—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 9,1971 18 Winning 4-H Club individuals at the recent 40th anniversary convention of the Northeastern Poultry Producers Council (NEPPCO) in New York pose with their awards for top presentations. They are, from left, Bruce Thompson, of Blacksone, West Grove 4-H’er Named State Entomology Winner Elizabeth Hutchison, 16, West Grove RD2, who has compiled an outstanding record in 4-H work, recently was named state en tomology contest winner in the 4- H National Awards program. Beth will receive a $5O Savings Bond and also will be eligible to attend National 4-H Congress, November 28 to December 2, and will compete for awards at the national level. Carroll L. Howes, assistant State 4-H leader at Pennsylvania State University, who announced the award selection, said she was judged on the basis of her project work, leadership ability, and participation in county and state 4-H activities. The winner was picked from among the 92,000 4-H members who annually take part in the Extension Service youth education program The daughter of Mr and Mrs James M Hutchison, she is a junior at Lower Hill High School Beth has been a 4-H member seven years A member of the Oxford 4-H Flyers’ Field Day Set Pennndge Airport, Perkasie. Pa., will be the scene of an open house and field day October 16 and 17. There will be an elaborate aircraft display, airplane ndes, prizes, and various activities of interest to the public. Pennsylvania Flying Farmers will offer a fly-in and drive-in breakfast from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. They will also hold a large homemade bake sale on both dates. Hot dogs, hamburgers, cold and hot drinks, and other refreshments will be available all day and evening. This will be a fund-raising event in preparation for the In ternational Flying Farmers Convention to be held in Philadelphia August 13-18, 1972. Pennsylvania Flying Farmers will be hosting over 1,200 fellow Flying Farmers at that time from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Named It Elektron The Greeks gave amber the name elektron since they found that, when rubbed briskly, it couldr pick up straws and small bits of pa per. This gave man his first knowledge of electricity. Community Club, she served as president, secretary, treasurer, news reporter, and song leader, and was news reporter of the Chester County 4-H Council. She also assisted with club activities and events as a teen leader the past three years. The state entomology contest winner completed projects in entomology, clothing, foods, pesticides, recreation, strawberries, teen leadership, plan and plant for beauty, and babysitting. Active in county 4-H events, Beth participated in the roundup, achievement dinner, picnic, camp, demonstration day, and fashion show. LIQUID MANURE PIT FARMERS Husky Liquid Manure Equipment. Ask For A Demonstration On The New Style Liquid Pump. FEATURES Economically priced, large volume pumping capacity, low cost maintenance, avail able in three point or trailer type hitch. Sales & Service SHENK'S FARM SERVICE R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Phone 626-4355 Va., for poultry marketing; Mary Schroer, of Egg Harbor, NJ., for poultry science; Dawn Schwenk, of Lebanon, Pa., for poultry foods, and Brian Showman, of Vanderbilt, Pa., for poultry production. She also took part in the Regional 4-H Demonstration Day, Regional 4-H Teen Leaders Retreat, Pennsylvania 4-H Congress, Pennsylvania Farm Show, State 4-H Days, and camp Kanesatake, leader training camp in Huntingdon County. Beth presented the winning 4-H entomology demonstration at State 4-H Days in 1970. Commenting on the values of the youth program, Beth said, “4- H has helped me to develop leadership qualities, knowledge and skills, and self-confidence.” She is one of 40 commonwealth 4-H members being selected as state contest winners in the various project categories. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS YOU BEE* 1 pm"! sweatin’)... and wishin’ you had another 10 horse power and another 100 pounds of weight on the rear wheels. This is the time to stop sliding backward and tgVe a big step forward. Give us a call and well put you in tiie seat of an AUis-Chalmers One-Seventy. Its 54 horsepower* and Traction Booster system will flatten out those hills and dry out the wet spots faster than you can say )*%?&”(, When the going gets tough, the draft arms of the One-Seventy’s 3-point hitch signal the Traction Booster system, which automatically transfers more of the load to the rear wheels. Far less slippin’ to waste power and wear tires. Try it today. Going Orange is Going Great! Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R.D. 2 Nissley Farm Service N. G. Myers & Son Washington Boro, Pa. Rhopnip, Pa. auis-chalmuis TRACTION BOOSTER * ln Allls-Chalrntr* trademark. •Maximum otwrvd PTO hors.powar at ratad anUna - r L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville, Pa.
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