Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 21, 1971, Image 15
LANCASTER FARMING ADS PAY NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR SPEEDY CORN CRIB WE HAVE CRIBS IN STOCK READY FOR DELIVERY GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph; 786-3630 FAIL is JUST around THE CORNER RED ROSE FARM SERVICE HAS A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALSO FALL SEED GRAINS, WHEAT & BARLEY AVAILABLE. TO ASSURE PROMPT DELIVERY PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW We offer AGRICO with a wide selection of analysis in either Bag or Bulk Truck or Trailer Spreading Service Available. For prompt courteous service stop at your Red Rose Store today. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Quarryville, Pa. N. Church St. 786-7361 MR. FARMER ALFALFAS - CLOVERS AND GRASSES. To Fit Your Needs In Fertilizer Urging Farmers to Try Sheep (Continued from Page 14) between four worming materi als, Thibenzole, Phenotluazine, Loxon and Tramisol.” He just recently started using Tramisol, which is the only one of the drugs effective against the lung worm; it is also helpful with tapeworm Herr considers Tramisol one of the major breakthroughs in recent years in the sheep business. Ewe Management Some of his ewes are 10 to 12 years old. But he considers seven to eight years as a typical productive life of a ewe. He notes that “you can’t look at ewes and tell what kind of lambs they’re going to have.” He pointed out one ewe, which he 'said is among his poorer ewes m terms of appearance, but consistently has among his better looking lambs Among key needs for sheep production, Herr feels, are Good fence. This includes fencing off fields for rotational grazing. Dog control. While dog» can be a major problem for the sheep producer, Herr noted he’s been “very fortunate” in never having had a dog problem Buildings Herr doesn’t feel that much money should be invested in buildings “If given a choice, they’ll stay out most of the time,” he said But Herr emphasizes that one of the keys to success is providing sheltei and excellent care during lamb mg Detail and Records Many producers go into the sheep business with the idea that sheep require less labor and care than other livestock Herr doesn’t think the success ful sheep producer can have this attitude; in fact, he thinks ERTH - RITE & Kelp Mineral Zook & Ranck 717-442-4171 RD#l, Gap, Pa. 17527 SEEDING TIME Buck, Pa. 284-4464 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 21,1971 it’s lack of proper attention to details all along the line which has made sheep increasingly* non-competitive in the U. S. farm economy. Herr says most farmers in Southeastern Pennsylvania who raise sheep do it as a secondary enterprise. He adds that this means management suffers and adequate records often are not kept. Even though Lancaster Coun ty is third in the state in sheep production, this doesn’t mean sheep production is a very big phase of agriculture, since Lan-. caster County dominates in most phases of Pennsylvania agriculture, he noted. He said many local flocks share the food supply from another farm enterprise, which makes it difficult or impossible to keep adequate records on, either enterprise. Ephrata Adult Farmer Picnic Slated Aug. 29 The Sixth Annual Ephrata Adult Farmer Family Picnic will be held at the Ephrata Community Park at 12 30 pm Sunday, August 29 The park is located near the Senior high school at Oak & King Streets Reservation deadline is Au gust 23 Each family should b r mg a hot or cold coveied dish, place settings, and a pitcher foi serving the cold drink Ice cream, cold drink, and hot cof fee will be provided The pork chops will be barbecued at the park in tijne foi lunch It is necessary for the com mittee to know in advance how many pork chops to prepare for your family Adult servings in clude 2-pork chops at a cost of $1.25 each and child servings include one pork chop at a cost of 75c each Please enclose a check with your reservation so that money handling on Sunday at the picnic can be kept to a minimum If you have any com ments or questions, please feel free to contact one of the com mitteemen John R. Zimmer nan, chairman, 733-6812; Ray Beyer, and Vernon Leininger. WHEEL HORSE TBACTOK We're emptying the place out for new shipments. Everything's a bargain! COME IN WHILE THEY LAST. 12 HP ,utomatic. GERMAN BROS. 1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897 East Earl, R. D. 1, Pa. "Without excellent records, Herr feels it’s impossible to evaluate sheep as an enterprise and to improve sheep as a farm income producer. Sees Opportunity Here Overall, Herr recognizes the U.S. sheep industry as a prob lem-riddled industry. But he thinks sheep men, if they will, can change things. In particular, he’s enthusias tic about prospects in South eastern Pennsylvania. “This area has some of the finest lamb markets in the east. If we can’t make it in Lancaster County, we’re not going to make it anywhere else.” ANNOUNCING DAVID BROWN SALES, PARTS & SERVICE Walter Binkley & Son R.D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Ph. 626-4705 RY UP 9“ s l2 Phone 215 445-6272 15