Dairymen (Continued From Page 9) weather. This type of forage can make your job of properly feeding your cows even more difficult. So don’t be caught behind the eight ball this coming fall and winter. Get your forage analyzed and use that information to build a sound feeidng program. It’s the best milk check protection plan available. Food and Drug Lowers the Boom on Mastitis Treatments According to Sam Guss, Ex tension Veterinarian during the nest year the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will permit the manufacture of mastitis infusion treatments which contain combinations of only four an tibiotics or germicidal drugs. This action has finally come as a result of the manufacture of many preparations containing many different drugs. The ef ficacy and compatibility of drugs in most of the “shotgun mastitis tubes” has not been proven. Cases of ordinary Strep tococcus agalactia mastitis wUI respond to treatment with simple penicillion formulations. Results with simpler cheaper penicillin “mastitis tubes” are equal or better than those from the use of more expensive combinations of other antibiotics. Prevention and control of mastitis is still ac complished best by good management - especially good milking. No drugs will do more than that. CaS Us Now To serve the Lancaster County farm community bet ter, we maintain two phone era and advertisers can also reach u» through 826-2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) and avoid a toll call from the Akron, Ephrata and Man helm exchanges. PAINT NOW* • • then relax for 7 years! «*«.»»t **JS* NYU® ■V /■. . (Continued From Page 9) Age RH RH RH RH RH GrH RH RH GrH 4-11 4-3 3-11 6-0 RH RH RH RH 10-11 RH 3-11 GrH GrH RH RBrSw RBrSw RG RG 5-10 2-5 RH RH RH 6-8 7-7 6-6 GrH RH RH 4- 5- RH RH 4-11 9-3 RH RH Opan Evary Day at 8:00 a.m. Closad Sunday Test Fat Day* Milk 20,756 17,511 305 305 20,494 16,204 305 305 14,641 305 305 17,923 17,980 305 14,658 305 277 17,014 19,089 3.9 3.8 3.8 4.1 17,569 17,535 17,187 15,910 305 269 274 270 16,283 305 14,316 305 18,019 14,086 292 305 18,706 305 15,667 15,585 305 305 305 305 13,541 15,411 3.6 4.3 4.1 18,636 15,095 16,010 305 305 305 17,246 305 18,451 16,607 305 305 18,194 18,029 298 305 14,759 14,674 ’A PHONE 717-733-4151 Owner ■ Name Breed John S. Wenger Mopsy Parke H. Ranck Viola Samuel F. King Mattie R. Edwin Harnish Jesse Nelly J. Eby Hershey Cindy Dale E. Hiestand Orna James A. Newcomer Maryann Jeanete Ray P. Bollinger Ailfeen C. Witmer Sherer Ann Paul N. Brubaker 51 Simeon M. Stoltzfus Lucy Ivan Bowman Jr. Jane Wilbur N. Erb 33 Abraham Shelly Jr. Inky Reuben L. Stoltzfus Blackie James Hackman Alma John U. Stoltzfus Wassy Kreider & Trimble 52 50 690 676 690 657 m 682 681 666 660 650 679 678 673 649 670 670 660 668 656 C. Robert Greider Gail Evie RH RH J. Arthur Rohrer & Sons Pride RH Maurice F. Welk Janice Christ E. Stoltzfus Ethel James W. Bowman Carol Issac K. Eby Manda John M. Harnish Patti John N. Shirk Jewel Agnes S. R. Shellenberger Marylou GrH - Paul H. Hursh 10A Sam & Allen Kreider Betty Romella Farms Butrcup Clyde W. Martin Donna Babe Ellis D. Kreider 47 Eugene Trestle 74 666 655 654 665 631 665 648 StakHand- 1 The efficient way to handle hay in 1- to VA compressed Hesston H JUSTARR SEE IT ON Dl Now, you can have a one man haying system and put up 4 to 6 tons of hay an hour in compressed stacks that weigh 1 to VM tons The StakHand 10 picks up the hay from the windrow, packs it into distinctive, weather resistant Hesston HayStaks that develop a natural, pro tective thatch, and unloads the stack in the field, at the roadside, or wherever you may wish to feed or store it Come m and let us show you the economy of a Hesston StakHand 10 that lets you have a one man haying system The 60” wide Flail pickup also picks up and Stacks corn fodder. STAUFFER DIESEL. INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 26.1972- Age Days Milk 4-0 305 RH 10-3 292 RH 4-2 305 GrH GrH GrH RH 11-10 RH RH RH RH RH RH GrIJ GrH RH GrH GrH RH GrH RH RH 4-10 6-1 6-5 305 GrH GrH GrH RH RH RH RH 4-11 GrH GrH RG 9-11 RH RH GrH RH 7-10 (Continued On Page 25) 312 W. Main St, New Holland, Pa Phone 717-354-4181 14,644 15,099 18,302 16,996 16,068 282 305 15,624 305 18,637 305 17,566 14,904 296 305 15,935 14,645 282 18,485 305 16,822 305 17,157 305 16,732 305 16,834 305 17,337 305 17,605 305 15,892 302 17,611 12,652 305 305 15,518 15,086 305 305 16,902 16,992 305 15,170 14,106 305 14,928 305 17,595 16,737 18,473 305 305 3-7 6-6 16,152 15,498 305 13,852 305 14,027 305 16,508 15,484 305 305 15,783 305 12,832 305 Test 3.8 3.4