Rural Telephone Bank Created, Directors Named / Directors of the Rural Telephone Bank, whose ap pointments were announced by President Nixon - recently, will have as their first order of business the adoption of bylaws and the development of policies and procedures for administering the bank. David A. Hamil, governor of For Interior Farm Buildings ★ Does not rub or flake off ★ Is really white ★ Cleans off windows and stalls easily RICHARD R. FORRY 2020 Horseshoe Rd. Ph. 717-397-0035 Lancaster Penna. ALL NEW BEACON PULLET CAGE SYSTEM One day old to twenty weeks, 20 birds per single deck cage.- This is the most economical and labor saving system on the market. The automated system includes the winch suspended Bekcon auger pan feeder, one pan per 24” x 36” cage, and the Hart cup watering system. Features of single deck pullet cage system from one day old to twenty weeks: • Only two adjustments—from one day old to twenty weeks • Safety lock hinged doors • Vi x 2 galvanized mesh floor • Sturdy channel suspension or stands 9 One or two Hart cups per cage • One 8” pan per cage • Winch feeder adjustment • Can use hot-water or hot air heating systems □ WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC R, D. 1, Willow Street 717r#4-3321 the Bank, said he intends to call the directors into session as soon as possible. Hamil also is ad ministrator of the Rural Elec trification Administration in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The Rural Telephone Bank was created May 7, 1971, with the signing by President Nixon of Public Law 92-12. The bank will APPLBED BY operate as an agency of the United States in conjunction with the Rural Electrification -Ad ministration. Its purpose is to obtain funds through the sale of capital stock and debentures to supplement the REA telephone loan program. The bank will utilize its funds in making loans for the im provement and expansion of rural telephone facilities pur suant to the Rural Electrification Act. The USDA appropriations act for fiscal year 1972 contains $3O million for initial purchase of bank stock by the government. Of the 13 member board, two are designed by the law creating the bank. They are the REA Administrator, Hamil, who serves as governor of the Rural Telephone Bank, and the governor of the Farm Credit Administration, E. A. Jaenke. The 11 presidential appointees include; Dr. Thomas K. Cowden, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development and Conservation, a native of Hickory, Pa., and Harold G. Payne, president and manager, Telephone Utilities of Pennsylvania, Inc., Export, Pa. A native of Pennsylvania, Payne has developed two out standing telephone companies in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. According to the USDA, Payne’s knowledge of their needs and problems of financing the companies will be invaluable to the telephone bank. He is widely known in the independent telephone industry for his leadership in national associations. Others are: Clarence D. Palmby, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for International Affairs and Commodity Programs; Dr. Eric Thor, ad ministrator; Farmer Cooperative • Flex auger feeders • JMore uniform pullets • Most advanced engineered cbick pullet system available • Easy ventilated • Greater cubic inch of bird area • Start chicks directly on feeder • Easy assembly Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 9,1971- Service; Willis F. Ward, chair man, Michigan Public Service Commission; Charles H. Pillard, international president, International Brotherhood of Electtical Workers; Leßoy T. Carlsdn, president, Telephone & Data Systems, Inc., Chicago, III; Mrs. Jean Brandli, president and manager, Coosa Valley Telephone Company, Pell City, Ala.; Glenn W. Bergland, general manager, Winnebago Cooperative- Telephone Association, Thompson, Iowa; B. DHIA Month Harold M. Shenk Silver Melvin L. Beiler Duchess Carl G. Troop Abby Rufus G. Martin 26 RH Henry & Paul Martin Dinahle RH Eve RH John M. Smucker Lark Robert L. Weaver Wren R. Edwin Harnish Prissy John L. Beiler Pat John N. Shirk Marion J. Mowery Frey Merry J. Douglas Martin 19 HIGH DAILY BUTTERFAT AVERAGES Days % On Name Breed Test Christian K. Lapp RH Paul B. Zimmerman RH Mervin Nissley R&GrH John P. Lapp R&GrH 39 Robert F. & Joan B. Book RH Clarence M. Murry RH Carl G. Troop RH John S. Yost RH Dale E. Hiestand RH Donald S. Eby RH Harry S. Aungst RH 27 J. Harold Musser & Son R&GrH 35 Roy H. & Ruth H. Book RH Aaron E. Beiler R&GrH John R. Sauder R&GrH JAMESWAY Cow Comfort Barn Equipment STANCHION COMFORT HERRINGBONE STALLS STALLS T,E STALLS STALLS FREE COW. CALF, WATER STALLS BULL PENS CUPS FANS Quality-Built to Last and Last * Plus Free Planning Help * Automatic Parlor Feeding * All-Season Ventilation Systems YOU CAN COUNT ON US Reliable Products - Installation - Service M. E. SNAVELY 445 South Cedar St. Lititz, Pa. 17543 Ph. 626-8144 Maynard Christenson, president, Dakota Cooperative Telephone Company, Inc., Irene, S.D., and David J. McKay, manager, the Golden Belt Telephone Association Inc,, La Croosse, Kansas. The Rural Telephone Bank is expected to begin making loans during this current fiscal year. Interest rates on bank loans will be based on a borrower’s ability to pay, but rates will not be less than four per cent per annum. In its role as a supplementary financing institution, the bank will make loans only to organizations which have a loan or loan commitment from REA. ly Reports (Continued from Page 12) RH 3-7 287 RH 4-7 305 RH 305 305 305 305 RH 3-2 305- GrH 5-1 305 RH 5-4 305 RH 4-3 305 RH 4-2 304 RH 4-3 280 RH 9-3 293 No. Cow Days Milk Cows In Milk Lbs. 39.0 95.1 33.0 88.9 33.1 90.2 30.5 83.2 42.9 86.3 34.4 92.3 32 0 84.4 32.6 82 3 29.0 85 8 46.3 85 5 55.0 89.5 51.3 91.4 43.3 83.9 84.4 t 23.1 42.9 83.8 15,343 651 14,896 651 15,047 650 17,705 649 14,810 17,248 649 647 16,925 647 16,646 647 16,722 646 15,153 646 17,309 644 17,098 644 16,370 642 Fat Lbs. % Test 1 52.4 1.83 49.4 1.82 43.3 1.77 481 1.77 465 1.76 49.9 1.76 47.3 1.71 42 7 1.68 45 2 1.68 43 2 1.67 43.9 1.66 47 8 1.66 46.3 1.66 47.0 163 45 2 1.63 13
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