Eastern Co-Op Board Adopts Resolutions HOTPOINT MOBILE DISHWASHER « 167“ Y Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 11,1972 The number of consecutive terms which a district director may serve on the board of Eastern Milk Producers Cooperative Association In corporated has been extended, effective March I. Over 200 delegates from Eastern’s seven-state area took action on several issues presented to them during their winter conclave at Valle’s Restaurant in Syracuse, NY. recently. ■> Representing over 9,000 Eastern dairy farmer members, the delegate body also increased the total assessment for each member by one cent per hun dredweight of milk, effective April 1. Although the cooperative finished on the black side of the ledger the past year, this action was deemed necessary to stay abreast of the expected in flationary increases in costs of running the Association. The delegates also took this approach to remedy the need for larger operating capital. The number of years a director may serve is now limited to three consecutive three-year terms if so elected by the constituency in his district However, he cannot serve longer than nine con secutive years under any cir cumstance. Following an ab sence from the board for one term of three years, he is then eligible to run for the office of director again. Prior to the passage of the above amendment to Eastern’s By-Laws, a director could serve only two consecutive three-year terms or six years. Resolutions adopted by the delegates of the milking bargaining cooperative included approval of the 1972-1973 budget, taking steps to secure immediate revision of United States Public Health regulations with respect to buried well casings; sup porting the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Law as it now stands and authorizing Eastern’s Board of Directors to petition the U. S. Secretary of Agriculture to ex pand Federal Orders to cover the market areas which are represented throughout the entire state of Pennsylvania. Motions made and carried by majority vote of the delegates present included moving in the direction of getting Market Service Payments for non cooperative members in the New York - New Jersey Federal Milk Marketing Order, following a study by Eastern’s Board of Directors, protesting to whomever is responsible con cerning the television ad vertisement used by Blue Bonnet Oleo which shows a bam and dairy cows in connection with their product. Eastern Milk Producers, which has experienced a continued growth in membership, marketed over three billion pounds of milk this past year with independent milk companies throughout the nation’s nor theastern region. Although Eastern predicts the handling of a larger volume of milk this coming year, it expects to be confronted with numerous marketing problems within the milk industry and urges dairy farmers to keep apprised of the many changes now taking place. Sighted Land Roderigo de Triana, a sail or aboard the Pinta, one of the three vessels led by Co lumbus, was the first to sight land—at 2 a.m., Oct. 12. 1492. 23