READ LANCASTER FARMING FEEDER PIG SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1972 _. m ! , !f South of Bethel fr om US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, Pa. along US 501. 400 TO 450 - 40 TO 60 LB. CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE, DUROC AND YORK CROSS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas. Castrated young. Wormed, Sprayed for Mange and Lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will sell on this sale. Also pigs will not have to be moved the day of Sale. These are some of the finer Quality feeder pigs in the East. Sale at 1;30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN RDI, Myerstown, Pa. 175 HEAD Registered Holstein Dispersal Tuesday, Oct. 10,1972 LEBANON, R. D. 1, PENNA. Sale held at the Farm, Route SOI at overhead railroad bridge south of Myerstown, turn west (look for sale sign). Route 422, watch for Calcite Quarry, lust south of 422 between Lebanon and Myerstown, turn south past quarry to first crossroad, turn right • first farm. (Look for sale sign). 175 Registered Holsteins 85 Milkers - 25 Bred Heifers - 65 Open Heifers and Calves All tested for interstate and ready to ship anywhere Daughters of these Famous Sires Selling by High Record Dams: 20 Kingpin daughters 12 Astronaut daughters 1 Ivanhoe and many Ivanhoe grand-daughters and great grand-daughters. Selling: 2 Kingpins whose dam (Ivanhoe Clima) has 329-19425-788. 1 Kingpin whose dam (Ivanhoe Bell) has 316-18358-687 1 Kingpin whose dam (Creation) has 325-20843-812 2 Kingpins whose dam (Destiny) has 18217-711 1 Kingpin whose dam (Skyline ElVa) has 19369-722 1 Kingpin whose dam (Ella Pride Admiral) 2y-15510-612 3 Kingpins whose dam (Candy by Misty Vale Master Duke) has 3yr. 327-15983-780. 2 Romandale Dividend Performers daughters whose dam (Ivan hoe Cathy) has 21994-865 1 Performer due this fall whose dam (Skyliner Darlene) has Syr. 306-18588-701 1 Tidy Gent whose dam (Milk & Honey Darkey) has Syr. 17303-588 1 Tidy Gent and 1 Performer whose dam (Della) has Syr. 313-19470-734 1 Ivanhoe with over 22000-900 1 Marqius (Sondi) 302-18583-3.6-675 Sondi has a 6 mo. Imperial Chief daughter An outstanding Dusty Merit daughter out of a Misty Vale Master Duke 2yr. 19558-700 - due before sale to Penstate Star Man. This herd was not production tested the past 2 years; but the last 3 years on test the herd averaged over 16,000 milk and over 600 fat. Service Sires included: Penstate Star Man - Penstate Ivanhoe Star - Paclamar Astro naut - Minuteman - Penn Gate Reflection Admiral - 80-No- Astro-Ono-Saber. 45 Head Freshening in September, October and November. Make plans now to attend and buy this popular breeding with top production. Sale starts at 10:30 a.m. Lunch. Catalogs. Cows sold under roof. Lebanon, R. f. Pa. Phone: 717-272-0635 Paul & Frank Snyder, Auctioneer - 717-733-7052 524 N. Maple St., Ephrata, Pa. Henry Kettering, Pedigrees - 717-569-0675 litilz. R. D. 3. Pa. MYRON KING MYRON KING Owner FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS PENNA. - MARYLAND GUERNSEY SALE Monday, September 18th -12:30 Noon At the Ass’n Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Pa. 56 HEAD • Including 5 Top Breeding Age Bulls The Committees from Pa. and Maryland selected each one of these consignments personally on the basis of type, production, and pedigree. These are undoubtedly the highest quality animals we ever sold at the Pavilion. Plan to buy some and use your high-priced hay to feed cows that will appreciate it and give you a big return. Inspection of cattle and refreshments : 5 P.M.