Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1972, Image 5
Chester Extension Two meetings on corn, soybeans .and grain sorghums will be conducted by the Chester County Cooperative Extension service on Wednesday, February 23. Beginning at 1 p.m. at the Russellville Grange Hall, - i i '*> *• * ' NEW COMBINATIONS ON CORN CONTROL HARD-TO-KILL BROADLEAF WEEDS AND GRASSES OTHERS MISS How to beat young, tough broadleafs, vines, weed grasses before they damage your corn? If you know where and what your weed problem is, the new tank-mix combination, Banvel + Lasso, goes down just after planting, before corn or weeds emerge . . . timed to destroy weed and grass seedlings, when corn cannot compete successfully with weeds. Depend on this combination like insurance coverage. No harm to corn. No need to incorporate. No carryover. No residue problems Banvel + atrazine tank mix can do the broad spectrum weed control job on weeds resistant to 2,4-D and not adequately controlled by atrazine alone. Allows you first to make sure how much and what Meetings Plenned . JJ* program will be ■ IMHIIWM held at 7:30 p.m. at the Owen J. Russellville, the program will Roberts High School vo ag room, include “Growing Corn in 1972” Included in the program will be by Joseph McGahen, Penn State “Growing Com in 1972” by agronomist, and “Can Soybeans Joseph McGahen, and “Can Replace Com as a Cash Crop? - Grain Sorghums Replace Com as as a Peed Crop?” by William a Cash Crop? -as a Feed Crop?” Mitchell, University of Delaware by James Haldeman, Berks agronomist. County agricultural agent. 40^ Smartweed? Thistle? Barnyardgrass ? BANVELLASSO BANVEL atrazine . >♦ *> A fs&V' ■mi if ’ PRE-EMERGE TANK-MIX ON CORN* EARLY POST-EMERGENCE TANK-MIX ON CORN Pigweed? Foxtails? / > X , ,/ . - I V kind of a weed problem you have. Spray 3 to 15 days after corn emerges, when grasses are less than two inches. No brittleness caused in corn. Ideal for narrow-row, minimum-tillage programs. One early-post treatment gives season-long control. So, usually no need to cultivate. See your dealer or custom applicator about Banvel -f Lasso or Banvel -f atrazine combinations that work before weeds hurt. BANVEL® from pending Lasso is a TTTI T TT / \ T registered trademark %/ H. I If AM I of Monsanto Company. w .MA .M J -A- M VELSICOL CHEMICAL CORPORATION 341 East Ohio Street • Chicago, Illinois 60611 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Februai New Cooperators Named The Lancaster County Soil and Water Conservation District The “1971 Pennsylvania Commercial Hybrid Corn Tests” and the “1972 Agronomy Guide” can be obtained at the meeting or from the Extension office. *• N s Vs 5 * announces the following li new cooperators: Robert R. Buch, East I field Township, 30 acres; ] Brinton, Little Britain Towi 130 acres; Millersville : Millersville; Ivan N. ( Rapho Township, 113 acres \' l V N * s 19,19; i 7: