Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 27, 1972, Image 11
Jerry Bookey Speaks at Nema Meeting Jerry Bookey, president of National Egg Producers, was guest speaker at a conference in Harrisburg sponsored by the northeast Egg Marketing Association (Nema). President Bookey declared that he has set one major goal for his organization for the coming year. It is to see that nothing is left undone or unexplored that might serve to improve next year’s cash return on investment for egg producers. He outlined plans aimed at aiding poultrymen in what he termed four specific service areas. “There will be strong emphasis on: (1) price discovery, (2) promotion, (3) WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE • DRIES WHITE • DOES NOT RUB OFF • NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Wltmer, Pa. 392-7227 Now you can sprayA\trex from a 2,4'D sprayer. legislation, and (4) statistical guidelines and communications. U.E.P.’s staff will be beefed up to meet thoese needs.” Working directly on the problem of communications, he said that he had set himself the immediate task of making visits to each of the regional groups within U.E.P. The Harrisburg visit was one of the first of these trips. Bookey further pledged that U.E.P. will work vigorously at building industry unity in its relationships with other poultry organizations. Still stunned by the untimely passing of Maurice Stein, producers at the meeting heard We re talking about AAtrex® in a liquified form. We call it AAtrex 4L. It needs no pre-mixing. Just shake and pour directly into the spray tank. With AAtrex 4L, you need only a minimum of agitation. You can apply it in as little as 10 gallons of water per acre. And when you do apply it, there’s less chance of nozzle and screen plugging. But the important thing is, AAtrex 4L gives you control of most annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Foxtails as well as cocklebur, pigweed, velvetleaf, ragweed and smartweed. Even quackgrass, that tough perennial. Of course, you can weed n feed with AAtrex 4L, if you like. Or have your custom applicator do it for you. -m Either way, you’ll be getting top-notch weed , \ and grass control. With AAtrex 4L. / \ Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, Division of t jd CIBA'GEIGY Corporation, Ardsley, N. Y. 10502. A Atrex -4p manager Ray Delano of Nema deliver a tribute to Stein, recognizing his many con tributions to the modern egg industry. Donald Horn of York, Nema director, thanked his fellow directors for their decision to bring their meeting to the Penn sylvania area. He stressed the fact that U.E.P. had passed through a rough time of testing but is now ready to grapple with fresh problems. Horn stressed the caliber of capable leadership in U.E.P. and Nema, behind which Penn sylvania and Mid-Atlantic producers will rally in growing numbers. He urged the national organization to give the highest priority to the need for stren thening the price discovery process so as to insure better producer returns . As he stated, “U.E.P. will work in this field for the producer because U.E.P. IS the producer.” Jay Greider, Mount Joy, in a review of the bird placement picture, bluntly told the group, “You could be making a nice profit today if recycling were outlawed. There is no need to worry about new housing. Just Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 27, 1972 refilling existing good houses can give us more eggs than we need.” He felt that U.E.P, should renew its pressure on the country’s finance and banking circles to leave hands off new projects that involve new but unneeded giant size flocks. Harry Muller of Agway, In corporated, Nema director from New York, outlined the vast effort that has gone into lining up the industry begind national promotion check-off legislation. Although it now appears that introduction of a bill into the Congress will come only after the Presidential election, there is still a necessity to build and maintain solid producer support for the measure. We must strive to show consumers that research and information on a prime diet item like eggs can benefit them, too. At the invitation of the chair man, Nema president Lionel Grise Jr of Massachusetts, and Norman Hecht of Walden, New ork, presented a bried im pormptu talk on some of the good work he has done as an in dependent “egg producers’ advocate” in a market place where our product is under in tense competitive pressure in volving unfair and dishonest advertising, false labeling, and other forms of misleading, malicious attacks. The conference closed with a detailed report by Ray Delano, manager of Egg Clearinghouse, Inc. Delano stressed the fact that E.C.I. is furnishing a trading forum in which price reporters can judge price movement with reliance on trading FACTS, not individual opinions. Supplies of eggs and the need for eggs of known quality are provided under a bid and offer system. Several moves are under way to increase the amount of trading taking place on E.C.I. One will be the use of split bids to speed trading. To stimulate local trading, plans are being worked out to permit trading of 300 case minimum lots at a 250 mile maximum delivery range. Changes aimed at cutting trading costs and otherwise simplifying participation are being actively investigated. Why Women Wear Different Sizes The National Bureau of Standards has made standards for sizing children’s clothing available to clothing manufac turers. Extension clothing specialists at Pennsylvania State University say this sizing is based on studies of body measurements considered to be average for particular ages. But sizing is not standardized in women’s wear. That’s why many women wear a different size in different brands of clothing Engagement Period Important James Van Horn, Extension family life specialist at Penn sylvania State University, says the engagement period serves a number of important purposes for the couple planning marriage. It’s a time for the partners to talk seriously about the kind of marriage they want. It’s a time to and as a couple. It’s also a time to discuss the responsibilities they are assuming in marriage and a time for testing how well they can cooperate together under stress. PAY YOURSELF *5l with HAY SHIELD Is there a hay preservative that really works? YES, say extensive research reports on HAY SHIELD by top ag colleges in leading hay states. One university study shows HAY SHIELD will pay you back $5.72 in saved nutrients for every $1 you invest in this easy-to-use preservative. Here’s how; -Lets you bale hay greener at higher moisture -Reduces heat and spoilage -Cuts barn shrink SAVES MORE PROTEIN Get a higher return from your land and labor with university tested HAY SHIELD! G & S TRIPLE F R.D.2MANHEIM.PA. 17545 SOYBEAN EXTRUDING, BASE MIXES, PRESER VATIVES MELVIN SHENK PH. 653-4158 PH. 367-4695 11 RALPH GARBER