—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 2,1971 12 Fruit Research Center at Biglerville Is Dedicated R. E. Larson, Dean of Penn f or the support given the administrators, agricultural especially the Mussel State’s College of Agriculture, as Research Center by the leaders, legislators, General Foundation for their genr he formally accepted the new Musselman Foundation, the State Authority personnel, and support ” facilities. Fruit Growers Association, and The Musselman Foundation the industry. Mr. Strite also grant was matched by an ap- thanked the Foundation and propriation of $377,237 from the others who contributed to the new Pennsylvania legislature and fruit research facilities, administered by the General Speaking on behalf of the State Authority An additional Pennsylvania fruit growers, Mr. grant of $68,510 was provided by strite stated: “I am sure that this federal sources under the laboratory and education Federal Facilities Act. Along building will serve the fruit with other grants and gifts, the growers for many years and help total investment in the Research us overcome our growing Center is close to $900,000 problems.” Dr. W. I. Thomas, associate Mr. Charles Blum, deputy dean and associate director of the executive director of the General University’s Agricultural Ex- state Authority, presented a periment Station, was master of symbolic key to the building, ceremonies for the dedication. which was accepted by Dean Among those making formal Larson on behalf of the comments were Dr. Fred H. University and the College of Lewis, scientist-m-charge, Fruit Agriculture. Research Laboratory, Bigler- Both Dean Larson and J. A. ville, and Earl W. Strite, Hauser, president of the president, State Horticultural Musselman Foundation, unveiled Association of Pennsylvania. plaques naming the new struc- Dr Lewis expressed ap- ture the “Musselman Building preciation on behalf of his staff for Agricultural Research and Education” and acknowledging the' Musselman Foundation grant. Hauser paid tribute to the “unusual foresight and vision” qf the late Mr. Musselman and commented that the grant would “perpetuate” the leadership in the fruit industry displayed by the Musselman family over much of the first half of this century. Dean Larson accepted the building “with deep appreciation to many people-the University More than 500 persons, in cluding state and federal of ficials, joined with top representatives of Penn sylvania’s fruit industry Sep tember 15 to dedicate the $900,000 Musselman Building for Research and Education at the Fruit Research Laboratory of Pennsylvania State University at Biglerville Construction was made possible by a $350,000 grant from the Musselman Foundation, established in 1942 by the late C. H. and Emma G Musselman, founders of the company which is now the Musselman Fruit Products Division of Pet, Inc “This structure and the research and educational programs which will be carried on within its walls will be a constant reminder of what can be accomplished when the public, private and industrial segments of our society join forces to reach a common goal,” said Dr. RYDER SUPPLY CO. 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'll' “The computer is only a tool—there will always be room for incompetent hu man interference.” FARMWAT AND STANDARD BARN EQUIPMENT HUSKY LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT SPREADER AND PUMP R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. j QMfIOOO, SHENANGO LOW COST BUILDINGS Low Prices On 7 & 10 Ton Running Gear Wagons See Our Display at the Manheim Fair Oct. 6-7-8 Battlefield Angel The American Red Cross was founded by Clara Bar ton, a great American wom an who devoted her life to the good of humanity. In the Civil War, she was known as the “Angel of the Battlefield.” SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Woods Drive 2 Miles East Of Route 501 For Further Information Call AERIAL LADDER EQUIP!. FARM PAINTERS WE USE QUALITY PAINT. WE SPRAY IT ON AND BRUSH IT IN. Free Estimates HENRY K. FISHER 2322 Old Phila. Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Phone 717-393-6530 ATTENTION FARMERS Apply CONESTOGA brand FERTILIZERS this Fall and save time and labor next Spring ! I Phoneus for prompt delivery of fertilizers, Lime and certified grain seed. We can top-dress your alfalfa with 0-15-30 plus chick weed killer after frost. Inquire about our special early delivery discounts. LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER COMPANY, INC. Quarryville, Pa. - ' Oxford, Pa. 1-717-786-7348 1-215-932-8323 "BETTER - BUT" LIQUID MANURE SPREADER Ph. 626-4355
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