Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1972, Image 2
—Lancaster Farming. Saturda 2 Local Livestock Lancaster Auction Wednesday, May 24 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1054 95 353 43 Last week 950 98 414 83 Last year 1205 81 376 9 This weeks Auction 895 95 353 43 Last weeks Auction 925 112 416 83 CATTLE Slaughter Steers strong to 50 higher, major ad vance on Good and Choice; Cows 50-1.00 higher; Bulls about steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1035-1357 lbs. 37.25-38.00; Choice 1000-1400 lbs 35.85-37.35; 1400-1600 lbs. 34.85-36.50; high-Good and low- Choice 35.25-36.10; Good 33.00- 35.50; Standard and low-Good 32 50-34.00. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 28.50-30.00, some 30.10-30.85; Cutter 26.50-28.50; Canner and low-Cutter 24.50- 26.50. BULLS Choice 33.60-34.75; Good 30.50-33.25, Utility and Commercial 31.50-34.50; Utility 29 75-31.75. VEAL CALVES Vealers 50- 1.00 higher. VEALERS Prime 59.50- 62.00, Choice 55.00-58.50; Good 51.00- 00. SHEEP steady. SPRING LAMBS Choice 75- 85 lbs 35 50-36.00, Good 55-89 lbs 33.00- Spring Lambs New Holland Hors Monday, May 22 Reported receipts of 370 head of horses, market steady with last weeks market, attendance good. Load Kansas riding and driving horses, 120-300. Load North Carolina work horses, single, 175-245, pairs, 405- 445. Local riding and driving horses, 125-350, Pony Mares, 20- 70, Colts and Geldings, 5-25, Larger Ponies, 30-85, Killers, 8- 10 Green Dragon Dairy Cattle Friday, May 19 25 loads hay, including: Few loads Alfalfa, 41-48, few loads Timothy, 30.50 - 49, Mixed hay, 33 - 49; one load Bromegrass, 35; one load Clover, 40. 10 loads straw, 37 - 43. Green Dragon Livestock Soles Ephrata, R. D. 3, Pa. Walter Risser, Manager Phone: (717) 733-2334 Every FRIDAY • Dairy Cows 12.30 P.M. • Hay & Straw Auction 1:00 P.M. • Beef Cattle & Veal Calves 11.-00 A.M Mav 27. 1972 Lancaster Market Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 975 162 805 190 Last week 656 172 977 87 Last year 1323 204 904 180 CATTLE Slaughter Steers largely steady to 25 higher, ad vance on high-Choice and Prime; Cows fully steady; Bulls steady to strong. Supply included 744 in afternoon auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1035-1350 lbs. 37.00-38.00; Choice 950-1375 lbs. 35.35-37.25; high-Good and low-Choice 34.75-35.75; Good 32.50-35.00; Standard and low- Good 32.00-33.50. , SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 725-1030 lbs. 33.00-34.75; available Good grade 30.00-33.00. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.50-29.00, few 29.00-29.85; Cutter 25.50-27.50; Canner and low-Cutter 23.50- 26.00. BULLS Utility major portion offered, few Choice 34.75-35.85; Utility and Commercial 31.50- 34.50; Cutter 30.50-33.50. VEAL CALVES Vealers Prime 50-1.00 lower; Choice weak to 2.00 lower; Utility and Good steady. VEALERS Prime 58.00- 61.00; Choice 53.50-56.50; Good 50.50-54.50; Utility 35.00-41 00. SHEEP Spring Lambs steady. SPRING LAMBS Choice 70- 80 lbs 35.00-36.00; Good 40-70 lbs. 32.00-33.50. Peoria Cattle "ion Receipts this week 3,400; last week 3,292 and last year 2,260. As compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers strong to mostly 25, inst. 50, higher. Most advance on Choice and below grades. Slaughter heifers fully steady to strong cows 25-50 higher. Bulls strong to 50 higher. Supply mainly High Good and Choice steers and heifers with several loads Mixed Choice and Prime steers. Balance of receipts