Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 19, 1972, Image 2
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 19, 1972 2 Local L Lancaster Auction Wednesday, August 16 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 845 85 364 31 Last Week 1076 120 387 33 Last Year 922 106 450 55 This Weeks Auction 719 91 366 34 Last Weeks Auction 1004 122 347 37 CATTLE—Compared to Monday, Slaughter Steers unevenly steady, instance 25 higher on high-Good and Choice; Cows 50higher; Bulls strong to 50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High- Choice and Prime 1100-1400 lbs. 37.85-38.50; Choice 950-1250 lbs. 36.00-38.10, 1250-1430 lbs. 35.75- 37.60; high-Good and low-Choice 35.50-36.35; Good 33.85-35.85; Standard and low-Good 32.60- 34.25. COWS—Utility and high dressing Cutter 28.00-29.50, few 29.50-30.10; Cutter 26.35-28.25; Canner and low-Cutter 23.75- 26 00. BULLS—Choice 34.25-36.00; Good 32 50-34 50; Utility and Commercial 32.00-35.50, few 35.75-36.75. VEAL CALVES—Vealers strong to 1.00 higher. VEALERS—Prime 60.00-63.00, couple 64.00; Choice 57.00-60.00; Good 52.00-57.00; Standard 42.00- 50 00; Utility 36.00-45.00. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, August 15 295 Head of Cattle STEERS: Choice 36.00 - 38.10; Good 34.50 - 35.85; Standard 33.00 - 34 25. HEIFERS - Choice (individual) 34.25 and 35.60, Good (few) 31.10- 33 50. COWS: Utility (individual) 27 85 - 29.60; Cutter 26.00 - 28.00; Canner 23.10 - 25.85; Shells down to 21.00. BULLS: Choice (few) 36 85 - 37.00; Good 34.50 - 37 00, Utility and Commercial 31 50 - 35.50; Cutter (few) 29.10 - 31.00 210 Head of Veal Calves Prime (few) 58.00 - 62 00; Choice (few) 56.50 - 58.00; Good (few) 48 00 - 56.00; Standard (few) 44.00 - 48 00; Utility 90 -120 pounds 39 00 - 45.00 , 70 - 85 pounds 37 00 - 41.00. FARM CALVES: Bulls 80 -110 pounds 41.00 - 52.00, Heifers 90 - 120 pounds 55.00 - 68.00. 21 Head Sheep Choice 70 - 110 pounds (few) 29 00 - 32 50; Good 60 - 90 27.00 - 28 00. EWES' (few) 5 00 - 5 50, LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. ivestock Market, Auct Lancaster Market Monday, August 14 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 781 147 793 167 Last Week 620 213 821 166 Last Year 660 291 955 144 CATTLE—Compared to last Wednesday, Slaughter Steers weak to 50 lower; Cows strong to 50 higher; Bulls fully steady. Supply included 643 in afternoon auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 1100-1375 lbs. 37.60-38.85; Choice 950-1325 lbs. 36.00-38.10, few 35.60-36.00; high- Good and low-Choice 34.50-36.10; Good 33.60-35.50; Standard and low-Good 32.35-33.00. COWS—Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.25-29.35; Cutter 25.75-27.75; Canner and low-Cutter 23.60-25.50. BULLS—Good 32.50-34.00; Utility and Commercial 31.85- 34.60, few 35.00-35.35. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS— Choice 34.50-36.00, few 36.60- 37.35; good 32.25-34.00. VEAL CALVES—Vealers 1.00- 3.00 higher. VEALERS—Prime 60.00-63.00; Choice 55.00-60.00; Good 49.00- 55.00; Standard 43.00-49.00; Utility 90-120 lbs. 38.00-45.00,65-85 lbs. 34.00-39.00. SHEEP—Spring Lambs mostly steady; Ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS-Choice 70-95 lbs. 30.00-31.00, few 32.00; Good 60-90 lbs 25.00-30.00. SLAUGHTER EWES—Utility and Good 5.00-10.00 New Holland Horse Auction Monday, August 14 Reported receipts of 329 head of horses, market steady with last weeks market. Load Ohio riding horses, 145 - 320. Load Ohio riding horses, 125 - 285. Load lowa riding horses, 150 - 455. Load Kansas riding horses, 95 - 200. Locally consigned riding horses 85-190; driving horses 90 - 320; few better horses 210 - 370; work horses killer way; mules killer way; Killers 5 - 7. Mare ponies 5 - 30; geldings 5 - 20; colts 4 -10; larger ponies 35 - 50. Green Dragon Hay Market Friday, August 11 10 loads hay, including; one load Alfalfa 45.00; few loads Timothy 30.00 - 45.00; few loads Mixed hay $O.OO - 60.00. 