Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 1972, Image 27
According to Public Utilities Fortnightly, “Consumers must learn to use energy—whether from oil, coal, or natural gas more efficiently because of the world’s shrinking resources, J. K. Jamieson, chief executive of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, said recently ‘Where we now import 23 per cent of the oil TRY A CLASSIFIED- PUBLIC SALE of New Hardware Location-In the Village of Tayloria, 6 miles North of Oxford, Pa. THURSDAY, JULY 27,1972 at 6; 00 P.M. Skill Saws, Sanders, Jigsaws, bolts by the hundreds, nails, staples, steel posts, electric fence knobs, many V belts and pulleys, wrenches (open and socket), wood and steel bits, cement tools, hammer handles, level, garden hose, extension cords, paint, stove pipe, various heights of 1 x 2 inch mesh wire, rakes, shovels, hoes, window fans, etc. AMMUNITION 20, 15 and 12 gauge shells, bullets 270, 30-06, 300, 308, 8 MM Mauser, 220, 32, 248. This is a partical listing of the many items that will be sold Thursday evening. Can be seen during store hours. Public Sale of groceries, refrigerator cases, but chering equipment, clothes, footware, etc. August 4, 1972 TERMS BY CLYDE I. JOHNSON Executors KREIDER & DILLER, Aucts. MONTHLY HOLSTEIN CATTLE AUCTION 100 SELECT HOLSTEINS 100 AT MY MARYLAND FARM SALE BARN, LOCATED VS Ml. NW OF WOODSBORO, ON RT. 550, FREDERICK COUNTY 75 HIGHEST QUALITY PUREBREDS - 25 TOP GRADES Especially purchased in Eastern Ontario, New York State, and Pennsylvania with this sale in mind. SEE THESE SPECIALS! 3yr. old, Fresh, Ist calf Paclamar Astronaut; from dam as a 2 yr. old: 13,670 m 3.9 539 f. This is a show heifer! A good big Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe, as a 2 yr. old: 310 d 11,650 420 f; from a dam over 20,000 milk and 700 fat. 2 yr. old Romandale Dividend Performer, a nice big heifer; Fresh. 2nd calf Milk & Honey Ivanhoe, never on test Whirlhill Kingpin ALSO: 7 Seilmg Rockmans 10 Lassie Leaders 3 Vmedale Frasea Pilots Forest Lee Rockette Centurion 3 Kayen Farm Anthonys Shoelea Pers 4 Rockdale Presidents 3 Selling Petros Strathburn Alert Commander Rose Viga Shamrock Renus Lomstand Royal Garni Gladibrae Triune Lad Rocky Glen Tidy Citation Zeldenrust Pontiac Delight Avon Acres Rockman Dino These cattle will be producing up to 100 lbs. of milk daily. All cattle must be as represented. Cattle will be tested within 30 days of sale for TB and Bangs for Interstate shipment. Terms: Cash on day of Sale Not responsible for accidents James G. Trout, Auctioneer we consume, projections indicate imports will have to cover about 60 per cent of the U. S. petroleum demand by 1985,’ Jamieson said. He urged Americans to be more thrifty in consuming energy by insulating their homes better and developing public means of transportation to cut down the use of the private automobile ” MEL KPLB INC. THURSDAY, JULY 20 8 P.M. MELVIN KOLB sale manager HOME FARM; MARYLAND FARM : 621 Willow Road R.0.l Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Woodsboro, Md. 21798 Phone: 717-393-7459 Phone: 301-898-7663 Fred M. Naugle, Pedigrees Mehrle N. Wachter, Clerk —REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE— _ ■ - M mm A 4-H delegation from North Carolina pulled into the Farm and Home Center late Thursday night to meet their Lancaster County host families. The bus carried 21 The U. S. Departemnt of Agriculture last week issued the following report on May par ticioation in the the programs of its Food and Nutrition Service: 11.8 million persons in low income families took part in the Food Stamp Program in May. This is a new record high for participation 388,000 persons more than the revised figure of Everest Gordie Rockdale Liberty Duke Hawlea Anthony Max Hmdyles Kelly Glenholm Alert Dean Pabst Harriol Romeo Pride Pabst Raven Rewayne Wenron Baronst Duke Kenndale Centurion Sevens Burke Skylark Marden Snow Boy Parkdale Marshall Fred Edgewood Hall Ivanhoe Vic Summit View Statesman Adohn Victor London USDA Reports on Food and Nutrition Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15,1972 11.5 million participants in April, and 1,366,000 more than in May of last year. 3.1 million family members took part in the Food Distribution Program, down 189,000 from the 3.3 million participants in April, as additional areas shifted over to the Food Stamp Program. For both.programs, 14.9 million persons received family food PUBLIC SALE MONDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1972 At West Nottingham Sales Barn Route 276, Rising Sun, Maryland Complete Dispersal of Angus Cows and Calves herd for Mr. James Shipley, Hartford Co., Maryland. Consisting of 20 Angus Cows with calves at side, 4 Springers, 1 well bred Angus Bull. Sale will be held in conjunction with regular Monday Nite sale. Sale starts at 7 P.M. every Monday Evening. WEST NOTTINGHAM AUCTION F. Lee Moore and Lioyd H. Kreider Auctioneers and Managers. PUBLIC AUCTION DAIRY SALE 60 HEAD OF HOLSTEINS THURSDAY NIGHT, JULY 20, 1972 STARTING 8:00 P.M. SHARP SALE LOCATED 5 MILES NORTH OF RT. 222 ALONG 897, 2 MILES NORTH OF REINHOLDS. This includes an entire Herd of 53 head from Wayne County. These cows have production records up to 17,000 lbs. of milk. An extra good young herd with 14 first calf heifers due from now till fall. Will also have some top individuals. Some Purebreds. P.S. Have an extra good Starman daughter bred to Penstate Ivanhoe Star. Don’t miss this sale. We have the right kind. HEALTH CHARTS NITE OF SALE Randal Kline - Auctioneer Vernon and Ray Kline • Owners PHONE Area Code 215 267-2368 or 267-2298 Not Responsible For Accidents youngsters here from the Tar Heel State, and they'll be staying until Wednesday, July 19. assistance This is an increase of 199,000 persons from the com bined participation of 14 8 million persons in April. 24 5 million children took part in the National School Lunch Program in May, down seasonally 106,000 from April. 8.1 million children from needy families were reached with a free or reduced price lunch This is also down 125,000 children from April, but up 900,000 from May of last year. Refreshment Stand 27