—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26. 1972 2 Local L Lancaster Auction Wednesday, February 23 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 878 150 362 57 Last week 562 149 389 6 Last year 921 121 477 86 This Weeks Auction 855 150 327 57 Last Weeks 148 392 6 556 Auction CATTLE Compared to last Wednesday, Slaughter Steers 25- 75 higher, mostly early sales 50-75 higher, Cows strong to 50 higher, Bulls strong to 50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1000-1350 lbs 37 35-38 35, Choice 1000-1425 lbs 36 00-37.60, late sales 950-1150 lbs 35 75-36.75; high-Good and low-Choice 34 35-35.75, Good 32.00-35 00; Standard 28.50-31.75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 790-1180 lbs 34.25-36 35, couple 36 85-37.00, Good 30.00- 31.75 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 26 25-27.50, few 27.75-28 75, Cutter 23.50-26.50; Canner and low-Cutter 21.75- 23 50 BULLS Choice 33.00-35.10; Good 29.75-32 50; Utility and Commercial 29 85-32.60, six head 32 75-33 60, low Utility 970-1100 lbs 28.00-30.60. VEAL CALVES Vealers 1.00- 3 00 lower, instance 4.00 lower on Choice and Prime. VEALERS Prime 58.50- 62.50, few 63.00-65.00; Choice 55.00-60.00; Good 52.00-56.00; Standard 43.50-51.50; Utility 90- 120 lbs. 33.00-39.00. SHEEP Wooled Lambs 1.00- 1.50 higher. WOOLED LAMBS Choice 84- 103 lbs. 32.50-33.50, one lot 106 lbs. 31.00. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, February 21 Reported receipts of 195 head of horses and mules; market steady with last weeks market. Load Tennessee and North Carolina work horses, single, 200- 340; one pair, 610. Load Kansas riding horses, 105 - 490. Load Kansas work horses and mules; horses, single, 220 - 300; mules, single, 150 - 325; mules, pairs, 460 - 910. Locally consigned work horses, 165 - 305: riding horses, 125 -180; few better horses, 210 - 300; mules, mostly Killer way. Mare ponies, 10-25; Geldings, 10-20; Colts, 5 -8; Larger Ponies, 40 - 50; Killers, 10 - 12. Green