Oklahoma City Thursday, September 30 Estimated receipts 10,500 Same day last week 6,450 Same day last year 10,699 Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves steady to strong com pared to last Thursday, in stances 50c higher on thin flesh ed Good Grade offerings. Ma jority receipts Good and Choice 350-650 lb. offerings; fairly large attendance buyers. Sales As Of 12:30 P.M. Feeder Steers: Choice, few Prime 325-475 lb. 37.50-42.00, two small lots 202-225 lb. 43 00- 45.00; 500-650 lb. 34.50-38.50, load 547 lb. at 39.10; 650-725 lb 33.50-34.50; 750-875 lb. 32.75-33.- 60, part load 907 lb. fleshy at 31.60; Good and Choice 400-475 lb. 36.00-38.00; 500-650 lb. 33.50- 34.75; Gopd 375-475 lb. 33.25-35.- 00; 500-650 lb. 31.00-33.50; 650- 750 lb. 31.00-33.00, few 750-785 lb. 29.50-32.25; Standard and Low-Good 575-650 lb. 29.00-30.- 00; few small lots and part loads 800-900 lb. 28.00-28.80. Feeder Heifers: Choice, few Prime 300-450 lb. 33.75-37.75, small lot and part load 323-335 lb. 38.60-39.25; 450-650 lb. 30.75- 33.50, few small lots 450-500 lb. 33.75-34.50; Good and Choice 350-450 lb. 31.75-33.00; 450-600 lb. 29.75-31.00; few Good 535- 650 lb. 28.00-29.00. Others: Good and Choice bull Calves 33.25-44.00, load 323 lb. Vintage (Continued from Page 2) Fat Hogs and Feeder Pig Sale Saturday, September 25 HOGS 886: Barrows & Gilts: Mostly steady, spots 25c higher. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 20.75-21.35, lot 22.10 US No., 2-3 190-255 lbs, 20.10-20.60 US No. 2-4 260-280 lbs. 18.35-19.75 US No. 2-4 160-185 lbs. 15.75-18.60 Sows: US No. 1-3 315-565 lbs. 15.00-16.75 Boars: 14.00-15.25 ALL NEW BEACON PULLET CAGE SYSTEM One day old to twenty weeks, 20 birds per single deck cage. This is the most economical and labor saving system on the market. The automated system includes the winch suspended Beacon auger pan feeder, one pan per 24” x 36” cage, and the Hart cup watering system. Features of single deck pullet cage system from one day old to twenty weeks: • Only two adjustments—from one day old to twenty weeks • Safety lock hinged doors • x 2 galvanized mesh floor • Sturdy channel suspension or stands • One or two Hart cups per cage • One 8” pan per cage • Winch feeder adjustment • Can use hot water or hot air heating systems Green Dragon Dairy Cattle Friday, September 24 The Green Dragon market reported receipts of 159 head of cattle, fair attendance, prices stronger. Consignments included Load Pennsylvania cows, fresh, 352.50 - 400; springers, 245 - 390. Herd Maryland cows, fresh, 390 - 710; springers, 415 - 650. Load Canadian cows, fresh, 442.50 - 570; springers, 450 - 645. Herd Virginia cows, fresh, 225 - 380; springers, 266 - 537.50; milkers, 227.50 - 346. Load fresh cows, 248 - 545. Locally consigned cows, fresh, 220 - 256. Beef Cows Beef cows steady in active market; feeder cattle stronger in active market. Beef cows: Cutter, 22.00 - 24.10; Fat cows, 20.00 - 22.00; Utility, 18.00 - 20.00. Stocker market: Beef bred bulls, 25.00 - 31.50; Holstein bulls, 24.00-27.75; Feeder steers, 27.00 - 32.00. at 47.25 and short load 270 lb. at 50.60. Numerous part loads Choice, few Prime 403-509 lb. heifers from reputation herds 37.00-40.25, part load 339 lb. at 41.40 and load 287 lb. at 42.75. U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter For the week ending Thursday, September 30 CATTLE HOGS SHEEP First tour days 499,000 1,398,000 159,000 Same period last week 496,000 1377,000 162,000 Same period last year 460,000 1,312,000 160,000 s t Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. ! ,V , * ' ~ WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC R. D, 1, Willow Street Reported receipts of 152 head of cattle, three bulls; market lower on all cattle. Load Canadian cows, fresh, 420 - 460; springers, 365 - 410. Three loads Canadian purebreds and grades, fresh, 485 - 860; springers, 460 - 750. Load Canadian and New York cows, fresh, 440 - 570. Load Canadian and New York cows, fresh, 480 - 610; springers, 350 - 550. Load Canadian cows, fresh, 530 - 575; springers, 440 - 490. , Locally consigned cows, 265 - 510. Omaha Cattle Compared with last weeks close slaughter steers weak to 25c lower, heifers 25-50 c lower. Cows 25-50 c lower. Bulls steady. Feeder cattle