Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 21, 1971, Image 17
4-H Pig Show Planned Tuesday The Lancaster County 4-H Pig will be J. Warren Heisey Eli- Show will begin at 8 a.m. Tues- zabethtown RDI, and Glenn day, August 24 at the Lancaster Wissler, Ephrata RDI. Stock Yards. Assisting in the show ring Pigs will arrive at the Yards will be Elmer Boyd Ephrata Monday afternoon RD I; Richard Buckw’alter Lit- Announcer will be Mark itz RD3; J Harold Grube Elm Nestleroth, Manheim RD3. As- and Richard Hastings, ’ Kirk sisting in the pens and alleys wood RDI. Strength, Performance, Dependability. You’ve got ’em all with VAN DALE’S NEW TRAVELING DUNK FEEDER. Van Dale’s SCF-1400 is the traveling r - _ _ _ feeder to put you on the track to fast- CAIED M er, more profitable operations. Auto- | ■■ • matically, it delivers up to 40 tons of | lAIC CD silage per hour to bunks on a single j WCNDCK chain, continuous "shuttle” service. ( Feeder trough chain is No. 67 pin tle (12,500 lb. strength) and drive chain is C-550 steel (average top strength of 10,000 lbs.). Interlocking, snap-together galvanized metal com ponents reduce erectioij time as much as 50%. Suspended or floor mounted, rails are mounted with Van Dale's exclusive clip-on brackets to provide extra-rigid support. Unit adapts to any feeding need in-barn or out-of-doors. Drumore Center R. D. 1) Quarryville, Pa. Phone 548-2116 [ / VAN DALE I Lancaster County 4-H members who were first place winners in the Dairy Judging Contest held at State 4-H Days on Pennsylvan ia State University campus, August 9-11 are: left to right, Burnell Buchen, Manheim RD3; Sue Kauffman, Elizabethtown RDI; Raelene 4-H Calendar Saturday, August 21 Northern Lancaster County 4H groups entertained by Farm Women Society 3, Salem Lutheran Church, Ephrata. Tuesday, August 23 Sam 4-H Pig Roundup, Lan caster Stock Yards, pigs to arrive Monday v Thursday, August 26 South Central District Dairy Show, Farm Show Building, Harrisburg. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 21,1971- Harbold, Elizabethtown RDI, and Rol Hess, Strasburg RDI. Over 400 memt from throughout the Commonwealth part pated in agricultural judging contests State 4-H Days. AVAILABLE NOW FOR AUGUST SEEDING • Cert. Vernal Alfalfa • Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa • Pennlate Orchard Grass • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa • Cert. Pennscott Red • Winter Vetch Clover • Cert. Ladino Clover ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • Balbo Rye • Cert. Pennrad Barley • Cert. Blue Boy P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Pa. • Cert. Climax Timothy • Reed’s Canary Grass • Pasture Mixtures • Cert. Redcoat Wheat 397-3539 9jg»*