New York Thursday, July 13 Compared with Wednesday, prices 50c lower for steer and heifer beef. Cow beef, calf and veal steady. Spring lamb $1 higher. Pork loins $1 higher. Other cuts steady. Trading slow for bulk steer and heifer beef and supplies all cuts definitely ample. Trading active .moremm*» m£AI •MOM PROW Madison Silos Div. Martin Marietta Corp, 1070 Steinmetz Rd. Ephrata, Penna. 17522 Ph. 733-1206 LOCAL DEALERS Frank Snyder 859-2688 Akron Caleb Wenger Quarryville 548-2116 Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Carl L. Shirk Lebanon 867-3741 Sollenberger Farm Supply Centerport, Pa. Ph, 215-926-7671 CALL Elmer Beiler a a y~J~I~ y <=. CALL Leroy Zook FOR DEMONSTRATOR WEAVERLINE FEED CART AND LANCASTER SILOS RYDER BARN EQUIPMENT Dressed Meats for lamb Demand only moderate for calf and veal, pork trade slow Price advance on loins mainly the result of higher cost for replacements. Prime 600-900 pounds 63 00- 65 50; Choice 600-700 63.00-64.50; 700-800 62 50-64 00 ; 800-900 62 00- 62 50; Good 500-800 60.00-61 00 Heifer Beef Choice 500-700 pounds 62 GO -62 75. Choice 150-350 pounds 79 50- 83 50; Good 150-350 78 50-82 50, Standard 150-350 69 50-73 50 Choice 90-150 93.00-101.00; Good 60-90 85 00-90 00, Standard 60-120 73 00-76.00. Choice Spring 30-65 pounds 74.00-77 00. Hinds (Steer) 145-190 pounds 73.00-76.50, Arm Chucks 90-105 56 00-58.00, Ribs (7-nb) 34-40 74 00-78.00, Loins (Trmd) 50-70 10100-103.00, Rounds (Steer) 70- 95 64.50-66 00, Full Plates 33 00- 33 50; Hinds (Heifer) 120 pounds 70.50-72.50. Loins (regular) 8-14 pounds 72.00- 14-17 69.00-71.00; 17-20 61.00- Picnics (regular) 4-8 42.00- Boston Butts 4-8 56 00- 59.00; Sparenbs 3 pounds down 53.00- Hams (skinned) 14 pounds down 53 00-56.00; 14-17 52.00- 17-20 52.00-54.00. Prices 50c lower Wednesday. Prime Fores 54.00-56 50; Choice 53 50-56.50 Prices steady. Choice and Prime Spring Foresaddles 76.00-80.00. Charge coil generates electricity. 2 3 Capacitor stores electricity. Trigger coil generates operating current Solid state switch closes the circuit which allows the capacitor to discharge electricity Spark coil creates hot spark to spark plug cable 6 7 Spark plug cable Printed circuit board serves as power channel 8 9 Low rpm spark for easy starting. High rpm spark for operating speeds. •4010 CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE || C. B. HOOBER & SON M INTERCOURSE, PENNA. Steer Beef Calf (Skin Off) Veal (Skin Off) Lamb Choice Beef Cuts Fresh Pork Cuts Kosher Steer Beef Kosher Lamb Wrests Meat from Pa. (Continued From Page 1) will not arbitrarily close any plants without glaring deficiencies The 200 or so Pennsylvania state meat in spectors are still on the state payroll, although it appears that they are now out of jobs McNay said that his department would be working with these people in an effort to hire as many of them as possible In Lancaster County, there are 38 slaughter and processing operations Reaction to the federal takeover here was definitely not favorable Chris Kunzler, president of Kunzler & Co , said the action wouldn’t hurt him as much as it would some of his customers His company sells prepared meats, sausages, etc , to some local butcher shops. Commenting on the takeover, Kunzler said, “Lots of smaller guys might be forced out, because they just can’t afford the equipment to operate the way big packing houses do It would also mean some of the smaller operations aren’t going to be at the auctions anymore, and they were the ones who helped keep prices to the farmer up Without their bidding, farmers here might get less money for their livestock ” Vernon Ranck, operator of a small meat market in Lititz, said he’s not worried about staying in business, but he doesn’t like the federal move. “The federal people reviewed me some time ago, and they said I