mostly cows. Steers 7 loads High Choice and Prime 1195-1350 pounds 3-4 37.50. Mixed Choice and Prime 1225-1325 3-4 36.75-37.25. Choice 975-1275 2-4 36.00-37.00. Mixed Good and Choice 900-1200 34.50- 36.00. Good 32.00-34.75. Holsteins 32.00-32.75 Standard and Low Good 31.00-32.00 Heifers —-Choice 800-1050 pounds 2-4 35.00-36.25. Mixed Good and Choice 775-975 34.00- 35.00. Good 31.00-34.00. Few Holsteins 31.25. Standard 29.00- 31.00 Cows Commercial 25.25- 27.00. Utility 25.25-28.50. Cutter 23.75-27.00. Bulls Utility and Com mercial 29.00-33.00, individual 34.00 AUCTIONS mokes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A.M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2.30 PM. - FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE —MONDAY at 10;00A.M. DAIRY SALE —WEDNESDAY at 12.30 P.M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. HEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W- Diffenbach, Manager Phone: 717-354-2104 Monday, May 22 Thursday, May 25 Market, Aucti Composite Report Friday Weekly, May 26 Lancaster, Vintage and New Holland Markets Cattle Calves This week 4600 1150 Last week 4352 1192 Last year 5525 1067 CATTLE Slaughter steers, strong to mostly - 50 higher; Late sales 75 higher; Cows strong 1.00 higher; Bulls' steady; Supply included an estimated 45 per cent slaughter steers, 20 per cent cows & bulls, with balance mostly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS —High Choice and Prime 1035-1400 lb $37.00-$38.50; Few - 38.60-$38.75; Choice 950-1375 lb. $35.35-$37.75; High Good and Low Choice s34.7s-$36.75; Good-$32.50-$35.50; Standard and lowgood $31.50- $34.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice, 725-1030 lb. $33.00-$34.75; Good $30.00-33.00. COWS Utility and High Dressing Cutter $27.50-$30.00; Canner & Low Cutter $24.00- $26.00. BULLS Choice $33.25-$35.00, Some $36.00-$36.50; Good $30.00- $33.00; Utility and Commercial $31.50-$34.75; Cutter and Low Utility, 900-1100 lb. $29.75-$32.00. VEALERS $l.OO to $4.00 higher. Prime $59.00-$67.00; Choice $55.00-$62.00; Good $51.00- $57.00; standard $45.00-$52.00; Utility $37.00-$44.00. RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 90-120 lb. $50.00-$61.00; Holstein Heifers fifil nQilfiO Qfl-f~ Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, May 23 329 Head Cattle Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to 25c lower. Slaughter cows 25c to 50c lower. Slaughter bulls mostly 50c lower. Steers: High Choice and Prime (few) 35.85 - 36.50; Choice 1,000 - 1,300 35.35 - 36.10; Good 33.75 - 35.35; standard 31.75 - 33.50. Heifers: Standard (few) 28.00 - 31.60. Cows: Utility and High Dressing Cutter 27.50 - 29.50; Cutters 26.00 - 27.35; Canners 23.00 - 25.25; Shells down to 21.85. Bulls: Good 33.00 - 36.00; Utility and Commercial 31.00 - 34.00; Cutters (few) 28.75 - 30.00. 140 Head Veal Calves Vealers grading Standard through Choice mostly $2 lower. Prime 58.00 - 60.50; Choice 53.00 - 56.50; Good 50.00 - Standard 50.00 - 52.00; Utility 90 - 120 pounds 43.00 - 51.00; 70 - 85 pounds (few) 40.00 - 42.50. Farm Calves; Bulls 85 - 115 pounds 47.00 - 57.00; Heifers 85 - 150 pounds 55.00 - 63.00. 