Ladies, ¥ By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist About Cucumbers The cucumber’s role as a leading light in the salad world goes a long, long way back to the time of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who demanded one of the crispy green vegetables every day of the year! Actually, the cucumber is botanically a fruit, a member of the melon family, but it’s served as a vegetable. Thin, delicate MR. FARMER. . . Pennfield Corporation NOW DISTRIBUTES (PRUNING) AGRICULTURAL COATINGS including the Famous Country Squire Barn Paint. See your Pennfield Salesman for expert farm coating advice. Have You Heard ? cucumber slices marinated in sour cream or French dressing or thick, crunchy chunks, are delicious in a wide variety of summer salads. Unlike Emperor Tiberius, for all of us non-emperors it’s best to buy cucumbers in the sum mertime. That’s because cukes and other fresh vegetables are at seasonal peak and in especially plentiful supply. Other abundant *:<*x*x*:*{;:| •s g I I Doris Thomas summer vegetables include tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and sweet corn. Not long ago the style was to peel away the sprightly green cucumber skin, and serve only the snowy-white inside. For tunately this wasteful practice has been abandoned, and it’s now popular to eat the whole cuke. To create unpared cucumber slices with a scalloped effect, score the cucumber lengthwise with a fork before slicing. For extra-tasty potato salad, try adding some chopped cucumber. The crispy goodness of the cucumber contributes an enjoyable texture to the usual softness of this salad. When selecting cukes look for cucumbers which are firm over their entire length and have a good green color. Good cucumbers typically have many small lumps on their surfaces. They may also have some white or greenish-white color and still be of top quality. Avoid overgrown cucumbers which are large in diameter and have a dull color, turning yellowish. Also avoid cucumbers with withered or shriveled ends signs of toughness and bitter flavor. Cool it, With Watermelon Cool it with cool and juicy, sweet and flavorful watermelon. Now in seasonally plentiful FARMERS, CATTLEMEN AND HORSEMEN AGREE... "Greatest invention since the Pitchfork " /wTeolcHoofe Place Hook *■Under Twine, Unload or Drag . ■** 'jt pAr pEND Simply Strike Twine With £ 3ii Cutting Edge and Spread t STANDARD MODEL 4FT —J7 95 add $1 00 for postage and handling. Sales tax where applicable Other lengths available on request Send Check or Money Order to THE EOINBORO LAND & CATTLE CO. BOX 733 • EOINBORO, PA 1C412 TRASBURG 687-7617 supply, the inimitable thirst quencher is one of the best values at the produce counter, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service. If you’re buying a cut melon, pick a firm, fresh, bright-colored beauty to enjoy it at its best. Dry mealy flesh or watery stringy flesh usually are signs of an over ripe or old melon. Stay away from melons with a hard white streak running lengthwise through the flesh it’s a con dition known as “white heart”. Lood at the seeds for another clue to ripeness dark brown or black seeds usually mean the melon is fully mature. And a thin rind is preferable; a thick rind is wasteful. Often, you may get an especially good buy on a whole melon. Then it’s harder to tell what it will be like when you cut it open. For some indication as to ripeness, look for a symmetrical shape and a velvety bloom a dull rather than shiny surface. Notice the underside of the melon if ripe, it’s apt to be turning from white or pale green to a light-yellowish color. Now what to do with that wonderful watermelon? Most people prefer it just as is, cut in a thick slice across or in a wedge to be eaten by biting deep into the dripping juicy flesh or more daintily with knife and fork. Another good way to serve it is diced for a fruit salad. Or scoop out the flesh, dice or ball it and combine with other fruits and melons, than replace in the boat lifee shell a sumptuous creation for a party. When the Span i sh con quistadores explored the Pe ruvian Andes, they discov ered that the Indians culti vated an odd-looking plant, the potato. The potato was brought to Spain about 1585 and was first considered poi sonous. It is believed to have been first introduced into North America in 1621 by English settlers in Virginia. MINIMUM BALANCE SERVICE CHARGES NO NO ATTHE Tuut Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15,1972 Potatoes E. KING ST. LANCASTER 397-4733 English Pope Nicholas Breakspear, an Englishman, was a Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, He was Pope Adrian IV from 1154 to his death in 1159. Before his election to the papacy, he was the Car dinal Bishop of Albano. Needle Arts By NANCY SEWELL 214 g'+h ■s* Linen Accent Create a set of beautiful lin ens by adding these lovely ladies in crochet and em broidery. Pattern No. 214 has hot-iron transfer; em broidery and crochet direc tions. TO ORDER, send 60 cents for each pattern with name, address with Zip code, pat tern number and size to NEEDLE ARTS, P.O. Box 5251, Chicago, 111 60680 WILLOW STREET 464-3421 Member FDIC 23
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