and calves steady to strong. Four day receipts 19,600 as compared 19,800 previous week and 23.300 a year ago. Slaughter steers approximately 36 percent of four day supply, heifers 40 percent, cows 11 percent, feed ers 9 percent. A large share of steer crop of Good to Average- Choice Grade scaling 1000-1150 lbs. Moderate volume High- Choice and Prime heifers with • Flex auger feeders • More uniform pullets • Most advanced engineered chick pullet system available • Easy ventilated • Greater cubic inch of bird area • Start chicks directly on feeder • Easy assembly New Holland Dairy Cattle Wednesday, September 29 Bulls, 240 - 370. Thursday, September 30 717-464-3321 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 2,1971 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday,JSeptembei 30) October November December January ’72 February March April May June July August Trend Cattle aie stionger, Hogs aie weakei. Potatoes aie weaker and eggs are stronger. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided toy Commodity Sept., Reynolds k Company fairly liberal percentage Choice. The average weight of heifer's for three days 28 lbs heavier than the 913 lbs for the week ended August 26 Fed cattle trade characterized by an air of caution as buyers sought to brink live prices in line with a declining carcass trade which was in turn a re flection of continued large slaughter Local marketings poorly distributed over trading period with fully 45 percent of steer and heifer supply ar riving on Monday. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 31 96 Average weight 1097 lbs. as compared 32.11 and 1087 lbs. previous week and 28.33 and 1086 lbs a year ago. Market Steers Steers Two loads High Choice and Prime U.S 3-4, 1129 pounds, 33.50; 2-4, 1035-1254, 32.90-33.25; Choice, 975-1300, 31.75-32.75; Mixed Good and Choice, 950-1225, 31 00-32.00, Good, 28 50-31 00; Holsteins 2- 3, 28 50-29 00, Standard and Low-Good, 27 00-28 50. Heifers Two loads High- Choice and Prime U S 3-4, 980 pounds, 32 25; 892-1075, 31 65- 32 00; Choice 2-4, 825-1025, 30- 25-31.50; Mixed Good and Choice, 800-975, 29 25-30 50; Good, 26 00-29 25; Standard and Low-Good, 24 50-26 00 Cows Utility and Commer cial, 21 00-22.50; Utility Dairy breds, 22 75-23 00, Canner and Cutter, 18 50-2100; Mixed Cut ter and Low-Utility, 21 25-21 75 Bulls Utility, Commercial and Good, 25 00-27 00; Commer cial, 27 25-27.50; Cutter and Low-Utility, 23 00-25 00 Feeder Steers Prices steady to strong m fairly active trading under good demand. Supplies largely Choice yearling steers, heifers and heifer calves, including number of loads Choice and Prime. Outshipments approxi mately 1,800 steers. Steers Choice and Prime, 527-711 pounds, 37 00-39 25; ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW - Cert. Pennrad Barley - Cert - Redcoat Wheat -Pennrad Barley (not cert.) -o - Cert. Arthur Wheat -TetraPetkus Rye - Timothy - Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue - Cert. Climax Timothy - Cert. Ladino Clover - Pennmead Orchard Grass - Pasture Mixtures For More'information Phone IlllMliiaßl Smoketown, Po. 397-3539 Chicago Chicago New York Chicago Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes 32.60 20.25 32.20 20.80 31.95 22.15 31.42 21.55 31.00 23.40 23.55 31.00 22.85 New Holland Horse Auction Monday, September 27 Reported receipts of 437 head of horses; market lower on all horses. Load New York driving horses, 105 - 220. Load New York driving horses, 215 - 310. Load Kansas riding horses, 95 - 135. Load Illinois riding horses, 80 - 360. Locally consigned work horses, 135 - 165; riding horses, 90 - 200, driving horses, 95 - 320, few better horses, 230 - 300. Mare ponies, 5 - 20; Geldings, 5 - 15, Colts, 2 -10; Larger pomes, 30 - 50; Killers, 6 - , 7 Choice, 450-650, 34 00-37 00, 650- 950, 32 00-34 50; High-Good and Choice, 910-1025, 30 50-3150 Heifers Choice and Prime, 456-600 pounds, 34 50-36 00, Choice, 405-625, 32 50-35 00, Good and Choice, 516-794, 28 50- 3125. Lebanon Valley Livestock Market, Inc. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 Phone Jonestown 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs 32.70 2.75 35.70 36.50 35.30 3.02 3.23 3.74 3
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