Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 21, 1971, Image 4

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    du Tut i -td Blight Considered Serious
Poultry Market Reports (Continued from pages)
4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 21,1971
Wednesday,-August 18
Ready-to-cook movement only
fair at best. Slaughter schedules
about steady except at occasion
al plant where in plant prob
lems involved less than trucklot
prices continue steady on both
plant and U S Grade A except
where occasional lot noted forc
ed for quick sales Advance in
terest taking a wait and see
position while awaiting further
market developments as no
completed negotiations noted
Live supplies fully adequate
Undertone mixed ranging
steady to firm
Pool trucklot prices for
Thursday arrival in the New
York area;
US Grade A 29-30Vz Mostly
Plant Grade 28-29 M 28
Special packs including 1%-2,
3V 2 pound sizes TFEWR
Tuesday, August 17
(Prices paid dock weight, cents
per pound, except where noted)
HENS, heavy type 7-18 most
ly 10-15, PULLETS 23-33 M 25-
28, ROASTERS IOVz-Sl M 24-28,
DUCKS 30%-34, DRAKES 20-
30 l / 2 , TURKEYS, hens 32-32%;
RABBITS 10-48 M 20-35;
(per pair) 53-2 50 Total coops
sold 369
How to Handle Blighted Corn
Following a meeting at the
Russellville Grange Hall last Fri
day, Chester County agents is
sued a statement of recommenda
tions on how to minimize blight
While these recommendations
differ slightly m some respects
sustain top
with the
Keeping production up... costs
down.. ,1s the profit key in poultry
operations. And more and more
records on commercial flocks of
Babcockß-SOO’s... I “The Busi
nessman’s Bird” sus
tained production of top quality
eggs...often with an additional
20 to 30 eggs per bird housed
over other strains. Come 1n...
look at the records and the B-300
...‘‘The Businessman’s Bird”.
Telephone (717) 626-8561)
Weekly New York Egg Market
From Monday, August 16 to Friday, August 20
Fey. Bx. Lg
Fey. Lg.
Standards 30 30 30 30 29
Checks 18 18 18 18 18
Long Tone Market continues under pressure from a com
bination of surplus offering of large and medium whites and very
restricted buying interest
Copyright 1971 by Urner Barry Publications
Eastern Pa. and N. J.
Wednesday, August 18
Prices held unchanged on
light type hens. Demand good
Offerings short of immediate
needs however advance book
ings often reported near capa
city to handle as producers
prepare to move flocks due to
current depressed egg prices
Demand light for adequate of
ferings of heavy type hens
Prices paid at farm-
Light type Hens iVz-7 M 6Vz
-7 in Pa.
Heavy type Hens TFEWR
from recommendations made' at
a similar meeting in Lancaster
county Tuesday evening, they
generally coincide We think the
report by Robert A Powers Jr.
Chester County ag agent, and
Glenn A Shuk, associate County
ag agent, gives concisely the
recommendations which are be
ing made by Extension agents
from Penn State University and
at the county level
When to Spray
The Chester County report in
cludes the following run-down on
how to tell when spraying should
be done and the type of program
to use
When the lower leaves are
mostly green with just a few
spots, keep a close watch on the
fields, but don’t spray until small
lesions begin to appear on the
leaves above the ear (Farmers
were advised at the blight meet
ings, however, that it may be
difficult to begin spraying on
short notice This should be
taken into consideration.)
When much spotting and some
browning occurs on the lower
leaves along with some spotting
on the upper leaves, these fields
should be sprayed to delay the
spread of infection Two fungi
cides are recommended Dithane
M-45 at the rate of one and a
half pounds per acre or Manzate
200 at the rate of one and a half
pounds per acre, in addition, a
spreader-sticker should be used
at the manufacturer’s recom-
mended rate The spray should
be applied with four to five
gallons of water when airciaft
is used or 10 to 20 gallons for air
blast sprayers from the ground
Wait six days before harvesting
Farmers are warned that infec
tion on husks will result in heavy
losses to the ears
If there is much browning on
the lower leaves with five or
more lesions on the husks and
the top leaves are seriously
spotted, farmers aie advised not
to spray because the disease is
too far advanced to warrant the
expense The crop should be sal
vaged for silage, since most of
the grain would probably be lost
from rot
Save with Silage
The Extension agents lecom-
42 42 42
New York Eggs
Prices occasionally higher
Street trading light Free seller
offerings of fancy large white
and medium white are difficult
to clear. On mediums some of
ferings as low as 25 cents are
left unsold Large browns
cleared early Carton orders
range light to no better than
Help add to the 1,500,000
living Amei icans cured of can
cel—give to the Amencan Can
cer Society.
mend the following program for
salvaging the crop as silage.
Delay ensiling as long as pos
sible because each day’s growth
means more TDN per acre and
higher quality silage.