didn’t have anything to worry about But I know that some of the dif ferences between state and federal regulations might hurt me. “For example, my refrigerator door is made of wood, and the state inspectors tell me it’s in perfect shape But the federal people review us once a year, and they always take points off for our wooden door Whether or not they’d let me keep my door, I don’t know I don’t know what other changes I might have to make, either “I think the whole thing boils down to politics ” Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Jim McHale is quite convinced the takeover is Dohtical, and stated his feelings in a news 'elease dated July 12. “It’s Republican politics,” McHale said, “in which Secretary Butz has allowed personal CALL Bob or Les New 816-9 ft. Mower Conditioner $lOOO.OO USED EQUIPMENT IH 1206 Tractor Oliver 2-Bottom Trailer Plow IH 450 4-Bottom Auto Plow New Holland Haybme 461 Int. 656 Tractor I.H MD. Tractor 806 Tractor 1 H 37 Baler w Engine Dr 500 John Bean Speed Sprayer 6000 Ford Tractor Farmall 100 plow & Cultivator 65 Massey Ferguson Tractor PARTS DEPARTMENT CALL Dick Bomberger CALL US! IT COULD BE WE HAVE IT. 6" SWEEP Reg $145 Special at $ 1.25 6 or more $1.20 each WEED CONTROLLERS *23.95 each GOLDEN MALRIN BAIT 5 LB. CANS Sugar Bait for killing flies. DAIRY & HORSE -- ftfl . FLY SPRAY 2.Q5 Gal. QUART CONTAINERS LIQUID GOLDEN MALRIN FLY SPRAY list price $B.OO Special Price *6.95 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15.1972 disagreement with me philosophically to enter into an issue affecting the good of all Penn sylvanians Butz knows all about taking care of big business, which a federal takeover would do beautifully He’s on the board of Ralston Purina, Stokely Van Camp, and was a speech maker for General Motors before Nixon tapped him for his present position “This is the same Butz who under Ezra Taft Benson told the small farmer to get big or get out Now he’s putting that threat into action in Pennsylvania ” McHale cited the fact that not one of Penn sylvania’s 258 legislators on both sides of the aisle has come out in favor of a federal takeover “You won’t find that kind of agreement often,” he said, “and there’s a reason When the Feds take over, half the meat plants in any given state go under and they’re all small ones Then the big boys, the Swifts, the Armours, move in to take control of markets—to quote Butz, ‘lf you think meat prices are high now, just wait a while ’ “Ironically,” said McHale, “the Feds can’t inspect as well as we do They don’t have the manpower or the regional knowledge or the feeling for individuals to do half the job our local people can What they can do is bureaucratize the meat inspection program to the point where only giant packers can survive ” PVATA Convention, Penn State University, July 17-19 Wednesday, July 19 Women’s Committee of Lan caster County Farmers Association, Regional Day Out, Reading Thursday, July 20 10 30 a m Holstein Field Day, Donald Hershey farm, Manheim RD2 Friday, July 21 Pennsylvania Ayrshire Field Day, Bob Dorchester farm, Albion, Erie County, July 21- 22 CALL Henry Esh For Sales-Service-Parts + Used 10 H.P. Deutz + Used 18 H.P. Deutz + New 7V> H.P Slow Speed + New Quincy Air Compressors + New Listers with Lima Generators + Ask us about our new Automatic Control For Starter and Low Oil Protection. We Have Some Very Good Buys On Used Diesel Engines. AREA DISTRIBUTOR FOR LISTER DIESEL ENGINES CALL Titus Burkholder 10 can Sta-Colt cooler 600 gal. Mueller Bulk Tank 1000 gal Girton Bulk Tank 300 gal Esco Bulk Tank Milk Porter Spudmck Distributor for Milkeeper Milk Tanks Complete line of Bulk Tank Kleansors New Model Klenzote Bulk Tank Washers 1500 series PHONE 768-8231 Calendar Monday, July 17 USED 29
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