Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 18, 1971, Image 9
Allied Mills Holds Open Open house and dedication ceremonies for Allied Mills’ new Lancaster feed manufacturing facility were held Tuesday with Roy E. Folck Jr., president and chairman of the board for the Chicago-based agribusiness firm, welcoming the estimated crowd of about 3.000 persons. The new feed plant, designed to serve a 30-county area of southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware, / '-i *#* * 3 y 6 II 10 *2 I •' V' ' Robert Burkhart, East Earl RDI, part of the delegation from the Grassland FPA Chapter, inspects part of the complex control center of the new Wayne Feed Mill. Bob Barnes, manager of the new Lancaster plant, points out a feature of the new mill to an interested visitor. has a production capacity of more than 80,000 tons per year according to Donald L. Staheli, vice president and general man ager of the Wayne/East feeds division. The ultra-modern plant is highly automated and is run from a master control panel which directs the operation of the entire production facility. The mill is equipped to manu facture both bulk and bag feeds. The Corn That PROFIT-MIHDED Corn Growers GROW The more concerned you are about making your corn produce the TOP DOLLAR income . . . the more you should consider the one Brand that will do it . . . PIONEER. PIONEER BRAND 3369 A PIONEER. BRAND SEED CORN PIONEER is a brand nama numbar* idanufy vana tias. • Raaistarad tradamark af Pianaar Hi Srad Cam Campanv, Das Mamas laws. House for Wayne Feed Plant Here Two vice presidents of Allied Mills, pro ducers of Wayne Feeds, present at the open house for the new Lancaster mill Tuesday Opening of the new plant follows operation for several years of a company warehouse on the site in the Lancaster-Hempfield In dustrial park. Heading the production staff as plant manager of the new facility is Robert H. Barnes, a veteran of Allied Mills who formerly managed the com pany’s Memphis, Tennessee, plant. Plant superintendent is Don Rose. The Lancaster region sales team is headed by regional sales manager, R. A. Psolla, and Max C. Batnett, manager of business development. Allied Mills operates more than 30 feed plants in the 37 states that constitute the Eastern two-thirds of the United States. The company is a major factor in the production of broiler and poultry meat and is a processor of soybeans and dehydrated al falfa. Two Wayne plant employes show the and Paris Good, feed salesman for Grubb ,end product, a 100-pound bag of feed. They Supply Co., Elizabethtown, are Eugene Ebersole, left, fork lift operator, Lancaster Farming. Saturday, September 18,1971 are: Don L. Staheli, left, vice president and general manager of Wayne East, and Dr. Merle Brinegar, vice president of research. ./■At* * Ed Kraynak, Eastern region quality control supervisor, demonstrates the use of an air oven for feed moisture tests during an open house tour of the new Wayne Feed Mill Tues day. The tests help maintain a constant moisture level in the feed. He explained that Wayne emphasizes an outstanding quality control program. ~ \ ♦ V 9