—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 2, 1972 20 ■'•V f * w- I The 1972 Lebanon County Plowing petition was won by Joseph Schott, Contest was held last Saturday at Lebanon R 5, while the small plow title went Schaefferstown. The large plow com- to Paul Flinchbaugh, Jr., Lebanon. Next time you’re in a restaurant, ask for cream in your coffee or milk on your cereal and see wnat you get James L Busey, a professor of political science at the University of Colorado, was so aggravated by what the waitress brought him that he \ oiced a complaint to the Food and Drug Administration “It is becoming increasingly dillicult to obtain ‘real’ cow cream or milk for colfee, for putting on cereals or even explain to waitresses what real cream or milk is ” If the customer tells the waitress he wants cream, she is more likely to bring a non-cream substance which. Mr Busey contends, “ is misleading and unintentionally Jeceptne ” Odd Creature The sea potato, also known ab the heait in chin, bunows itbelf into the ocean flooi, bti etches its legs ii]) thi ough the bandy bottom to suck up food, then diaws its legb back down tin ough the sand GRAIN DRYERS G-T TOX-O-WIK YOUR BEST INVESTMENT BUY FOR LESS DRY FOR LESS ( \ _ I i 250-350-500 Bushel Capacities Whenyoti have a G T Drver you prevent field loss and improve grain quality for a much smaller investment Come to see G T soon at our place 1 SHENK FARM SERVICE R D. 4 Lititz, Pa. Ph. 626-4355 iff***. * SPECIAL PRICES 100x40-6 Mill Silo Cover *26.50 1200 Bushel Corn Cribs *425.00 New Oliver Model 5 One Row $2370.00 Corn Picker Ho me life XL 12 Chain Saw SIA7 7T with 16” Bar & Chain lO# •# / FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. INC. R.D. 2 EPHRATA, PA. LOCATED IN FARMERSVILLE PH. 354-4271 STORE HOURS Monday & Thursday 7 A.M. —9 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7 A.M. 6 P.M. Saturday 7 A.M. 5 P.M. THEAUH!WST|HLO2OAV CHAIN SAW , v Anti-Vibration handle \ * Weighs 9 lbs. with bar & chain 12” - 14" - 16" bars available Automatic chain oiling Stainless Steel impregnated cylinder Replace bar and Chain with a 22” Hedge Trimmer attachment, giving you greater use of your Stihl saw. JOHN L. STAUFFER REPAIR SERVICE MANY MORE FEATURES, SEE IT AND TRY IT AT Box 67 RD2 East Earl, Pa. 17519' 215-445-6175 i \ Slill your bust crib buy ' ( See Us Today U Ov»r UOO bu. topoiil/- UuV^ EXCLUSIVE SPEEDY ROOF RAFTERS MAKE SPEEDY CORN CRIBS Iwice-Fast s Spccdv tool i.ifteis gu.uantee bulge or sag Sturdy 26-gaugc ease, piopci pl.iu.nKiU ol toof galvanized loot is seciuj'v an pam.ls the lust lime Kalteis add choice! to 9 steel toot i.ifleis and gieat stieuulh to the tool Panels side panels Cant blow off’ need onl\ to be boiled togelhet in (~ omc m today and see the thiee plates It's another big Spmiy Bat-1 ok com uib. let time saving leatuie you get only l|s pIOVC to }ol , that Speedy is in Speedy Bai-lok torn cubs. twice as fast twice as easy to Stands up best —lasts longer elect Ict us show sou all the Wire mesh panels aie ‘'-gauge othei featuies that make Speedy wue—thick as a ''a" bolt! No Bai-1 ok yom best coin ctib buy. 6RUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Unipel 20-10-10 high-nitrogen fertilizer lets you increase the value of fall plowing. Now there is a unique fertilizer that is ideal for Fall plowdown. It is Unipel 20-10-10. With Unipel fertilizer, you can do it all in the Fall. One pass across the field and you’ve got your entire basic fertilization job completed. Ordinary fertilizer is a collection of ingredients. You scatter it and hope your land gets the right propor tions of each. But Unipel fertilizer is different. Each and every pellet contains the precise ratio of guar anteed nutrients. When plant roots come across a Unipel gianule, thev get a complete three-course meal. So it just figures that Unipel fertilizer gets plants off to a faster, stronger start. And plants get a steady supply of nutrients through out the glowing season, because Unipel fertilizer is formulated to give timed-release of ingredients. So now you can do it all in the Fall and be on your way to biggei yields when you harvest next year. We’ll be around soon with the whole story. P. L ROHRER a CRO., INC.) I I SMOKETOWN, PA. &&&£&Mi ft. f I j I > t Phone Lane. 397-3539 Ph: 786-3630 I