Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 08, 1972, Image 3
WW»DWCCCCW!Wa»MWWWW«MWWCWO»»M-:«^^»Wfr^jMW^^«j> Hog Prices New Holland Auction Monday, July 3 Hog Receipts 734. Market 50c higher. Retail 30-31; Wholesale 29.75-30.25; Heavyweights 29.25- 29.75; Lightweights 27.50-29. Vintage Auction Saturday, July 1 Hog Receipts - 628. Barrows and Gilts mostly 50c higher. US 1-2 220-235 lbs. 30.00-30.50; US 2-3 200-240 lbs. 29.35-29.85; US 2-4 190-225 lbs. 28.25-29.25; US 2-4 175-190 lbs. 26.00-27.00; Sows 2-3 300-700 lbs. 21.25-22.85; Boars 22.10-22.50. Lancaster Market Monday, July 3 Hogs: Barrows and Gilts steady to strong. Barrows and Gilts: US 1210-240 lbs. 30.00-31.00; US 1-3 200-260 lbs. 29.50-30.00 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, July 5 Hogs- Barrows and Gilts steady Barrows and Gilts: US 1 210-240 lbs. 30 00-31 00, US 1-3 200-260 lbs. 29.50-30.00. Sows: 325-480 lbs. 22.50-22.85. Nottingham Auction Monday, July 3 Feeder Pigs 8.00-19 00 per head Fat Hogs: 24.00-26.10 Boars: 17-21 Sows: 19.60-21.85 LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. SEAMLESS ALUMINUM GUTTERING AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE 354-4114 “TH. THantU, *?kc. HOME RO3 Ephrat3, Pa-17522 Over twelve years ■ I II r\/l °f experience •ff *****•#>&■■*■ * * P*> *• -r * » » ‘ St. Louis Auction Hogs: 6500. rather slow, 25-50 lower US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 29.75- 30.00; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 29.25-29.75 Peoria Auction Hogs: 4000. Fairly active, opening 25-50 lower US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 29.50-30.00; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 29.00-29.50. Lebanon Valley Auction Market not reported July 4th Holiday. Indianapolis Auction Hogs: 3500. fairly active, mostly 25 lower US 1-2 200-235 lbs. 29.75-30.00 1-3 200-250 lbs. 29.25- 29.75. Peoria Cattle Thursday, July 6 Weekly Cattle; Compared to last week, slaughter steers uneven 25-75 higher; Most ad vance on Choice and below grades. Slaughter heifers unevenly 25-75, instances 1.00 higher. Cows 25-50 higher. Bulls steady to strong. Supply mainly High Good to Choice slaughter steers and heifers with several loads Choice to Prime Balance of receipts mainly cows. Receipts this week 3100 (4- day); last week 5910, last year 1717 Slaughter Steers: High Choice and Prime 1150-1375 pounds 3-4, 38.75-39.50. (pkg. 1260 pounds at 40.00 on Wednesday) Choice 975-1350 pounds yield grade 2-4,37.50-39.00. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 pounds 36.75- 38.00. Good 32.75-37.00. Standard to Good holsteins 33.25. Standard Holsteins 32.50-33.00. Slaughter heifers; Choice and Prime 900-1050 pounds 2-4, 38.00- 38.25. Choice 800-1040 pounds 2-4, 36.25-38.00. Mixed Good and U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Week to date 374,000 767.000 110,000 Same period last week 497,000 1,110,000 142,000 Same period last year 387,000 896,000 us’ooo Lebanon Valley Auction No report available due to holiday. Omaha Cattle Thursday, July 6 Compared with last week’s close slaughter steers (5-75 c higher, most average Choice to Prime 50-75 c higher. Heifers 50- 75c higher, instances 1.00 higher than dull close of previous week. Cows 25-50 c higher and Bulls fully steady. Limited feeder supply strong, mainly fleshy two-way steers. Four day receipts for holiday period 12,100 as compared 22,300 lull previous week and 15,600 a year ago. Steers made up ap proximately 40 per cent, Heifers 32 per cent, Cows 