—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 2,1971 6 Yearling Feeder Sale GATE CITY, VIRGINIA Saturday, September 25 There were 145 head sold All cattle state graded and sold by the hundredweight STEERS Choice, 500-700 lbs, 33 00-35 75, 705-800 lbs, 3100- 31 25; 805-1000 lbs , 28 90 30 10 Good, 500-700 lbs, 32 50-35 50, 705-800 lbs, 30 80-3150; 805- 1000 lbs, 29 00 Medium, 500- 700 lbs . 30 75-33 90, 705-800 lbs , 30 00-30 90, 805-1000 lbs, 27 50- 28 00 HEIFERS Good, 500 600 lbs , 28 50-29 00 Medium, 500 600 Let the sunshine in... lbs., 26 00-27.75,605-700 lbs, 24 - 75-28.00. WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA Friday, September 24 There were 677 head steers sold. All cattle state graded and sold by the hundredweight. Choice and Fancy, 500-700 lbs., 3410-35.00; 700-800 lbs., 33 - 00-33 60; 800-1000 lbs, 30GO -32 00 Good, 500-700 lbs, 33 60- 35 80; 700-800 lbs, 32 75-33 60, 800-1000 lbs, 28 80-31.60 Medi um, 500-700 lbs„ 32 40-35 10, 700-800 lbs, 3150-32 00; 800- 1000 lbs, 27 50-30 30 Common, 500-700 lbs., 31 00-31 70, 700 800 lbs., 29.70-3100, 800-1000 lbs, 26 00-28 00 NARROWS, VIRGINIA Tuesday, September 28 There were 1,047 head steers A LONELY OLD LADY LANCASTER COUNTY UNITED CAMPAIGN LANCASTER FARMING sold. All cattle state graded and sold by the hundredweight. Choice and Fancy, 500-700 lbs., 33.80-34.75; 700-800 lbs, 33.- 10-33 80; 800-1000 lbs., 30.30-32 - 20. Good, 500-700 lbs., 33.35-36.- 30; 700-800 lbs., 33.10-33.40; 800- 1000 lbs., 29.35-31.30. Medium, 500-700 lbs, 32 35- 36 50; 700-800 lbs., 3170-32 30; 800-1,000 lbs, 28 20-29.80. Com mon, 500-700 lbs., 3100-32 00; 700-800 lbs., 29.00-29.90. Short, 550-600 lbs., 30 60-31.85 ABINGDON, VIRGINIA Tuesday, September 28 There were 701 head sold All cattle state graded and sold by the hundredweight STEERS; Choice and Fancy 300-400 lbs, 40 00-4100, 400- 500 lbs, 38.70-38 90; 500-600 lbs, 35 40-36 10. Good 300-400 lbs, 40 25-41.00; 400-500 lbs, 38 25- There's nothing to disturb her peaceful, patterned life. Not even a visitor. She spends long, lonely hours thinking of the past and of those loved so don't they come? Just one hour would help. Even a few minutes. She has a daughter somewhere. A son, too. But they're too busy leading their own lives. There just isn't time for "Mom." Her brother can't make it either. He's old, too .. . and lonely. The United Way has volunteers who bring a little sunshine into those bleak, lonely hours and leave a little love behind. The aged, the disturbed, the handicapped, the ill depend on you. Help others put on a happy face give at least one clay's pay to the 630 Janet Avenue, Lancaster, Pa, 17601 This message brought to you as a public service by; Local Grain Thursday, September 30 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by six participating local feed and grain concerns. It should be noted, however, that not every 40.00; 500-600 lbs., 35.25-36 30. Medium 300-400 lbs., 36.25-42,- 00; 400-500 lbs., 36.00-38.25; 500- 600 lbs., 34.00-35.00. HEIFERS - Choice and fancy, 300-400 lbs., 32 00-32 50; 400-500 lbs., 32.00-33.20; 500-600 lbs 28.- 00-3100. Good, 300-400 lbs, 31.- 00-31.60; 400-500 lbs., 30.00-31.- 40; 500-600 lbs., 28.75-30 50. Me dium, 300-400 lbs, 27.25-29 50; 400-500 lbs., 27.00, 500-600 lbs., 26.50-27.00. dealer handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel,, ex cept for ear corn which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, September 30 are as follows: Bid* Offered' Ear Corn (Old) 40.33 45.66 Ear Corn (New) 22.00 25.00 Shelled Corn 1.27 1.48 Oats (local) .72 .82 Barley 1.00 1.25 Wheat 1.40 1.55 *Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer de livered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. Your fair share - a day’s pay or more - will make for a better community, a better-serviced County, a successful campaign, and (best yet) a clear conscience.
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