There’s a little place at the University of Chicago called the Nonesuch. Basically a coffee- and-sweet roll type of place, it has achieved local fame by catering to the unusual tastes ot yogurt lovers. For example, “Chinese yogurt with bean curd,” “salmon-supreme” and “Italian beef’’ yogurts are popular favorites (natural, un flavored yogurt base). The Nonesuch sells about 30 cups of yogurt daily and sometimes runs a weekly special on the distinc- tive dairy product. The Nonesuch manager does admit, though. that consevative taste in yogurt keeps strawberry and raspberry flavored yogurt as the top sellers. TIRED!! Are you just a little tired of milk replacers that won’t mix well, that won't stay in ,r suspension, that settle out? Read what Paul Miller, respected Holstein breeder of Linglestown RD4, Pa. has to say. “I like Pioneer Vig-R-Calf becau off fast and keeps scours at a minimum.” And Mrs. Earl Hadley, Bedford, Penna... “Having used other milk replacers, found Vig-R-Calf to be more like cow’s milk, in both building better calves, and eliminating other troubles." And Donald Walker of Berlin, Pa.... “I have fed another make of calf starter and milk replacer for a good many years, but I found that Pioneer Vig-R-Calf and calf starter, much more appealing, and the calves do much better on it." You can get performance like this, with a product that many users don’t mix at all. Just put the powder in the bucket and pour the water on top. Try it for yourself and see the difference. ELMER M. SHREINER Trading as Good’s Feed Mill Specializing in DAIRY & HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. Phone7B6-2500 •MCKIC7*. \ .•"V. \P\ Ladies, By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist CHEESE AND CELERY Cheese and celery . . . cheese and celery ... go together like a horse and carriage. There’s no rhyme in that, but there is a basic truth so noteworthy for tasty mealtime beginnings that it’s worth a little poetic license. Cottage cheese, ornamented with any number of flavorful Have You Heard ? concoctions, is a perfect mate for garden-fresh, crisp celery stalks. Cottage cheese and other dairy products, and celery and other summer vegetables, are in seasonally plentiful supply so let them loose in your menu plans. For dieters, cottage cheese stuffed celery is an hors d’oeuvre or appetizer enjoyable without guilt. For anyone, this refreshing finger food is a light and nourishing way to begin dinner. To prepare the celery, wash and separate the stalks. Remove the green tops, and chop them to use in tossed salads. Dry inside the stalks before adding filling. If Purina Milk Chow Special Your cows may have the bred-in capacity to pro duce an extra ton of milk per year—if you feed them high efficiency Purina Milk Chow Special. Milk Chow Special contains carefully selected in gredients blended together in ‘‘just right” amounts to help your cows produce all that’s in ’em. In fact, many local dairymen report increases of over 2,000 lbs. more milk per cow in their first year on Milk Chow Special! Keep accurate records and prove to yourself that this high efficiency ration can return you lots of milk at remarkably low cost. Call us for details on prices and delivery. We’d like to do business with you. John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph: 442-4632 Paradise West Willow Formers Assn., Inc. Doris Thomas up to a ton more milk per cow on Ph: 464-3431 West Willow John B. Kurtz Ph; 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8,1972—23 the celery is not as crisp as desired, place washed and separated stalks in ice water for about an hour, or until recrisped. Whip the cottage cheese in an electric blender, or press through a ncer, and whip with an electric beater. The result should have a smoth, slightly moist con sistency. Stuff the celery stalks with cottage cheese mixed with any of the following combinations (be sure to chop all meats, fruits, and vegetables very fine): chopped peanuts, crushed pineapple, chopped cooked chicken and sweet pickles, crushed garlic, diced fresh oranges and grated orange rind, chopped chives and pimento. Of course, trying some of these dainty fillings is just the start m developing culinary finesse with cottage cheese. Branch out into other delicious mealtime uses for cottage cheese such as fruit salads, gelatin molds, blintzes, and velvety-smooth cheese cakes and pies. IT’S MOSQUITO TIME! But—who needs them? If you act fast perhaps you can James High & Sons Ph: 354-0301 Gordonville Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph: 367-1195 Rheems Ira B. Landis Ph; 394-7912 1912 £reek Hill Rd., Lane. eliminate their breeding places— if you can find them—and make your home and yard com paratively mosquito free. At least it’s worth the effort Some species of mosquitoes transmit diseases such as malaria to men, encephalitis to man and horses, and heartworn to dogs Mosquito eggs cannot hatch unless they are in water ac cording to the Entomology Research Division of ARS of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Keep that in mind. First, look for the standing water on your premises, eliminate (if at all possible) all “standing” water Then- check your premises for- any recep tacle where rain water or any run-off water could accumulate; any temporary water containers; flatten or dispose of tin cans, place discarded bicycle and automobile tires in places where water cannot get into them, tightly cover cisterns, cesspools, septic tanks, fire or rain barrels and tubs where water may be stored, check your birdbath— empty it and throughly wash it at least once a week; clean out rain gutters, check the plants potted in soil —that won’t breed mosquitoes—but, enough water for breeding may accumulate in saucers (under the plant) Needle Arts By NANCY SEWELL I > 3%5^ IM, '<) ,**c. « «« « Jjl, V* <• 5 155 r^l /V Basic Fashion The NEW BASIC FASHION for Spring and Summer 1972 has many sewing hints as well as many lovely styles from which to choose your patterns, plus a coupon good for a FREE pattern. Price: $lOO per copy. TO ORDER your copy of the NEW BASIC FASHION book, send $l. with name, address with Zip code to NEEDLE ARTS, P. 0. Box 5251, Chi cago, 111. 60680.