13 per cent and Feeders 12 per cent. Fairly liberal percentage Choice steers and moderate volume High- Choice and Prime. Heifers supply somewhat less attractive with considerable share High-Good to Average-Choice, many weighing 825-900 pounds. Week’s trade interrupted by non-slaughter 4th of July holiday, but the broad demand which has characterized activity for three months was still very much in evidence. Steers above 1300 pounds in small supply but weight usually not a major price determining factor on steers. Best heifer demand, however, centered on Choice and Prime 925-1025 pound weights. Steers: Loads High-Choice and Prime 1055 pound 3 40.35, twelve loads same Grade 1095-1242 pounds 3-4 40.00-40.25 and thirty loads 1028-1290 pounds 2-4 39.50- 39.75. Load High-Choice and Prime 1390 pounds 4-5 39.00. Choice 975-1311 pounds yield grade 2-4 closed 38.50-39.50. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1275 Choice 750-950 pounds 34.75-36.50. Good 31.25-35.00. Cows; Commercial 24.25-26.00. High Yielding Utility 27.00-27.50. Cutter 23.00-26.25. Canner 20.00- 23.00. Shelly Canner 16.00-20.00. Bulls; Utility and Commercial 29.00-33.00. Couple high yielding Utility 34.00. . * * i - n - < r Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, July 6) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes July August September October November December January ‘73 February 36.00 27.35 March April May Trend—Cattle are lower, Hogs are steady, Potatoes are lower, and eggs are stronger. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities, Inc, pounds 37.75-38.50. Good 33.50- 38 00, mainly 35.00 and above aside from Holstems. Standard and Low-Good 32.00-33.50. Average cost slaughter steers for two days 38.29 average weight 1146 pounds as compared 38.12 and 1103 pounds previous week and 31.51 and 1111 pounds a year ago. Heifers: Three loads String High-Choice and Prime 978 pounds 3-4 38.65, others same grade 893-1025 pounds 3-4 38.25- 38.50. Choice 825-1025 pounds 2-4 37.00-38.25. Mixed Good and Choice 775-975 pounds 36.25-37.25. Good 32.50-36.25. Standard and Low-Good 30.50-32.50. Cows: Utility and Commercial 25.00-27.00, Few mixed Utility and Commercial 27.25. Canner and Cutter 23.00-25.50. Mixed Cutter and Low Utility 25.75- 26.00. Shelly Canner 21.50-22.00 Farmline DYNA Motors SINGLE-PHASE—I TO 10 H.P. CAPACITOR START REPULSION START Specially Designed to Produce Operating Characteristics to Fulfill Farm Requirements for Hard-Starting, Long-life, Rugged Use Motors. IN STOCK NOW OPEN and TOTALLY ENCLOSED 200% - 400% - 600% STARTING TORQUE RP ELECTRONEC m ■in electromechanical service ;(|a[saV ROUTE 222, EPHRATA. PA. 17522 ■LJ PHONE (717) 733-7911 ELECTRIC MOTOR • GENERATOR • POWER-TOOL SPECIALISTS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8,1972 30.20 37.95 29.10 35.80 26.90 35.70 27.67 35.67 25.50 3.85 Bulls: Utility, Commercial and Good 28 50-32.50, Commercial 1-2 32 75-34.00, an individual 35.00. Cutter and Low-Utility 25 00- 28 50. Feeders- Outshipments ap proximately 1,500 as compared 1,800 previous week Demand good and prices strong Two loads Choice 969 pound steers 41.25 Choice 925-1115 pounds fleshy steers 38.00-38.40. High-Good and Choice 913-1050 pounds 37.00-37.75. Two loads Choice 589 pounds 39.00. Scattered sales High-Good and Choice 750-864 pounds 36.50- 37.00. Of the record 8.7 million bikes sold in the U.S. last year, 3Vs million were light weight models. 4 t Chicago Fresh Eggs 29.70 32.70 39.40 38.60 3.31 42.75 43.90 42.00 40.60 3.70 4.57 3