Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 19, 1972, Image 15
READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Guarantees your checks up to $lOO -anywhere! / s, ComnwnvwakhNational Bank A 1 surer* jlßw men! el checks A. % ceunt rum her CitiheUer check Check irevideli WT* Ismebiete Jichire« el 1 f ««< fcHtit Mnen Im eh lj «n es ift| thick '*** tekl.sheb Check<ee»ii«l tamtu Ctrl mee< 1100 h erettrty <1 Ch « k . n F* bank eel mtj •nnlerf bermkUitiey heMcrs U let Commonwealth Master Charge Commonwealth JV National Bank AX The Master Charge Bank WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck ■c~ + V» 284-4141 SHOTZBERGER'S Elm Local Chevrolet Dealer Harper H. Hull, president of Ventures Chevrolet, Inc., Lititz, Pa., played a supporting role in helping make automotive marketing history recently . . . the sale of over 1,000,000 Chevrolet cars and trucks within a 100-day period. The 1,000,000 unit mark was topped with the aid of the more than 6,000 Chevrolet dealers across the country in the 100-day period of April 21 through July 31 It marketed the first time any automotive manufacturer has sold that many cars and trucks in any 100-day period. “I am proud that our dealer ship and our customers played a part in this sales ac complishment” Hull said. “We believe the record speaks for itself as evidence of the strength of the economy and the im portance of the automotive in dustry in making it strong.” As a comparison to the 100-day mark, it took Chevrolet nearly 11 years (1912 to 1923) to sell its first million cars and trucks, Hull Coming on Strong and Sound Sound-Idea ractors from John Deere New 80-hp New 100-hp New 125-hp New 150-hp Come in and get the full story on new Sound-Idea Tractors. Sound ideas like Sound-Gard body that reduces noise level to 85 dB(A) or less and provides a whole new working environment. Like Quad- Range transmission that gives you 16 distinct speeds with no overlaps. Sound ideas like Perma-Clutch that lasts longer than dry-disk clutches. Stop in soon and get the full story. We have the tractors, we have the financing, and we’re ready to trade. LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster A.B.C. GROFF, INC. New Holland M.S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester 696-2990 665-2141 4 New 4030 4230 4430 4630 Q 393-3906 354-4191 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 19,1972 Helps Set Selling Mark observed. Last year, he said, Chevrolet sold 3,002,315 vehicles. He noted that, in the record setting 100-day span, there were actually only 85 working days. This meant Chevrolet dealers averaged approximately 12,000 vehicles a day to pass the million mark. This pace is about 10 percent ahead of last year’s three-million-plus pace, Hull added. Concrete Solution Found for Fly Ash Fly ash, a residue produced by the burning of finely pul verized coal in large power plants, is now collected by means of electrostatic precip itators, and is being used as a cement extender in ready mix concrete and concrete block. A year-long program in volving the removal, classi fication and sale by AMAX Fly Ash Corporation, At lanta, Ga., from the Georgia Power Company has demon strated how fly ash can be profitably utilized During the first year more than 60,000 tons of fly ash were recovered and shipped. According to the AMAX spokesman the addition of fly ash “produces a stronger and more durable and imperme able concrete product Fur ther it reduces raw material costs.” TOBACCO FARMERS SAVE Spray Your Own Tobacco With the Easily Portable SOLO MIST BLOWER You Can Spray Your Own Tobacco for Sucker Control. • Treats 4 - 6 rows at a time • Lightweight & Effective • Powered by 2% H.P. En gine We Sell & Service Call Us For a Demonstration PEANUT SHELL Bookings Are Available for Sept. & Oct. Delivery. Book Now For LOWEST PRICES. PLAN NOW TO USE PRO-SIL In Your Silage Program This Fall. Closed Saturday during July and August I 1 ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. 2313 NORMAN ROAD LANCASTER, PA. Chinese is spoken by more people than any other lan guage in the world, with Eng lish second, according to Warren Preece, editor of En cyclopaedia Britannica. •MORE MILK •MORE MEAT •MORE WOEIT WITH Madison Silos Div. Martin Marietta Corp, 1070 Steinmetz Rd. Ephrata, Penna 17522 Ph. 7331206 LOCAL DEALERS Frank Snyder Akron 859-2688 Caleb Wenger Quarryville 548-2116 Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Carl L. Shirk Lebanon 867-3741 Sollenberger Farm Supply Centerport, Pa. Ph. 215-926-7671 Ph ; 397-5152 15