Is It Best Way to Spend Limited Funds? Economist Says: Cost of Pollution Control Must Be Weighed With Other Needs Getting rid of pollution in one respect often creates other un desirable effects, says Dr. ABS Appoints Cartel Harland E. Carter has been appointed District Sales Coor dinator, according to an an nouncement by Willard A. Krueger, vice president of Marketing for American Breeders Service, Inc., a sub sidiary of W. R. Grace & Co. Carter’s territory is composed of northcentral Pennsylvania and he will be assisting ABS District Sales Manager, William Berg of Muncy, Pa., in the business developments m this area. DUAL PURPOSE GRAIN BINS 1972 SPECIAL EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT JANUARY SAVE 7 PER CENT FEBRUARY SAVE 6 PER CENT MARCH SAVE 5 PER CENT SEE A BROCK GRAIN DRYING SYSTEM IN OPERATION ON OUR OWN FARM. Donald J. Epp, Pennsylvania State University agricultural economist. Dr. Epp finds this “trade-off” between alternatives may exist in four aspects—a trade-off between environmental quality and other needs, a trade-off between geographical areas, a trade-off within the various parts of the environment, and a trade off in degrees of environmental cleanliness Just as a family must sometimes choose betwen alternatives, society must make choices in the kinds of pollution it accepts, he stated recently. “I think we will face rather quickly the trade-off between environmental quality and other ATTENTION GRAIN GROWERS SAVE BY TAKING DELIVERY NOW AND NOT PAYING BEFORE OCTOBER 31 r 1972 FOR DELIVERY IN THE FOLLOWING MONTHS E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R. D. 1/ Willow Street BROCK ■■ ’ -A. i'i" >.i> ■,a '■ * v ** ’ * APRIL MAY JUNE Pennsylvania city under orders to upgrade its sewage treatment facilities so that a stream now contaminated will meet stan- University Extension ornamental horticulturist, ‘‘Systemic Fungicides” by Professor L P Nichols, Penn State Extension plant pathologist, “Fertilizing Ornamentals, Fact or Fancy,” Dr Nuss, “Plants and the Computer” by MacDonald, and “English Nurseries” by Rath mell Following the meal at 6 p m , Rathmell will speak on “European Nurseries ” t * >. SAVE 4 PER CENT SAVE 3 PER CENT SAVE 2 PER CENT 717-464-3321 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 1,1972 dards for swimming and other contact water sports At hearings involving the situtation, a con sultant testified that the city could build 10 olympic-size swimming pools annually for the cost of improving water treat ment facilities Citizens of this and similar communities will ask the question, “How do we get-the most benefit from spending the moneys” Dr Epp pointed out In such cases, however, the people are not allowed a choice since standards indicate the stream must be cleaned up “As we at Penn State continue working on environmental problems, we must make known the alternative ways of getting whatever benefits people want (rom the environment These are as important as knowledge of the standards fcr environmental quality,” he affirmed Dr Epp described a Federal government estimate of $lO5 2 billion needed over the next 6 years to clean up the en vironment thoroughly This amounts to about $l7 5 billion annually People will ask whether this is the best way to spend the money They may point out that this money could double expenditures of all state and local governments lor police protection, correctional institutions, and public assistance, he observed The $l7 5 billion is about two thirds of what the nation spends annually for all public elemen tary and secondary schools A two-third increase in financing lor school systems might im prove communitites sub stantially Cleaning up streams could also improve communities The people must decide which expenditure will be made The “(rade-off” in geographical areas could prove equally serious for some Penn sylvania industries, he claimed Certain industries may be compelled to move elsewhere because of high costs required to meet strict environmental standards Increased standards for one stream receiving sewage effluent from a paper mill will raise production costs for sewage treatment by $l7 80 per ton of product This is almost six times the current cost for sewage treatment Unless the company has other advantages for remaining, they will most likely move to another state, Dr Epp predicted Is the resulting improvement m en vironmental quality worth the loss of jobs, he asked This is a “trade-off” that should be con sidered “Alternatives” between dif ferent parts of the environment were also discussed Cleaning up raw sewage from a stream by installing a sewage treatment plant and then burning the resulting sludge takes “dirt” out of the water and puts it m the air. Burning of refuse instead of using land fill is another example of “trade-off’ from soil and water pollution to air pollution. Dr. Epp said a fourth “trade off” exists in degree or extent of pollution. He claimed the natural environment consists of various degrees of cleanliness Pollution is not strictly a man-made ac tivity and the natural state en vironment is not absolutely clean It is not necessarily true that distilled water must run in every stream before the natural en vironment is cared for properly, he affirmed Man can use the environment to dispose of many waste products and the en vironment will clean it up — provided the system is not 11