it’s a woman’s /T”! 1-1 i ■»- by MARY LEE Seeking for instant and easy solutions to all problems can lead to many pitfalls, ac cording to Chicago business man. Joseph B Lanterman, chairman of AMSTED In dustries. Speaking to a group of young people he said, “On the campus, in politics or busi ness, it is tempting to reach for the easy solution ... but today there is a great need ~Agway will give your oil heating system a new heart for only You’re burning up money every winter if # your oil burner won’t hold its tune, needs ■ constant repairs, frequent service. For only w ■ $169.95 plus tax Agway’s ex- | & pert servicemen can install a new Model 40J burner, including a new primary control in just a couple of hours. And this is a quality burner that’s generous with heat and miserly with fuel. It quickly pays for itself with what it saves you on fuel, repairs, service calls. Call Agway today and modernize with a new oil burner package. You’ll bring down the cost of winter. Call Agway Petroleum today. And bring down the cost of winter. AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. (AGWAY) Dillerville Rd., Lancaster Pk- 111-397-4954 Your family's peace and security is an essential need now and in the future. It's nice to know there's a full service bank on your side! Ready to help with the financial needs of Savings and phecking Accounts. The Fanners National Bank of QuarryviHe for solutions based on facts and on study.... Leadership must be based on foundations of stone rather than on the shifting sands of whim and prejudice. Alliance of Harmony “We all must work toward the establishment of ideals but it should be done within the governmental framework set up for change. The over throw of that framework only leads to authoritarian ac tion,” he went on, “and that is an atmosphere where the American Dream cannot flourish. . . . What we need now is an alliance of harmony between our people.” See us soon ! i Quarryville, Penna, Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Albert Einstein expressed this need for cooperation in these words: “A hundred times every day, I remind myself that my inner and outer life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received.” Cooperative Efforts Mr. Lanterman added, “As we move forward in our cooperative efforts, we do have cause for optimism... . It is true that the voice of crisis is more shrill; the im mediacy of our communica tions media has made it so Ph. 786-7337 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 11,1971 But it is not an insurmount able wall of challenge. “Past generations have faced equally stubborn tasks from their view, but solutions have been found, and their hope for the accomplishment of the American Dream has remained untarnished.” * * t- No doubt about it, this is the age of youth. They’ve revolutionized our music, art, fashions and moral concepts. One thing they haven’t changed is the appeal of beautiful gemstones. Thei’e are some 2.000 iden tifiable gems of which some 200 are important But as far as today’s fashion is con- Prepare For Seeding Call us for prompt service on: LIMESTONE - FERTILIZER - 10-10-10 And many other bulk blended analysis. Available in bags, bulk Trailer spreaders or custom truck spreading. REMEMBER US FOR ANHYDROUS AMMONIA AFTER FALL PLOWING! Don't forget to top dress alfalfa this fall 0-26-26, 0-18-36 Boron and Magnesium can be added / N tl I BULK BLENDS I r \ fiMUSiMJUMsm J [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA J GROFFTOWN RD. LANCASTER, PA. cerned there are just 20 gems that are top favorites. Although early man did not have modern instruments to identify gemstones, he did put them in the right “peck ing” order according to their hardness, durability, sparkle. The stone age ax, for exam ple, was made of jade, the most durable of gems. Typically, diamonds are the hardest gem, rubies the most chemically inert, and zircons are tops in thermal resist ance. Following diamonds-in order of hardness are corun dum (the sapphire and the ruby, the sapphire and ruby stars, the Linde synthetic stars). NOW! Truck Spread Fast Service 0-20-20 5-10-10 4-16-16 Available: ORGANIC PUNT FOOD CO. Ph. 392-4963 or 392-0374 25