Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 18, 1971, Image 15

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    Voluntary Isolation Plan
and B
Liming pays off in healthier soil, better crops, stronger and more
productive animals. In fact, it has been estimated that each $1 invested
in limestone returns from $3 to $lO in bigger and better yields.
Baker’s agricultural limestone pays off best because it does more.
Baker’s ag-lirae sweetens soil to reduce acidity and raise pH level. It
also adds vital magnesium. Both are important to make sure that your
crops can make full use of the fertilizers you apply.
FALL LIMING IS BEST! All winter long—through ram, snow, freezing and thawing—the
limestone seeps down to root depths to put soil into top condition for spring. Choose
the brand that meets your needs best. Contact your nearest dealer.
Oxide Oxide
• "Conestoga Valley" balanced limestone from our Ephrata quarry 14% 36%
• "Prime Lime" dolomite limestone from our Gap quarry 20% 30%
• "Hy-Mag" limestone from our Paradise quarry 20% 30%
Henry B. Hoover Clifford Holloway Harold Landis
Ephrata 733-6593 Peach Bottom 548-2640 Willow Street 464-3800
Harvey G. Good Frank Peiffer Clyde K. Eshleman & Sons
Intercourse 768-8451 Pequea 284-4449 Washington Boro 872-7391
Harry Freese Fred Ebenshade AmosEby
oxfOTd 93Z-9762 QuarryviUe 786-3864 Paradise 687-6091
Products of The J. E. Baker Co. • Call collect - (717) 354-4202
AG-LIME pays off BEST!
Announced for Swine Disease Control
A new approach to protecting
swine herds against disease—
a Voluntary Isolation Plan
was announced recently by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Swine producers who agree to
participate in the voluntary
plan must set up a special isola
tion facility on their premises
to receive new herd additions
and to hold them there for a
30-day quarantine period. The
procedures must maintain the
rest of their herds independent
ly of this quarantine facility
and may divide them into addi
tional isolated units as a further
precaution against disease
Although initiated in con
junction with the National Hog
Cholera Eradication Program,
officials of USDA’s Agricultural
Research Service said the plan
goes beyond offering protection
against a single disease. They
call it essentially a sound man
agement plan for healthier
swine herds, with multiple
The plan is one recommended
by the Secretary’s National Hog
Cholera Eradication Advisory
Committee and the U S. Animal
Health Association. Other
groups representing the swine
industry have approved of the
basic concepts.
While any swine producer
willing to meet the exceptional
ly high health and sanitation
standards is eligible, the plan
should be of particular advan
tage to owners of large com
mercial or purebred swine-pro
ducing operations.
' > ' • ' /
* % ..
Magnesium Calcium
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 18,1971 —15
An obvious benefit of the
plan is the potential limiting of
disease spread. If contagious
disease strikes the isolated
herd, it may only be necessary
to treat pigs in the isolated unit
affected. Or in the case of hog
cholera, it may be necessary to
depopulate only the unit affect
Swine producers interested in
enrolling their herds in Hie plan
should apply through"tne State
veterinarian or through the
Federal veterinarian in charge
of ARS’s Animal Health Divi
sion office in the State.
To be accepted for Voluntary
Isolation Plan swine herd desig
nation, a producer’s premises
must undergo inspection by a
team named by the State’s Hog
Cholera Committee or equiva
lent organization. Included on
the team will be at least one
State or Federal regulatory
The inspecting team will pre
scribe measures needed to es
tablish and maintain the in-
Announcing 1971 Jet Tour to Form
Progress Show, Cedar Rapids, lowa
Local farms will also be toured
Make reservations now
New Holland, Pa. 717-354-5171
Your best buy in
the 30-40 bp class
Gasoline or Diesel
Power Adjusted Wheels
Optional 8 Speed Transmission
Power Steering
FORD BLUE leads in implements, too
See our display at the Lampeter Fair
Lampeter - September 22 - 23 - 24
i Tractors
i Equipment
tegrity of isolated units and to
stipulate other sanitation and
health measures.
As a further benefit of the
plan, buyers or dealers are like
ly to have greater confidence in
the health status of swine pro
duced on such premises; and
the Voluntary Isolation Plan
designation may be advertised.
Naryon RD2 Girl Killed
In Fail From Wagoh
Five-year-old Betty Elizabeth
Blank, Narvon RD2, died in
stantly when she fell beneath
the wheels of a hay wagon on
the farm of her parents, Daniel
K. and Sarah Stoltzfus Blank,
The girl was reportedly driv
ing the mule team on the farm
north of White Horse near
Chester County when the team
bolted. The girl fell backwards
into the path of the wagon
2166 Willow Street Pike
Lancaster, Penna. Ph. 464-2746
Blue ribbon value
in versatility and