12 loads straw, 30.00 - 35.50. One load ear com 49.00. One load oats, 86c per bushel. AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A.M FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone: 717-354-21 M Composite Report Friday, August 18 Lancaster, Vintage and New Holland Markets Cattle Calves This Week 4000 1500 Last Week 4557 1566 Last Year 4560 1751 CATTLE—Slaughter Steers steady to 25, instances 50 lower than last week’s close; Cows strong to 50 higher; Bulls steady, instances 50 higher. Supply in cluded an estimated 50 percent Slaughter Steers, 20 percent Cows, 20 percent Bulls, with the balance mainly Feeder Steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 1025-1250 lbs. 37.85-38.50, few 38.50-38.85, 12 head early part of week 39.00- 39.25; Choice 950-1325 lbs. 36.00- 38.10, few 35.75-36.00; high-Good and low-Choice 34.50-36.25; Good 33.35-35.50; Standard and low- Good 31.60-34.25, few early sales 34.50- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS- Choice 850-975 lbs. 34.50-36.00, few 36.60-37.35; Good 32.25-34.00. COWS—Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.00-29.50, few 29.50- Cutter 25.50-28.25; Canner and low-Cutter 23.50- 25.50. BULLS—Choice 33.75-36.00, few 36.50-37.50; Good 31.00-34.00; Utility and Commercial 31.75- 35.50, few 35.75-36.75. VEAL CALVES—Vealers strong to 1.00 higher; good demand on Calves returned to farm. VEALERS—Prime 60.00-63.00, few 64.00-66.00; Choice 55.00- 60.00; Good 49.00-56.00; Standard 44.00- Utility 90-120 lbs. 38.00- 65-85 lbs. 32.00-40.00. RETURNED TO FARM—Bulk 85-130 lbs. Holstein Heifers 65.00- 77.00, few 80.00-85.00, 150-200 lbs. Holstein Heifers 60.00-69.00, bulk 90-120 lbs. Bull calves 49.00-57.00. Local Grain Thursday, August 17 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by five participating local feed and grain concerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel, except for ear com which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, August 17,1972 are as follows: Bid+ Offered+ Ear Corn 43.00 49.33 Shelled Corn 1.43 1.58 Oats (local) .74 .93 Oats (western) 1.01 1.08 Barley 1.05 1.27 Wheat 1.56 1.74 +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. Vintage Auction Tuesday, August 15 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1121 786 441 63 Last Week 1317 735 424 51 Last Year 1212 826 559 251 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers uneven, average-Good to Prime 25-75 lower, Standard and low- Good strong to 25 higher; Cows steady to 50 higher; Bulls 50-1.00 higher, most advance on Utility and Commercial. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High- Choice and Prime 1025-1375 lbs. 38.00-38.85, 12 head 39.00-39.25, few 1375-1450 lbs. 37.50-38.50; Choice 950-1400 lbs. 36.50-38.35; high-Good and low-Choice 35.50- 37.00; Good 34.35-36.25; Standard and low-Good 32.60-35.25. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.00-29.00, few 29.25-30.10; Cutter 25.50-27.85; Canner and low-Cutter 23.00- 25.60. BULLS: Choice 34.75-36.50, few 37.00-37.50; Good 32.75-34.75; Utility and Commercial 32.75- 35.75, few 36.00-36.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- 2.00 higher, instances 3.00 higher on Utility, an estimated 65 per cent of the 85-130 lbs. Calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 60.00-63.00, few 64.00-66.00; Choice 56.00- 60.00; Good 48.00-56.00; Standard 44.00- Utility 90-120 lbs. 41.00- 65-85 lbs. 39.00-41.