Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1972, Image 19
Fulton Grange Valentine Party Fulton Grange 66 held its semi monthly meeting February 14 at the Grange Hall in Oakryn. Mrs. James Huber was named chairman of the Grange’s annual supper which will be held April 8. Charles McSparran reported $lB received for the Health Center progressive parties which SPECIAL LOW PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE 14 " ELECTRIC AMERICAN DRILL 26' ALUMINUM STEPLADDER 12 FT. JUMPER CABLES 20 GAL. GARBAGE CANS SUNBEAM ELECTRIC FRY PAN 26”>HUFFY 3 SPEED BIKE FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 10 QT. GALVANIZED BUCKET RD 2 EPHRATA LOCATED IN FARMERSVILLE PHONE totals $3,097.08 the parties have netted. Rev. G. J. Umberger, Fleet wood Grange, Berks County, invited Grangers to participate in a People-To-People Goodwill mission to the Orient sponsored by Agway this year. The young marrieds com- •sss* THE NEW EQUIPMENT FOR ’72 SEE • OLIVER • FOX • GEHL HARDWARE FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMEN ARE INVITED TO ATTEND OUR ANNUAL VERDAYS 72 FEB. 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 WEDNESDAY 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. -GRAND DOOR PRIZES FIRST - NORGE 16 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER SECOND - 80.00 IN SCRIPT MONEY Small Door Prizes Will Be Given Away • BADGER • CLAY • BRILLION 40 x 100 x 6 MILL BLACK PLASTIC $28.50 PER ROLL LIST $39 95 $l2 98 $5 79 $3 39 $lB.BB $59 95 2/50c 99c LOOK FOR THESE RED TAG SPECIALS AND MORE mittee, Mr. and Mrs. James Huber chairmen, presented a Valentine’s program. Taking part in a “Newlywed Game” were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Galbreath, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. David Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wood were the winners. Glenn Hough presented organ-piano selections. Winners in the Valentine THURSDAY 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. Each Afternoon SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL OLIVER PLOW PARTS AND 10% OFF ALL OTHER PARTS • BOLENS • GE ELEC-IRAK • MID SALE $29.95 $7.97 $4.19 $2.75 $14.88 $47.96 2/33c 79c contest were: prettiest Mrs. David Knight, first, and Timmy Hanks, second; funniest Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr, first, and Mrs. Harry Baker, second. The Women’s Activities committee will present the program at the February 28 meeting which will feature talks “The Education Of The Retarded Child” by Mrs. Edgar K. Brown FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. LUCAS LATEX CEILING WHITE LUCAS FLOOR ENAMEL LUCAS WALL PAINT OUTSIDE WHITE (Oil Base) OUTSIDE WHITE (Water Base) ZIP GUARD WOOD FINISH ZIP STRIP PAINT REMOVER ZIP STRIP PAINT REMOVER Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19,1972 • HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS • HARSH HOISTS • LINCOLN WELDERS PAINTS and “The School Lunch Program” by Mrs. Gyles Brown. The Lancaster County Pomona chorus will provide special music. First and second degrees will be conferred March 27 and third and fourth degrees April 24. The Junior Grange also met. Their next meeting will be March 13. OoSfcu ***** g $T y~. * i sSS°*s LIST Gal $6 89 Gal $7 95 $2.99 $3.99 2/$5.98 $5.29 $4.99 $7.69 $1.79 $4.99 Gal $8 49 Gal $8 49 Gal $9 95 Qt $2 29 Gal $7 49 19 I SALE mk