Hog Prices Vintage Auction Tuesday, May 30 Barrows and Gilts steady, instances 50 lower on US 1-2. Barrows and Gilts: US 1200-235 lbs. 28.00-28.25; US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 27.75-28.00; US 2-3 190-245 lbs. 27.25-27.75. Saturday, May 27 Hogs 690: Barrows & Gilts: Steady to 25c higher. US No. 1-2 195-240 lbs. 27.85-28.35; US No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 27.35-27.75; US No. 2-4 250-260 lbs. 26.00-27.10; US No. 2-4 155-185 lbs. 23.75-26.00. Sows: US No. 1-3 375-510 lbs. 20.00-22.00. Boars; 21.00-21.50. Indianapolis Auction Hogs: 3000. Full steady, fairly active. US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 26.50- 27.00; 20 head 27.25; 1-3 200-250 lbs. 26.00-26.50. Peoria Auction Hogs: 4500. Active, opening mostly 25 higher on wts. under 240 lbs.; heavier wts. not established. US 1-2 200-220 lbs. 26.75-27.00; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 26.25- 26.75. New Holland Auction Monday, May 29 Hogs 829: Barrows & Gilts: Steady, with spots 50c higher US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 28.00-29.50; US No. 1-3 190-240 lbs. 27.25-27.75; US No. 2-4 235-260 lbs. 27.00-27.50; US No. 2-4 170-190 lbs. 25.50-26.50. Sows; US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 22.00-23.50. Boars: 21.00-22.50. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS SHEEP 377.000 887,000 120,000 473.000 1,177,000 146,000 394.000 1,060,000 121,000 Week to date Same period last week Same period last yea^-s nvftiA DYNA Motors SINGLE-PHASE—I TO 10 H.P. CAPACITOR START REPULSION START Specially Designed to Produce Operating Characteristics to Fulfill Farm Requirements for Hard-Starting, Long-Life, Rugged Use Motors. IN STOCK NOW OPEN and TOTALLY ENCLOSED 200% - 400% - 600% STARTING TORQUE H-J ELECTRONEC ■’J’”! ELECTROMECHANICAL SERVICE 'll MS A); Wmr ROUTE 222, EPHRATA, PA. 17522 HU] PHONE (717) 733-7911 ELECTRIC MOTOR • GENERATOR • POWER-TOOL SPECIALISTS Lancaster Market Tuesday, May 30 Barrows and Gilts steady, instances 25 lower. Barrows and Gilts: US 1200-230 lbs. 28.50-29.00; US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 27.50-28.00; US 2-3 190-250 lbs. 27.25-27.50. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, May 31 Compared to Tuesday, Barrows and Gilts 50 lower, in stances 1.00 lower. Barrows and Gilts: US 1220-245 lbs. 28.00; US 190-260 lbs. 26.85- 27.35. St. Louis Auction Hogs; 5000, steady to 25 higher. US 1-3 200-230 lbs. 26.75-27.00 ; 40 head sorted US 1 210-215 lbs. 27.25; 2-3 220-250 lbs. 26.00-26.75. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, May 30 285 Head Hogs Barrows and Gilts weak to 75c lower Barrows and Gilts: US 2-3 200- 245 pounds 27.25-27.75 ; 2-4 195-250 26 75-27.10. Sows- US 1-3 300-450 pounds (few) 22.10-22.85; 2-3 300-575 (few) 21.60-22.10. Boars: (few) 20.10-20.85. Ilium’s Site It is generally accepted that a small mound called Hissarhk, about three miles from the Hellespont in Asia, is the site of Ilium, the an cient city of Troy Omaha Cattle Thursday, June 1 Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers 50-75 c higher and heifers 25-50 C higher. Best demand for Choice and Prime with many of these at full advance. Cows and bulls strong to 50c higher. Small feeder supply fully steady. Three day receipts for holiday period 15,300 as compared 18,100 previous week and 17,400 a year ago. Slaughter steers ap proximately 46 per cent, Heifers 38 per cent. Overall finish of steer supply fairly attractive with liberal percentage Choice and moderate volume High- ChoiceandPrime. Predominance High-Good to Average Choice heifers Demand broad following long non slaughter holiday weekend. This marked seventh week of ad vancing prices and average cost slaughter steers some 2.13 higher than for first week of April Fresh upturns in live prices solidly supported by higher quotations on carcass beef. Cows 9 per cent and feeders 5 per cent. Steers; A load High-Choice and Prime 1226 pounds 3-4 38.00, four loads same grade 1135-1175 3-4 36.60-36 65. Twenty-five loads High-Choice and Prime 985-1247 3-4 37.25-37.50 during week. Choice 975-1275 2-4 closed 36.25- 37.35. Mixed Good and Choice 950- 1250 35.50-36.25. Good 32.25-35 50. Standard and Low-Good 31.00- 32.25 Average cost slaughter steers for two days 35.98 average weight 1133 pounds as compared 35.57 and 1134 pounds previous week and 32.39 and 1135 pounds a year ago. Heifers ■ Two loads High- Choice and Prime 975-993 pounds 3-4 36.75-37.00, moderate volume Choice and Prime 876-1057 yield grade 3-4 36.35-36.50 during week. Choice 825-1025 yield grade 2-4 35.25-36.50. Mixed Good and Choice 775-975 34.50-35.25. Good 31.50-34.50. Standard and Low- Good 29 50-31.50. Cows: Utility and Commercial 25.00-27.00. Canner and Cutter 22.50-25.00. Mixed Cutter and Low-Utility 25.25-25.50. Shelly Canner 20.00-22.00 Bulls: Utility, Commercial and Good 27.50-31.50, Commercial 1-2 32.00-33.00 Cutter and Low- Utility 24.50-27.50. Feeders: Outshipments ap- LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. ANNOUNCING NEW POLICY AT LANCASTER STOCK YARDS Stocker and Feeder Auction Sale Second Friday Each Month Next sale June 9, 1972 at 1:00 P.M. ALL GRADES. BREEDS, WEIGHTS. LOAD LOTS - SMALL LOTS. UNION STOCK YARDS LANCASTER, PENNA. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 3,1972 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, June 1) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine April July August September October November December January ‘73 February 35.15 26 20 March April May Trend—Cattle are lower, Hogs are steady, Potatoes are steady and Eggs are stronger a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities, Inc Oklahoma City Thursday, June 1 Estimated Receipts 14,000 Same Day Last Week 12,431 Same Day Last Year 9,421 Active, feeder cattle over 500 pound fully steady, instances 50c higher on heifers; feeder calves under 500 pound scarce, not enough sold to fully test the trend but represented sales on a stronger basis. Bulk of receipts High Good and Choice 500-850 pound steers and 500-700 pound heifers. Sales as of 12:30 P.M. Feeder Steers: Shipment mostly Choice 190 pound steers 57.00, scattered lots Choice, few Prime 375-475 47 50-52 00 , 500-600 40.75-45.75, few lots 500-540 46 25- 47 50, 600-700 38.50-41.00, 700-800 38 00-39.25 , 800-925 37 00-38.50, Mixed Good and Choice 350-500 42 00-44.00 , 500-800 37 50-41.00, 800-900 35 50-37.50 Standard and Good 665-1000 Holstems 32 00- 35.50 Feeder Heifers - Few Choice 400-500 pound heifers 38 25-40 00, Choice, few Prime 500-600 36 50- 38.50 , 600-725 35.75-36 25 Mixed Good and Choice 525-700 35 75- 36.75 proximately 800 head little changed from previous week, supply mainly fleshy two-way steers Prices fully steady Choice 808-1116 pound 35 50- 36 25, High-Good and Choice 950- 1100 34 75-35 50 Two loads Good 1092 pounds partly fattened Holstems 31 25 Load Choice 553 pound heifers 40 00, High-Good and choice 764- 795 34 35-35 00 36 00 28.27 28 75 35 95 27.80 34 60 26 30 34.75 26 75 34 87 24.40 3.30 Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, May 30 343 Head Cattle Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers 25c to 50c higher Slaughter cows 50c to $1 50 higher Slaughter bulls 50c to $1 higher Steers Choice 950-1250 pounds 35 85-36 60, individual at 37 00, Good 34 00-35 75, Standard 32 00- 33.85, Utility 30 25-31 85 Heifers Choice (couple) 34 00 and 33.85, Good (few) 33 00-33 50, Standard (few) 29 85-32 60, Utility (few) 28 75-30 10 Cows Utility <nd High Dressing Cutter 8 00-30 35, couple to 30.85, Cl ters 27 00- 28 35, Canners 24 50- 6 75, Shells (few) down to 22 75 Bulls Good 33'5 16 75, in dividual at 37 10, U ility and Commercial 32 00-34.6), Cutters (few) 29 85-31 00 208 Head V eal Calves Vealers steady to $2 higher Prime 58 00-60 00 Choice 55 00- 58 00, Good 53 00-55 00, Standard 51 00-53 00, utility 90-120 pounds 45 00-50 00 , 70-85 pounds (few) 40 50-43 00 Farm Calves Bulls 80-110 pounds 45 00-58 00, Heifers 85-125 pounds 54 00-69 00 Green Dragon Hay Market Friday, May 2(> 25 loads hay, including Few loads Alfalfa, 29 00 - 44 00, few loads Timothy, 28 00 - 44 00, Mixed hay, 28 00 - 44 00, one load Bromegrass, 43 00 23 loads straw, 34 00 - 38 00 One load corn. 40 50 Chicago Fresh Eggs Potatoes 24.60 29 45 33 65 39.55 38 75 2 82 41.70 42 30 41 00 3 10 3 85 3
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