26 Head Sheep Choice Spring Slaughter Lambs 50 - 95 pounds 36.00 - 37.50. Vintage Auction Tuesday, May 23 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 774 496 496 85 Lastweeklo3B 548 426 48 Last year 919 445 607 137 Goats 9 CATTLE Compared to last Tuesday, high-Choice and Prime Steers strong to 25 higher, Good and Choice largely 50 higher; Standard and low-Good 50-75 higher; Cows mainly 1.00 higher; spots 1.25 advanced; Bulls strong to 25 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050-1400 lbs. 37.00-38.10, odd head 38.25-38- 35; Choice 1000-1450 lbs. 36.00- 37.60; high-Good and low-Choice 35.00-36.10; Good 33.35-35.50; Standard and low-Good 30.50- 33.85. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 28.25-30.25, few 30.25-30,75; Cutter 26,85-29.00; Canner and low-Cutter 24.75- 26.75. BULLS Choice 33.50-34.85; Good 31.00-33.00; Utility and Commercial 31.50-34.35; Utility 990-1100 lbs. 30.75-31.75. VEAL CALVES Prime steady to 1.00 higher; Choice 1.00- 2.00 higher; Good 3.00 higher; Utility and Standard 3.00-4.00 higher. VEALERS Prime 59.00- 62.00; Choice 56.00-59.00; Good 51.00-57.00; Standard 35.00-52.00; Utility 40.00-45.00. RETURNED TO- FARM Larg^^hOClugher; bulk 90-120 IBsT 50-.00-61.00; with Holstein Heifers 61.00-69.00, few 70.00- 71.00. . Green Dragon Hay Market Friday, May 19 25 loads hay, including: Few Loads Alfalfa, 41.00 - 48.00; few loads Timothy, 30.50 - 49.00; Mixed hay, 33.00 - 49.00; one load Bromegrass, 35.00; one load Clover, 40.00. 10 loads straw, 37.00 - 43.00. Regional Hay Price* Regional Hay Prices For Southeastern and South Central Pennsylvania Monday, May 22 (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm price per ton). Hay and straw steady, in stances weaker. Hay moving fairly active in most areas, however, some dealers are moving previous bought hay and are not buying now Alfalfa Timothy hay Mixed hay Straw Mulch VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager oil News New Holland Auction Thursday, May 25 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1165 350 37 Last week 1234 353 31 Last year 1323 330 13 CATTLE Compared to last Thursday, Slaughter Steers 50-75 higher; Cows and Bulls about steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1100-1300 lbs. 38.25-38.50, few 38.60-38.75; Choice 950-1300 lbs. 36.00-37.75; high-Good and low-Choice 35,25- 36.25; Good 33.50-35.50; Standard and low-Good 31.50-34.25. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.50-29.50, few 29.85-30.35; Cutter 25.50-28.00; Canner and low-Cutter 24.00- 26.00. BULLS Choice 33.25-35.00, several 36.00-35.75; Good 31.00- 33.50; Utility and Commercial 32.00-34.75, few 35.00-35,50; Utility 900-1100 lbs. 30.00-32.00. VEAL CALVES Vealers 3.00- 4.00 higher VEALERS Prime 62,00- 67.50; Choice 56.50-62,00; Good 52.00-56.00; Standard 47.00-52.00; Utility 40.00-44,00. SHEEP Spring Lambs 1.00- 2.00 higher. SPRING LAMBS Choice '5O - lbs. 36.00-37.50; Good 32.00- 34.50 Monday, May 22 Calf Receipts 93- Market steady. Choice and Prime 58-63; Standard 47-52; Good and Low Choice 52-58; Common 34-45.! 25 loads hay & 8 loads straw, (prices per ton). f d Alfalfa, two loads 42.5 P I 60.00; Timothy, few loads 1 46.00; Mixed hay 26.00-47.00; Orchard Grass, two loads 27.00 and 33.00; Straw, few loads 29.00- 42.00. g Nottingham Auction Calves: 85 -115 pounds, 49 - 65; 115 -140 ;50 - 64; 140 - 240;, 51 - 58.50. Cows; Good Commercial, 26 - 29; earners, 19.50 - 24.25. Heifers; 595 - 740 pounds, 26.75 - 31.75. Holstein Bulls: 30 - 31.50 Goats: 19.25 per head. Lambs; 50 pounds, 35. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders Frank Dussinger livestock order buyer Phone: (717)397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 John Bowman Phone': (717)872-5491 40.00- 25.00- 30.00- 20.00- 15.00- •tf**-*''* 1 Monday, May 22 Monday, May 22