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 85-130 lbs. Holstein Heifers 70.00- 77.00, few 80.00-85.00, 150-180 lbs. Holstein Heifers, 60.00-67.00, bulk 90-120 lbs. Bull Calves 49.00-57.00. Oklahoma City Thursday, August 17 Estimated Receipts 11,000 Same Day Last Week 10,174 Same Day Last Year 8,587 Moderately active, compared to late last week, feeder cattle and calves in thin to moderate flesh under 600 pound generally steady; offerings over 600 pound and fleshy cattle 50c to 1.50 lower; partly fattened steers over 800 pound 1.50-2.50 lower with most of these passed out unsold on the first turn; majority receipts High Good and Choice 450-825 pound steers and 400-650 pound heifers; fairly large at tendance buyers. SALES AS OF 12:30 P.M. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-400 pound 52.00-58.00, few 225- 266 61.50-67.00; 400-500 47.00-49.75; 500-600 44.25-47.50 ; 600-700 41.25- 42.75; 700-800 39.50-43.00, load 769 pound at 43.10 ; 800-900 38.00-41.00, part load 802 pound at 42.50; part load fleshy 974 pound at 36.05; Mixed Good and Choice 300-350 49.00- 400-500 44.00-47.00- 500-600 42.25-44.50; 600-700 40 00- 41.50; 700-800 37.75-39.00; 800-979 34.50-36.75; Good 300-500 42 00- 47.00; 500-700 37.50-41.50; 700-800 36.00- mostly Good 645-853 Holstein steers 34.00-36.50. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. Fof Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Box 100 ion News New Holland Auction Thursday, August 17 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1150 473 5 Last Week 1240 484 14 Last Year 1276 498 22 CATTLE—Compared to last Thursday, Slaughter Steers steady to weak, instances 25 lower; Cows strong to 50 higher; Bulls steady to weak. Supply included 22 percent Cows and 19 percent Bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 1025-1250 lbs. 37.85-38.25, few 38.25-38.60; Choice 950-1325 lbs. 36.00-38.10, few 35.75-36.00; high-Good and low-Choice 34.50-36.00; Good 33.35-35.25; Standard and low- Good 31.60-33.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS- Few Choice 850-975 lbs'. 35.25- 35.75. COWS—Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.00-29.50; Cutter 25.50-27.85; Canner and low-Cutter 23.50-25.50. BULLS—Choice 33.75-36.00, few 36.25-37.00; Good 31.00-34.00; Utility and Commercial 31.75- 34.75, few 35.00-35.60. VEAL CALVES—Vealers fully steady, instances 1.00 higher. VEALERS—Prime 60.00-64.00; Choice 55.00-60.00; Good 49.00- 55.00; Standard 45.00-50.00; Utility 90-120 lbs. 38.00-44.00,65-85 lbs. 32.00-39.00. Monday, August 14,1972 Calf Receipts 110. Choice and Prime 49-60; Standard 39.50- 43.50; Good and Low Choice 44- 48.50; Common 34-39. Monday, August 14.1972 Twenty six loads of hay and straw sold as follows: Timothy 34-42; Mixed Hay 22- 46; Clover and Alfalfa 43; Timothy and Alfalfa 50.50; Timothy and Clover 24-25; Meadow Grass 27; Straw 28-33; Oats Straw 35; Ear Corn 47.50; Bird Foot 30.50. FEEDER HEIFERS; Choice 300-400 pound 42.00-49.00, small lot 255 pound at 51.50; 400-500 39.75-42.50; load 446 pound at 42.80 and part load 440 pound at 43.60; 500-600 37.75-41.50, part load 513 pound at 42.70; small lot 603 pound at 37.70 and small lot 718 pound at 34.40; Mixed Good and Choice 400-500 38.00-39.50; 500-650 35.50-37.75. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders Frank Dussinger livestock order buyer Phone: (717 ) 397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 John Bowman Phone. (717) 872-5491 PARADISE, PENNA.