H SELF-PROPELLED ——— 420 Windrower The easy way to get high-quality Hesstonized Hay w r ■ • For hay quality with a proven machine at a low invest ment, come in and see the Hesston 420 Wmdrower Gentle, but positive conditioning saves the leaves com pared to hay that is sapped and stripped of valuable nutrients by intermeshing conditioner rolls on competi tive machines The 420 features a simple V-belt transmis sion and effortless one-hand Trim-Steering" Choose a draper header if your mam crop is gram or an auger header if your mam crop is hay Removeable hay condi tioner makes it possible to handle gram or seed crops with either header' Come in today' See Pull-Type and SP 420-520 Windrowers Now in Stock. STAUFFER DIESEL INC. 312 W. Main Street, New Holland, Pa. Phone 717 354-4181 We figure it’s time somebody asked what vou want in banking. For longer than we can remember, banks have offered silverware and china for your business. They’ve guessed at just why you choose a bank. And some have preferred to dazzle you with numbers, rather than strive to learn your preferences. So, after 67 years of listening, we’re Farmers National Bankof Quarryville Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chester County Farmers’ Association Activities The Chester County Farmers’ Association held its annual Spring banquet this week at the Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church, Parkesburg. Guest speaker was Dick Dennison, manager of Farm Management and Business Analysis Service. Arthur D. Hershey, Cochranville, president, notes that the general farm organization has an all-time high membership in the County totaling 780 farm families. Several members went to Holstein Club The reorganization meeting of the Lancaster County Holstein Club was called to order by the past year’s president Nelson Martin last Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Farm and Home Center. Then Alan Bair handed out enrollment cards and record books. He also discussed how the club is suppose to fill out their record books. Next the club elected officers. They are as follows: president, Robbie Hess; vice-president, going to listen even more. All of us at Farmers National Bank of Quarryville. Listen and then act. Next time you’re nearby, come in and suggest something. Or, if someone from our team of questioners stops where you work or live, speak your mind. Tell us how you’d do it. And we’ll try hard to get it done. Banking the way you’d do it. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 8,1972 Washington, D. C. recently to discuss problems concerning agriculture with legislators. Members visited Congressmen John H. Ware and Lawrence Williams and Senators Richard Schweiker and Hugh Scott. Senator Schweiker spoke to the entire delegation from Penn sylvania at an evening banquet and Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz spoke during a mor ning conference. Among those attending from Chester County were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bartels, Mr. and Elects Officers Darryl Bollinger; Secretary, Debra Gregory; assistant secretary, Linda Kauffman; Treasure, Rhoda Stauffer; newsreporter, Kerry Boyd; song leaders, Marlene Harbold and Curtis Hess; game leaders, Gary Akers and Randy Hess, and County Council Representatives Sue Hershey and Christine Erb. After the election Nelson Martin presented Linda Kauf famn with a check from the Farm Show for the outstanding job she did with her cow. Mrs. Lee Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan King, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Rath, Ronald Elliott, John McCausland, Larry Wilkinson and Emidio Frezzo Jr. Mrs. Arthur Hershey, charilady of the women’s com mittee, announced members will sponsor a farm safety poster contest during the monthth of April. Contestants will be receiving information through the County Extension Office and 4-H Clubs. The Association is planning a State legislative tour to Harrisburg May 8. Wildfires (Continued From Page 18) permit from your fire warden if needed. Many of us are at different times picnickers, campers, hikers, fishermen or hunters and we can unintentionally start fires with our cooking fires, camping fires or warming fires. It is a very good practice to be*very, very careful where and when we start a campfire. If you are un sure, do not start a fire. We have seen that incendiaries, the deliberate setting of a fire on the property of others without per mission, is a leading cause of wildfires. To help counteract this we can report promptly any incident of suspected in cendiarism to police or forest officials. You surely will remember Smokey Bear and what he stands for. Smokey has a very simple message, perhaps it is so simple that we do not heed the warning. However, if we want to utilize our beautiful, natural resources, we must learn to take care of them, use them sparingly and protect them, and be extra careful with fires. Remember, only YOU can prevent forest fires! sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up...costs down... is the profit key in poultry operations. And more and more records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300's...'The Busi nessman’s Bird”...show sus tained production of top quality eggs...often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come in... look at the records and the B-300 ..."The Businessman’s Bird". BABCOCK FARMS, INC Telephone (717) 6264561) 19
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