More Time Granted Time for filing exceptions to its recommendations on amending the Eastern Ohio-Western Pennsylvania Federal milk marketing order has been ex tended to Aug. 24, the U.S. Department of Agriculture an nounced today. The initial deadline had been Aug. 9. It Shakes. It’s Stainless Steel. It Handles All Feeds. oii It’s A Combination Feeder & Bonk. And, It’s Low Cost 562 SHAKER FEEDER /y pew feeding concept-features corrosion resistant stainless steel rough with attached guardrails. It’s a feeder and bunk in one! Unique shaking action moves feed along with exceptional safety. Low horse-power too-only 3 HP for 100’ of feeder. Handles any type of feed, even loose hay. Here’s a unit you must see to believe. See us for all the facts. CALEB M. For Comments on USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service said ad ditional time for commenting was requested by Sealtest Foods, a division of Kraftco Corp. AMS said the proposed amendments would establish three milk pricing zones, instead of the present two, to help offset WENGER, Inc. Drumore Center R.D. 1, Quarryville, Pa. Federal Milk Order the cost of moving milk from producing to consuming areas. Also, as recommended, a com mon buiterfat differential would be used to compute all prices under the order. Other changes would price diverted milk at the plant where actually received, and revise rules under which a cooperative plant qualifies to have its milk priced under the order. Those wishing to send in ex ceptions or comments should file them, in four copies, with the Hearing Clerk, Room 112-A, U.S. department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250, on or before Aug. 24. My Neighbors fcJ 'I ' .j; 1 rjLgg T weul “Do you have anything for a nickel?—He’s just got the sniffles.” MUNCY CHIEF HYBRID SEEDS LANCASTER SILOS Starline Labor Savers Feed Lot Construction SALES & SERVICE J. Samuel Sherer Mt. Joy R. 2 Phone 717-653-5207 or 717-653-5208 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 19 1972 Butz "Pleased" with Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz, taking note of a major commercial sale of soybeans to the Soviet Union, which was announced last week, said “We are pleased to see this tran saction take place.” “When I visited the Soviet Union in April of this year, heading up the U.S. grain negotiating team, I pointed out to Chairman Brezhev that in the United States, the use of soybean meal and other protein sup plements has added im measurably to the efficiency of our livestock and poultry production that a protein supplement would make their short supplies of feed grain go farther,” the Secretary said. The Soviet Union, in their Reynolds & Yellot COMPANY INC REISTERSTOWN, MARYLAND 833-1840 Builders Since 1953 J GRAIN DRYING CLINIC Come and see the latest on removing Enzymes from Soy Beans and the latest techniques on Grain Drying. ON G-T TOX-O-WIK DRYERS We Will Have A Dryer in Operation at our _____ Place of Business on tSsTT~\ 1 \ X *• u_ -« M COMPANY REPRESENTIVE ON HAND TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS “Good Things” is an informative, full color movie about grain drying, produced by Gilmore-Tatge Manufac turing Company, the Clay Center, Ks., producer of gram dryers and other specialized farm equipment. SHENK FARM SERVICE R.D. No. 4 Lititz, Pa 2 miles East of Kissel Hill on Woods Drive Soviet Soybean Buy current 5-year plan, has an nounced a goal of increasing the protein in the Russian con sumer’s diet by 25 percent. “Our message to the Soviet Union, both in my visit in April and President Nixon’s summit conference in Moscow in May,’ was that the farmers of the United States have the land, the climate and the know-how to help the Russian people meet that goal through commercial sales of feed grains and protein supplements,’’ the Secretary said. “We are delighted that these peace initiatives and trade initiatives are leading to sub stantial sales of wheat, feed grain and soybeans to the Soviet Union.” Pole-type Farm Buildings TUESDAY, AUG. 22, 1972 17:3U P. M. .e the Free Color Movie “Good Things" - Be Sure to see us for your ' =2 grain drying needs cpa. - Free Refreshments - Open to Public Phone 626-4355 11
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