-SUNDAY SALE MANAGED BY; PA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N., CAMP HILL, PA. AND THE MERRYMAN COMPANY, SPARKS, MD. Commonwealth Master Charge is f ConKiKxwwkf) National Bank A CbKh CiaratUt '**' ed by an ci •nj check '*''** lahlished Checkdaetnei buimeji Card eiceed JlOO k prapartp •* Chech « pre haah and up ponied with card ba ntahad at any balder a name ad ti»* STRONGER THAN CASH! IT LETS YOU CHARGE just about anything you can think of, at over 900,000 outlets worldwide. (Ever try to “pay later” with cash?) Commonwealth A W National Bank The Master Charge Bank PUBLIC AUCTION Restaurant Equipment and a few ANTIQUES Wed., Sept. 20,1972 at 12:00 noon On the premises located at the Christiana Milk Co. in Christiana, Pennsylvania. ANTIQUES SIEIGH in good condition; DINNER BELL; CHINESE CHIME SET; BRASS SLEIGH BELLS; Lanterns; Skillets; DRY SINK; MARBLE TOP TABLE in good condition; Old School House Desks; Painted | Milk Cans; Wooden Cider Barrel Taps; R. R. Kerosene Bucket; L. C. Smith 12-gauge Double Barrel GUN with Damascus Bar rels (a collector's item); OLD VICTROLA; Set of Beautiful OLD BRASS CARRIAGE LAMPS; Apple Butter Stirrers; Wooden Planes; Cherry Table; Butter Molds; 15 nice BENTWOOD CHAIRS. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 12x12x12 WALK-IN FREEZER, good condition, can easily be re moved; 2 National Cash Registers; GLOBE MEAT SLICER, like new; Wooden Coca Cola Barrel, complete, never used; ICE MAKING MACHINE; 12-ft. Meat and Vegetable Case; Several, Tables and Chairs; Coffee Maker; 6-Bumer GAS STOVE, nice condition; Stainless Steel Tubs,- Snowball Machine; Hot Dog Machine; French Fryer; Grill; Heavy Pots and Pans; Dishes; Show Cases; Freezers; Meat Scales; Protection Mirrors; Other Miscellaneous and Restaurant Items. Sal* at 12:00 noon Terms cash by Jim Mimm Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioner* 717-442-4936 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 16,19 72 National Agriculture Outlook Conference Set for Feb. 20-22 The 1973 National Agricultural Outlook Conference has been set for Feb. 20 though 22, at the U.S Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C Central theme of the Con ference will be “The Future Structure of Agricultural Production and Marketing ” Such topics as the long-range expansion of demand for agricultural products, input requirements of the food in dustry, significant trends in organization and control of the food and fiber sector of the economy, impact of en vironmental developments on agricultural production and marketing, and future developments in the export market will be explored in depth. The 1973 outlook for U S agriculture and the general economy will receive particular attention at the Conference. Sessions on the 1973 outlook for major commodities and rural family living will make up an important part of the Conference as usual. The Conference, sponsored by USDA’s Economic Research Service and Extension Service, will feature presen tations and panel discussions by leading authorities in agriculture and business. Great Earthquakes Some of the great earth quakes of histone times oc curred in Lisbon in 1775, San Francisco in 1906, Tokyo in 1923, Chile in 1960 and Alaska in 196 4. VIRGINIA BEEF YEARLING STEER SALE HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA TUESDAY, SEPT. 19,1972 7:00 P.M. (E.D.T.) Rockingham Livestock Sales, Inc. 900 STEERS CROSSBRED ANGUS HEREFORD 1. Steers weighing from 600- 1000 Lbs. 2. All cattle dehorned or polled. 3. Steers officially graded and sold in uniform lots of choice, good, medium and common. VIRGINIA BEEF FEEBER CALF SALE HARRISONBURG VIRGINIA TUESDAY, SEPT. 26,1972 7:00 P.M. (E.D.T.) Shenandoah Valley Livestock Sales, Inc. 800 CALVES CROSSBRED ANGUS HEREFORD 1. Steers and heifers weighing from 300-700 lbs. 2. Dehorned, vaccinated for shipping fever and blackleg, malignant edema. 3. Heifers guaranteed not bred, 20 per cent refund if bred. Steers guaranteed, 10 per cent refund on stags. 4. Calves officially graded and sold in uniform lots of fancy, choice, good and medium 33