its durability. Utensils
should be heavy enough so they
do not turn over easily. Weight
helps make equipment durable.
Yet, it should not be so heavy it is
hard to lift.
If limited in the use of your
hands and arms, choose the
weight of tools and utensils most
appropriate for you.
There's a better way
to get her to produce...
You're not going to get any more milk out of that cow if
she doesn’t have it m her. But your cows may have the
bred-m capacity to produce an extra ton of milk a year—
with the proper diet.
That proper diet is Purina Milk Chow Special. It’s a high
efficiency milking ration that contains carefully selected
ingredients blended together in the right amounts to help
your cows produce all that’s in them.
Start feeding your dairy cows Purina Milk Chow Special
and keep an eye on your records. Prove to yourself that
this high efficiency ration can return you lots of milk at
remarkably low cost. In fact, many local dairymen report
increases of over 2,000 lbs. milk per cow in their first
year on Milk Chow Special.
Stop in and see us today. We’ll give you the details on
prices and delivery. You’ll find us at the store with the
Checkerboard Sign.
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Ph: 442-4632
West Willow . u o e
Formers Assn., Ine. JameS Ph S ° nS
wtfwfuS GMdonvffle
Ira B. Landis
Ph: 394-7912
1912 Creek Hill Rd., Lane.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23,1972—17
Kitchen Equipment For the Handicapped
A woman with multiple
sclerosis or muscular dystrophy
loses ability to lift and grasp. She
needs utensils light enough to lift
when she can’t slide them along a
counter. Pans with double
handles are easier for such a
person to use than pans with
single handles, say the Extension
If you lack coordination in your
hands, heavier utensils are a
better choice The weight helps
control excessive motion And the
construction of heavy pans forces
you to put more pressure on the
handles and other parts of the
Choose utensils that require a
minimum of care to save time
and energy in doing cleanup jobs
An electric frypan with a non
stick finish would be easier to
clean than one made of
aluminum without the special
finish. Be sure the frypan is one
you can immerse for cleaning
Choose other tools and utensils
with smooth finishes, they are
easier to clean.
John B. Kurtz
Ph: 354-9251
R. D. 3, Ephrata
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph: 367-1195