Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 1972, Image 11

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    The recent flood disaster was
the greatest tragedy to hit our
area in modern times. Whether
seen in terms of lives lost,
property damaged and
destroyed, public services
crippled or dreams shattered, the
devastation was immeasurable.
lower costs,
plus savings in time and effort. This all
means more net profits for you. Stop in today
and ask about our Special Stockman’s Knife
offer. Let us show you how Mol-Mixwill fit your
dairy and beef operation so that you can truly “cut costs”
Whatever your storage
requirements, Agway has
a building to meet your
needs. A flexible desigi
ideal for machinery and
equipment storage, worl
shop, garage or matenr
, - >i. '*
= J •'j 3 U %
J 3 £
O J ££ *3*S& S|
v*;o s I -WsCli
Small Factory
or Warehouse
Multipurpose Air)
and Machine Shop
The dollars and cents estimates
of our losses hardly tell the story
of the suffering and agony that
accompanied the flood and its
But, as is often the case, out of
tragedy arose some sources of
strength and encouragement,
our Feeding Costs
V-, SI V.. Si l
too. The idea that people
generally are not very concerned
about their fellow man anymore
was disposed of when thousands
of citizens volunteered time and
money to help flood victims. The
idea that government can no
longer respond to people’s needs
was dismissed when it became
apparent that there were
programs available to provide
relief and that those programs
could be quickly implemented
even in the face of a disaster far
more extensive than ever
24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH: 717-397-4761
■>v MohMi* liquid
liquid supplements leader
' /I
V* '
Phone 717-354-5848
Golf Club House
or Pro Shop
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15,1972
imagined when the Disaster
Relief Act of 1970 was enacted.
And perhaps most encouraging
was that the idea that individuals
are always looking for the easy
way out was laid to rest when the
flood victims themselves showed
a determination and a
willingness to'pick up their lives
and start over.
It shouldn’t have to take a
disaster to tell us that the in
dividual American is still mindful
New Holland RDI
of his neighbor’s needs and is still
willing to meet adversity with a
large dose of self-reliance.
Nor should it be a tragedy that
makes us aware that government
is capable of getting help to
people in need of help.
But because the flood
emergency did make these things
clear, we have a positive fact to
build on in the future. We have
been reassured that the strength
that America always has called
upon the basic goodness of
people and their rugged in
dividualism— remains intact.
In the weeks and months
ahead, the job of rebuilding will
occupy much of our time and
energy. It will stretch our
patience at times, require a great
deal of hard labor and cost vast
sums of money. But, I think that
the evidence already shows we
are equal to the task and that the
final product of our labor will be
even better communities than we
had before.
I want to make it clear that my
offices and I stand ready to help
flood victims, local officials, and
all others who are involved with
the work of rebuilding. Call on us
whenever we can be of