10 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23, 1972 9 National 4-H Week is to be observed this year from October 1-7. The activities of some 5 million young people, as the events of the Week unfold, should serve once again to remind America that the great body of its citizens, especially its young, hold firm to the ideals and aspirations that make a great nation. The interests of 4-H are broad and varied. They deal with the environment, nutrition, health, community betterment, management, careers and international programs 4-H’ers fight air and water pollution, learn about land managment, stirve for safe use of insecticides and other GREEN FOREST, ARK., TRIBUNE: “While work can be bothersome and a great nuisance at times, it would be a mistake to consider it an evil custom of mankind. In fact, the opportunity of an individual to work for his own ad vancement is one of the prized liberties of modern civilization The satisfaction that comes from work well performed is likewise one of the basic motivations and pleasures of human conduct ” HINCKLEY, ILL, REVIEW: "A little item from the tragic flood in Rapid City, S. D. caught our eye . . People in the higher portions of the city opened their homes to the homeless To coordinate such efforts the radio stations broadcast emergency announcements. One family opened the doors of their home, along with their hearts with a rather unusual but pointed statement, ‘the icebox is full’. Those four words are certainly not very poetic, and will surely not go down among the great quotations Could you imagine, however, the chord they must have struck with somebody, whose entire wordly possessions had been destroyed. Maybe it is time for us to check and see if the ‘icebox is full.’ If it is, then it is time for us to stop complaining ’’ GLENDIVE, MONT., RANGER-REVIEW “A story which originated in The New York Times says there is little doubt but that a Do I Hear Something Cracking? 'I# 6 ® J/M. fo 4-H Week Grassroots Opinions tom n. Q POBUC t 'ONE OF ON chemicals. They promote health education and endeavor to eliminate harmful drug usage and smoking. Special 4-H .groups aid the mentally-retarded and physically handicapped. They learn management techniques and how the free enterprise system works. They seek understanding of other cultures in over 80 countries. This is 4-H today a many faceted organization of youth keenly alive to the complex issues of our time. Observation of 4-H Week is an occasion for catching up on the many things that millions of young people are doing to make the U.S. a stronger and better natipn. federal income tax increase will go into effect next year. (We never get tax in creases during election years, of course.) The tax boost is seen ‘as a means of financing the spending on big new programs, such as day care and health insurance, that the public seems to be demanding.’ I don’t know about the day care program, but the mam ones who seem to be DEMANDING federally financed health insurance are a few of the vote hungry politicians, who probably are not nearly as interested in the health of their constituents as they are their votes.” BIRMINGHAM, ALA., ACTION IN ALABAMA: “One-way tickets home are being given to willing welfare recipients from out of state by Connecticut. Although costly, State authorities report it’s cheaper than paying out welfare. For example, in three months last year 572 individuals were sent home at a cost of $28,000. If these same people had stayed in Con necticut it would have cost the state $532,000 a year to support them." LONDON, KY„ SENTINEL-ECHO: “If the size of a dollar bill had been decreasing commensurate with its value since 1930, it would be about as large as a calling card 'now, and at its present rate of decreasing, by 1980 it would be about the size of a postage stamp.” Jr I NOW IS I THE TIME . . . I County Agr. Agent Telephone 394-6851 To Make Needs Known The weather conditions this growing season have made a dent in the feed supplies of many of our farmers. There are sources of financial assistance developed to meefthis emergency. We suggest that livestock producers (with breeding herds) contact the local Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Office in the Farm and Home Center to learn about help with feed grains. It is possible to secure grains at a reduced price if farm supplies are not sufficient. If the supplies are adequate now but not enough to cover the period until next June, producers may still qualify for the grains at lower prices. The farmers must make the first move in order to secure this assistance because it is doubtful if any agricultural agency will be able to contact all of the far mers in the county. To Keep Out Rodents Rats and mice will soon be heading for the farm buildings to get away from the cold weather. This means that all farmers should be ready for them and not permit them to set up housekeeping on their place. A good clean-up program and strict sanitation is the place to start. Any area where rats can get under or into in order to make a nest will be where they will go. Broken floors and foundation walls should be re-concreted in order to keep them out. Poison bait stations at several places will help reduce the number of rats and mice. They are dangerous and destructive. Good management states they should STRIVING AFTER WIND Lesson for September 24,1972 Background Scripture* Genesis 3 17-19, Exodus 20 8-11; Ecclesiastes 2 1 through 39, Colossians 3 17, 23 Devotional Reading: Ecclesiastes 12 1- 13 A young executive in a large corporation set his goal early in his career; he would become President of the firm by the time he reached forty. Now, in his late thirties he is almost at his goal. He has come a long way. To come this far, however, he had to pay a ter rible price. Far beyond hard and dedicated work and long hours, he has given up al- most all his fam ily life, his role Rev. Althouse as a father and husband. He has given up all other interests and associations He has avoided all community involvements and re sponsibilities. His job has been his religion, his whole life. Today, without wife and chil dren, without friends, and with out a faith, he is on the verge of achieving his ambition. But now he realizes at last that it will be a hollow victory. There will be no one to share it with him. The terrible price The young executive’s story is similar to that of the writer of Max Smith be eliminated and not allowed to become destructive. This word of caution is worth repeating because I fear that too many folks are taking chances with this gas at silo filling time. Due to heavier nitrogen fer tilization and due to the dry weather in many areas, there may be an accumulation of nitrates in the corn stalks this fall; this means that dangerous nitrogen dioxide could develop at and after silo filling time. The gas is heavier than air and at times is yellow in color and other times colorless; it has the smell of laundry bleach (chlorine) and will irritate the eyes and nose at the first symptoms. We have had reports that dead birds and pigeons have been found at the bottom of the silo chute after the filling operation; this is a danger signal that poisonous gases are on hand. Silo fillers are warned against going into a partly filled silo without running the blower for 10 to 14 minutes. Children should be warned to stay away from the silo and the silo chute. I realize this is a repeat article but feel that too many chances are being taken at silo filling time. To Buy Pigs Carefully We are not out of the woods as far as hog cholera is concerned; there are still cases of this deadly disease in nearby states and the continued need of extreme care in buying feeder pigs. Pigs should, be purchased only with a cer tified health certificate and be kept segregated from the rest of the herd for at least 30 days. The disease is very difficult to eradicate due to the heavy pig traffic. Strict truck sanitation is very essential and the elimination of stray dogs and cats would also be very timely on all farms. The wild bird problem may also spread the infection but practical means of eliminating these birds is very difficult to attain. Ecclesiastes, who boasted: I made great works: I built houses and planted vineyards for myself; . .. I had also great possessions of herds and flocks, more than any who had been before me in Jeru salem . . (Ecclesiastes 2:4, 7). Here was an ambitious man, a go getter, a man destined for suc cess. And he made it: “So I became great and surpassed all who were before me in Jerusalem . . (2: 9). Isn’t that what we would call today “a success story”? Isn’t that the pattern we admire so much and hold up to our children? Is that not the “fat life,” to be able to say with him: “And whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them; I kept my heart from no pleasure . . (210)? That’s “living l ”, isn’t it? All was vanity No, it wasn’t. The writer of Ecclesiastes, when he added up all this “suc cess,” made a terrible discovery: Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I spent in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after the wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun So after all that striving plotting, straining, desiring, “all was van ity,” all was without value or pur pose. So Paul writes, “Whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Everything else is so much “striving after wind.” To Beware of Silo Gas