PEMA News (Continued From Page 9) markings. Incidentally, all new regulations, recapped below, become effective July 15. Sixty five degree water must be made available to inspectors on the line. No deadline on this has been established but plants should plan on it and comply. Any plants where ova from APPLY YOUR CHEMICALS WITH I STIHL SGI7 I *5 - Easy to handle - Weight 16.5 lbs. Range up to 33 ft. - Handles dusts, liquid, granulates - Easy starting even while mounted on your back. StIHL A choost a CATTLE FEEDING SYSTEMS • Barn Cleaners • Barn Equipment • Bunk Feeders • Silo Unloaders • Sunset Bulk Milk Coolers • Complete Automation .. . Only from Agway your project is backed by a farmer - owned organization with many years of farm experience and well trained men who know the automation business responsibility for the entire job is centered in one place your Agway Supply Center INSTALLATIONS & SERVICE BY TRAINED & EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL birds are collected for food must realize that none should come from other than wholesome birds. Any birds tested and found with antibiotics should be sent back to the producer until the acceptable level has been reached. One per cent bone is allowed in deboned poultry but the in- suhi: JOHN L. STAUFFER Repair Service RD2 Box 67 East Earl, Pa. 17519 Phone 215-445-6175 mmmm AUTOMATIC you get a firm bid '9> '*>- SUPPLY CENTER • Conveyors competent guidance and advice in picking out equipment, and planning the complete operation .. . from selecting the site, through figuring hay storage space, to helping you determine the type of barn cleaner or milking parlor stall you need SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Oillerville Road, Lancaster 24 Hour Service Daily Ph: 717-397-4761 spection service indicated good judgement is being used. When selling Rock-Cornish birds it must be established that the progeny are in fact pure bred on both sides. It is necessary to provide laundry service for uniforms used by inspectors. There must be a water pollution certification on sewage disposal before inspection can be furnished to a plant. It is not necessary for small plants to have an office—as long as somewhere in the circuit there is an office that can be used by the inspector. During a general discussion a few miscellaneous facts were projected. Regarding O.S.H.A. requirements, it appears as if equipment manufacturers must move to reduce noise. Tunnels may be an answer. Labeling regulations have been extended for six months. It is possible for the inspection staff to suspend operations temporarily rather than impose a complete stoppage for operating under unsanitary conditions, when notified about correction, or when condemned products leave the plant. Rotation of inspectors is questionable and the matter will have to be settled at the Washington level. In the event of unreasonableness work through Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 22.1972 Agricultural Workers The agricultural worker may have need for more types of personal protective equipment than the average construction worker. Farming is an occupation that involves a number of diversified jobs ranging from construction to machinery repair, and the types of protective equipment a farm worker might need run from such commonly used items as work gloves to considerably more complex respiratory equipment. The farmer or rancher, the National Safety Council points out, should consider using adequate personal protective equipment in his operations not the circuit supervisor, Dr. Burkhart, then Dr. Farber, etc. Several plants indicated that fast action on unreasonableness is necessary because it can be very costly The meeting adjourned at approximately 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, E. J. Lawless, Jr. Secretary EQUIPMENT..^I DEFENSE /(£/\ fife AGAINST® P MP INJURY NATIONAL FARM SAFETY WEEK JULY 25-31,1972 KX Millfl v S^H V -X _ A '*'■'■ V is* Ksi a? '^&d CUTRINE Made The Difference Lakes and ponds like the one above (left) needn’t be spoiled by the odor and scum of algae or threatened by the harmful, even lethal, effect it can have on fish, animals and humans. CUTRINE, used as directed, controlled the algae in the pond (right) in just a few days. CUTRINE can make the difference in your lake or pond. It has been thoroughly tested and proven in actual Held use. CUTRINE is regis tered by the Environmental Protection Agency for use in fish, farm and fire ponds; lakes; fish hatcheries even in POTABLE WATER RES ERVOIRS. “ ■■■■■■■■■ No waiting to: CBI IS Smoketown, Pa. Ph. 397-3539 Need Protective Gear only for humane reasons but also to minimize time losses and expenses of accidental injuries. A recent three State Study revealed that 59 per cent of ac cidental work injuries to farm family members or employees resulted in two or more days of lost time. In 1970 an estimated 200,000 people suffered disabling injuries in agriculture and 2,400 were killed. Certainly many of these in juries and fatalities could have been avoided or their seventy lessened had the proper precautions been provided. The Safety Council feels that the challenge of running a safe operation should impel the far mer or rancher to determine the need for pesonal protective equipment; select the proper type for the hazards. First Use of Rules The first official U.S. ten nis championship using Eng lish rules and English balls was held at the casino in Newport, R. 1., on Aug. 31, 1881. o 0 o 11