Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1972, Image 8
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Februai 8 Penn State Studies Show: Less Expense, Better Results With Tomato Harvest by Machine Tomatoes, the leading Penn sylvania vegetable crop for processing, can be harvested more economically by machine than by hand, it was announced February 9 at the annual Vegetable Conference at Penn sylvania State University The savings in machine har vesting can equal $6 to $lO per ton over the cost of hand picking, reported Dr William Hepler, associate professor of plant breeding at Penn State. In experiments during 1970 and 1971, machine harvesting costs averaged $lO to $l4 per ton, compared with $2O per ton for hand harvesting These costs include labor and depreciation on equipment. ROARER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. HAROLD H. GOOD Terre Hill GRUBB SUPPLY CO Elizabethtown C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl HERSHEY BROS Reinholds WHITE OAK MILL 19, 1972 The studies were the first full scale, farm-based Penn State experiments to harvest tomatoes by machine Dr. Hepler spoke for four College of Agriculture faculty members conducting the studies. The other three were Robert F. Fletcher, Extension horticulturist; Richard W. Poorbaugh, research economist; and Donald R. Daum, Extension engineer Preliminary findings indicate that 40 to 50 acres is an economical size planting for machine harvesting, Dr. Hepler affirmed. Machine harvest yields ranged from 12 to 28 tons per acre with an average yield of 18 tons per acre, he stated. The ex periments are being continued MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa. PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise Leola, Pa. FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R D. 2, Peach Bottom H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer Findings to date refute the common belief that hand har vesting recovers all of the tomato crop. Comparisons on large scale acreage in 1971 found that hand picking recovered only 62 per cent of the crop. Machine har vesting, while retrieving only 60 per cent of the crop, yielded the best grade of tomatoes. Acreage planted to tomatoes, and cost of a harvester, are ob viously limiting factors in economical machine harvesting, Dr. Hepler observed. He said western harvesters, such as those used in the leading tomato state of California, cost over $35,000. Harvesters for eastern acreage are being developed and manufactured for $15,000 to $20,000. The studies have tested 13 new tomato varieties and breeding lines for use in machine har vesting. Three breeding lines were found superior for per cent ripeness at harvest, yield per acre, and ability of fruit to stay on the wine until harvested. Tnis information aided the U.S. Department of Agriculture in releasing three tomato varieties adapted for machine harvest in Pennsylvania. These varieties are Merit, Red Rock, and Potomac. If seed is available, it is possible that 3,000 to 4,000 acres might be planted with these varieties in the Commonwealth this summer, he estimated. Dr. Hepler cautioned that additional information is needed on weed control, varietal responses to various fertilizer rates, plant populations, and spread of harvest season using combinations of variety and type of planting. I Ph: 393-3906 I 305 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17601 v 'ty * <• s£ +>■ .. > S V This planter saves money on seedcorn Ungraded seedcorn often costs less than sized seed—and your planter will handle ungraded kernels accurately and efficiently if it’s a John Deere Plateless. These planters provide the close population control you demand, and they do away with the nuisance of trying to find just the right plates. They come in a full range of sizes for wide or narrow rows. Stop in soon for complete information on Johh Deere Plateless Planters. Landis Bros. Inc. M. S. Yearsley & Sons Lancaster 393-3906 West Chester 696-2990 A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Shofrzberger's New Holland 354-4191 Elm 665-3141 Performance factors for a tomato harvester, he claimed, should include efficiency of operating time, acres harvested per day, tons harvested per acre, and number of hours of machine operation per season. Cooperating on the studies during the past two years were five Pennsylvania tomato processing firms and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The | Rugged Chain Barn Cleaner | I Frees You A ✓ -X v A A ~ V A •A /V ✓ ✓ S '•'< y, t - ■ , «<"•; h-> >/ - x^“ ‘ C{*\ *r*V. - < * <7 s.}"-* i, '* t r ■,,'* *$ ''-y*'? '' . * «>>'/ tSt/g* a * 'xv/v>x'n hix&r' S' V/ sA-a for Better Things Heavy Forged Link Chain Galvanized Steel Elevator Powerful Transmission three-day Vegetable Conference at Penn State was sponsored by the College of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association, and the Penn sylvania Food Processors Association. Transplanting of seedling tomatoes was done in May for the August and early September harvests. Direct field seeding was done in April for harvesting by mid to late September. ' > ' *r; * sag