Because blighted corn may die
very rapidly, in just a few days
if the infestation is heavy and
conditions proper, farmers must
be ready to ensile the corn at the
right time
While blighted corn is con
sidered to be all right to feed to
animals, farmers are advised to
do everything possible to pre
vent moldy silage (officials also
noted that silage won’t come out
any better than the material that
goes in and excessive rot mate
rial should be avoided) Ensile
at 65 per cent moisture This
may be difficult to determine
with blighted corn, when leaves
aie dead, but the stalk may still
be green (Officials generally
warn that most farmers will tend
to harvest blighted corn too
early, forgetting that the bulk
of the material is in the ear and
the stalk) If the silage gets too
dry, water can be added to ob
tain the proper moisture level
Cut fine and pack well. If
trenches are used, fill rapidly
and seal tightly
Because corn silage may be
lower in feed value this year be
cause of the blight, the silage
should be tested and the grain
rations adjusted accordingly
When You Think Of Silage Preservatives
Works equally well on trench (including piles) and uprights.
See the “Man from Young’s” in your area today.
V 'j Willow Glen Drive R. D #1 RD*l
Lancaster Mt. Joy Narvon
717/393-3208 717/653-4355 215/445-6388
pounds of TDN value per acre
through the dent stage; this 500
pounds of TDN is worth about
$l5 to the farmer while the cost
of spraying is about $5 per acre,
reports indicated. Farmers are
urged to weigh the cost against
the benefits.
Spraying is not urged for N
or resistant corn While there
have been scattered reports that
N fields have been blighted, Ex
tension agents say that all of
these reports which have been
checked out have proven that
the farmer made a mistake in
designating his corn as N. N
corn has shown some minor re
action to the fungus, primarily
on the lower leaves, in the form
of “flecks.” These flecks indi
cate the corn is fighting off the
infection, officials explained.
Extension officials emphasiz
ed that farmers need not be
concerned about blight damage
on leaves below the ears. It’s
when the blight attacks the
ears and the leaves above the
ears, which produce nearly all
the growth the ears, that
farmers need to be concerned
Local reports have indicated
up to a third of all the local
crop is N corn; the figure is
about 20 per cent nationally.
The reports on blend corn,
which account for about 40 per
cent of the crop nationally,
vary. The blend corn actually is
a combination of T and N varie
ties. The result is a mixture,
with some of the corn being re
sistant and some of it not. The
percentage of corn which is re-
Egg Clearinghouse Elects Board
The Board of Directors of Egg
Clearinghouse, Inc, met in St
Louis on August 3
New Directors elected to the
Board are Warren Garrard,
H. H Frank, Maurice Pickier,
and-Ray Delano.
In addition to these new Direc
tors, ECl’s Directorship is
Milton Inkeles, Herb Becherman,
John Wallace, Mai Clelland, Fred
Munroe, Fred Adams, Jerry
Faulkner, Neil Castner, and
Mike Hirth
John Wallace was elected
Chairman of the Board Fred
Adams serves as Vice Chairman,
Maurice Pickier, Secretary, and
Mai Clelland, Treasurer
Egg Clearinghouse, Inc , offi-
Take silage samples while filling
the silo, and submit the sample
early for testing so that a feed
ing program can be developed in
Farmers should be extra cau
tious about silo gases from
blighted corn silage Run the
blower before entering the silo
Be alert for irritating odors,
coughing, and dead birds at the
base of silo chutes
Blighted corn silage may be
higher in nitrates which could
cause herd health problems
Therefore, be extra careful
about adding urea and other
sources of nitrogen that may
contribute to a nitrate problem
Make sure you have necessary
silage storage Plan early and
bt ready. Consider trenches
sistant can vary considerably
While some is 50-50, other mix
tures are on ratios of as much
as 70-30 The Extension offi
cials agree that the N corn is
resistant in the blend fields,
although it is subject to the
“flecking” which occurs in N
fields. '
Because part of the N corn in
blend fields will be resistant,
the possible loss from blight is
reduced, thereby decreasing the
possible return from spraying
Farmers must weigh this factor
in any spraying program involv
ing blend corn.
Corn most subject to blight is
' the T corn. This corn is expect
ed to be completely or nearly
completely eliminated by next
year through selective breeding
which has already been accom
plished. The seed corn crop is
reported to be growing well and
is expected-to be ample to meet
demands next year.
As last year, T fields show
varying degrees of resistance
While some varieties are again
being hit hard, others are show
ing a high degree of tolerance
This carries over into the T
corn and blend fields also.
Extension officials have
pointed out that farmers should
weigh the probable resistance
of the corn in their T fields in
determining the spray program
to use But they point out that
in some instances T varieties
which had a good record last
year have not held up well this
year, probably because of the
much heavier degree of infesta
tion this year.
cially opened for trading on July
6, 1971 Membership in E.C I
continues to grow and trading
has been indicative of market
conditions Olson stated, “We
are confident that the industry
will use this public platform as
an expression of egg values We
have been pleased with the
quality of eggs that have been
traded through E CI
New, Safe, Non-Poisonous
For Garden, Lawn, Trees,
Household or Grain Storage,
excellent for protecting
stored grain
118 Kreider Ave., Lancaster
128 Geist Rd., Lancaster
251 E. Franklin St, N.H.
Green Dragon
Akron, Pa.