Farm Women Societies THINKING CAGES? F™l > FLAT DECK \ fG SINGLE TIER FULL STAIR STEP 3-TIER MODIFIED ... YOUR LARGEST SELECTION is mm Si<\ Pufefiman. /Flat Deck, Tiered, Pullet Jjj Twice as many birds per and Grow Cages * foot of feeding and water ing trough, compared to conventional systems /Easier to light and ventilate /Automatic Feeding, Watering, Central Egg Collecting and Manure Removal DO YOU HAVE... TIME CONSUMING NON AUTOMATED CAGES? LET US HELP YOU CONVERT YOUR EXISTING NON-AUTOMATED CAGES TO LABOR-SAVING EF FICIENT UNITS WITH AUTOMATIC FEEDING AND EGG COLLECTION. BIG DUTCHMAN A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc EASTERN BRANCH 215 Diller Ave., New Holland, Pa. 17557 (Continued from Page 14) Hostesses lor the afternoon were Miss Martin, Mrs. Irwin Ginder, Mary Stauffer, Mrs Martin Miller, Jennie Kittle and Mrs Sylvester Shuman The next meeting will be held at 2 p m February 19 at Saint Mark’s United Methodist Church, Mount Joy A travelogue of 'Hawaii will be presented by Miss Anna Mae Eby. Hostesses will be Miss Eby, Alice Myers, Mrs. Mane Stoner, Mrs. Clinton Eby and Miss Ruth Eby. All members are urged to be present at the meeting to enjoy the Hawaiian party. Society 6 Farm Women Society 6 met recently at the home of the president, Mrs Harry Shonk, Manheim RD4. Assisting hostesses were,Kathryn Miller and Mrs Bernard Thome Glen Fans, Lancaster County Probation officer, was guest speaker at the meeting Musical selections were presented by Mrs Henry Faus, Mrs. Glen Faus, Mrs. Daniel Fitzkee and Joyce Shenk. During the business portion of the meeting, a gift of $25 was approved for the Farm and Home Center kitchen Mrs Kerry Shonk, Mrs William Eberly and Mrs. William Thome reported on the State Convention activities The next meeting will be held at 2 p m. February 5 at the home ol Mrs Bertha Keller, Elizabethtown RD3 Society 12 Farm Women Society 12 met Saturday, January 15 at the home Farm Women Calendar Wednesday, January 26 Farm Women Society 24, Eddy’s Ceramics, New Holland. Thursday, January 27 Farm Women Society 28, home of Mrs. Robert Book, 11 S Hershey Ave , Leola Saturday. January 2!) Farm Women Society 5, home of Elizabeth and Matilda Work man. # An exact system to fit w your needs Ph. 354-51G8 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22,1972 — ol Mrs. James Frey, Conestoga KD2 Devotions were in charge ol Mrs. Paul Harnish Roll call was answered by giving old and new resolutions The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs Lamar Henry The By -Laws were read, and a report given on the State Convention held last week at the Farm Show The Society will sew bags lor the veterans ol Lebanon Hospital to be used on their wheel chairs A committee was appointed to plan lor the 46th anniversary of the Society They are - Mrs Lester Sigman, chairman; Mrs Raymond Aston, and Mrs William Shenk The next meeting will be a Sewing Day lor the Society on February 22 at the home of Mrs John Kendig, Conestoga RDI Each member is asked to bring lunch Col lee will be served Society 13 Farm Women Society 13 met at the home ol Mrs Ervin Brown, New Holland Pike Mrs. John Dcnhnger served as ho?fess and Mrs Gordon Reitzel served as cohostess Devotions were led by Mrs Reitzel Twenty members answered roll call by stating the year they joined the Farm Women Society The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Irvin Leaman, vice president The lollowing members at tended the State Convention at Harrisburg Mrs , John Denhnger, Mrs Gordon Reitzel, Mrs Isaac Koser, Miss Elsie Wilson and Mrs Ervin Brown The date lor the Spring Rally was announced for May 10 at Seven Springs in Somerset County Plans are being made to en tertain Society 27 and County Board officers m March at the Witmer Fire Hall. The next meeting will be held at the home ol Mrs Raymond Dcnlmger, 602 Enlield Drive, Lancaster, A “White Elephant” sale will be ieatured P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Pa. Society 18 Farm Women Society 18 en tertained Society 1 recently at the Lititz Church ol the Brethren Mrs M H Harnish, guest speaker, presented “Historical Lancaster” as the subject lor the program portion ol the meeting A gilt was presented to Mrs Lester Kreider in appreciation ol her two-year term ol olfice as president ol the group during the business session conducted by- Mrs David Buckwalter, president Reports on the State Con vention held in Harrisburg were given by Mrs Jay Landis, Mrs. Arnold Lueck and Mrs Henry Nissley Society 21 Farm Women Society 21 met in the home of Mrs. Lewis Aument, with Mrs. Clair DeLong and Mrs James Landis serving as cohostesses. Mrs. Aument led devotions During the business portion of the meeting, led by Mrs J Richards Wood, the group donated $67.75 to the Southern Lancaster County Family Health Center, Quarryville Mrs James Shenk reported a good profit on the sale of dish towels and pot holders by the Society Yearbooks were made available The committee to plan the programs was headed by Mrs Edwin Brown, assisted by Mrs J Richards Wood, Mrs James Ixmg, Mrs Charles Tindall Jr, Mrs Richard Risk and Mrs Robert Rohrer Mrs Rohrer reported on the State Convention held in Harrisburg. The group will be entertained by Society,, 7 in March The Society will entertain Society 4 in April Mrs Dons Thomas, Lancaster County Extension home economist, spoke to the group on the new spring fabrics and how to care for them Ph. 397-3539 15