Lancaster County Farmers Assn. Policy development continues to head the list of activities for the Lancaster County Farmers Association. Eight local meetings have been scheduled throughout the county. A delegation of local association members, including the heads of each local meeting, attended a regional preparation meeting last Wednesday at Colonial Motor Lodge. Members have been urged to voice their opinions at one of the local meetings. Land assessment is one legislative area the meetings will deal with. Lancaster county real estate was last assessed in the early 1960’5. Most school districts have requested the county com missioners for a reassestment. Is 2i per bu. too much!! Assestments recently com pleted in several neighboring counties resulted in much far mland being revalued upward five to nine times. The local meetings will be held according to the following schedule. August 21 at: Earl Newcomer, HI Washington Boro, Ivan Yost, Rl Christiana, and Donald Hershey, R 2 Manheim. August 23 at: Ellis Mentzer, R 2 New Holland, and William Guhl, R 2 Oxford. August 25 at: Robert Kaufman, Rl Elizabethtown; James Kreider, Rl Quarryville, and Noah' Wenger, Rl Stevens. Plans have been nearly finalized for the annual meeting to be held October 20 at the You can purchase a high moisture corn Harvestore for 2^ per bu. per month. For further information contact — Pennsylvania Harvestore Inc. Phone (717) 697-0308 Dillsburg, Pa. Penn-Jersey Harvestore Systems Inc. Phone (717) 354-5171 New Holland, Harvest Drive Restaurant. Featured speaker will be Martin Hamburger, legislative assistant to Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott. Entertainment will include vocalist Kay Weaver. Service reports made at the last board meeting indicated that Safemark inventories are now back to normal despite a $45,000 loss in the recent flood. The flood damage was not related to recent price increases on most tires and batteries. These increases had been pre-scheduled for July 1 (tires) and August 1 (batteries). FMBAS accountants still have flood damage forms for any who suffered loss. The accountants report they have forms for any member and will assist par ticipating members in filing reports. Broiler Placements Continue Downward Placement of broiler chicks in Pennsylvania during the week ending August 5 continued to decline at 1,110,000 according to a report this week from the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. The placements were 16 per cent below the same week a year earlier, and one percent below the previous week. Average placements during the past ten weeks were seven percent below a year earlier. Settings for broiler chicks were three precent below the previous week at 1,763,000; and twelve percent below the comparable period a year earlier. Outshipments during the past ten weeks averaged 269,000, twelve percent above a year earlier. Inshipments averaged 40,000 during the same period. or Pa. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 19.1972- Fulton Grange Plans Fulton Grange 66 held its regular semimonthly meeting at Grange Hall m Oakryn August 14 at 8 p.m. Richard Holloway, Master, conducted the business session when a donation was voted for flood relief to the Salvation Army. The youth committee was in charge of the bus trip to Baltimore August 18 to see the Onole-Minnesota baseball game. Three from the Grange at tended a meeting of concerned businessmen at Refton to try to retain freight service by the Penn Central Transportation Co. for the Quarryville branch. Mrs. Clifford Holloway Jr was in charge of the program. Mrs. Mary Myers, Consumer Con sultant for PP&L spoke to the group on “Conservation Of Make More Milk... Make More Money Beacon Bolden Test Rations C.A.F. The Cow Acceptability Factor determines how much grain your cows will eat. Beacon Golden Test milking rations are partially pelleted, contain a proven level of crimped corn for extra palatability. Even finicky eaters clean these feeds up well, re sponding with higher milk production than when fed less palatable feeds. The Cow Acceptability Factor helps get more grain into your cows in critical periods of milk production. Call us today for Beacon Golden Test Rations with C.A.F. H. Jacob Hoober 0. Kenneth McCracken Intercourse, Pa. j Manheim, Pa. H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Leola, Pa. Election of Officers Electricity” and prepared a complete oven meal. The dessert was served. Winners of the other dishes were Thomas Galbreath, Miss Jean Moss and Charles McSparran. C.G. McSparran spoke on “The Care Of Shop Tools.” Lancaster County Pomona Grange will hold its picnic meeting at Holtwood Athletic Field August 19 at 7 p.m Mrs. Jesse Wood will be in charge of games There will be nominations for officers for the coming year at the next meeting, August 28, and the Granger Of The Year will be honored. There will also be special music. Election of of ficers will be held at the Sep tember 11 meeting. Booster Night will be observed September 25. Earl Sauder, Inc. New Holland, Pa. BEACMFEEDS 1 9
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