Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1971, Image 7

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    Goad Conservation Can Mean More Efficiency , Scientist Explains
tMVMICL.*- £K. -
New Techniques to Increase Farm Output on Reduced Acreage
Frank Viets Jr, chief soil
scientist for the United States
Department of Agriculture re
gional soil and water conserva
tion laboratory at Fort Collins,
Colorado, is worried about the
attacks on fertilizer as a pollu
tant of streams, lakes and water
Restricting fertilizer use so
we_would have to expand our
intensive cropland base would
be a national disaster, he warns.
However, Viets doesn’t give
nitrogen and phosphate ferti
lizers a completely clean bill
of health as non-polluters.
Proper Land Use
Rather, his theme is that soil
erosion and uncontrolled rain
runoff are the real villains
when it comes to agriculture
related pollution. He feels farm
ers, generally speaking, should
aim for top yields and use more,
not less, fertilizer, on their
best fields. Then, they can con
centrate production on land
’p / v
We’ll give you
ten pounds of Furox lO
to prove it’s the best
scours preventive you’ve ever tried
Here's what you do:
Buy a 50-lb. sack of Furox 10 from
your participating dealer. He will give
you a 10-lb. sack to go with it. Lay the
50-pounder aside and use the ten
pounds as directed. If you aren't con
vinced that Furox does what we say,
return the unopened 50-lb. sack to
your dealer and get your money back.
Ten pounds of Furox 10 is enough
to treat three sows and their litters un
til the pigs are five weeks old. Or it
can take eight feeder pigs through the
stress of being moved.
Furox fits your operation 4 ways
1. Fed to sows daily, starting one week
before farrowing until Mo weeks
that is least subject to erosion
and retire poorer land to less
intensive use.
Hie great strides made in
erosion control and in increas
ed agricultural productivity
during the past 20 years have
let us retire more than 50 mil
lion acres to grass and less in
tensive use where the hazards
of erosion and pollution are
less, he reminds. He predicts by
further intensifying agriculture,
we can retire another 20 mil
lion acres.
This last, he believes, will re
quire more use of technical
know-how by farmers, larger
capital inputs into farming, and
probably a continuing trend
toward consolidating smaller
farm units into larger ones.
Thomas Beaver, vice presi
dent and general manager of
the North American Division of
Sperry Rand’s New Holland
farm equipment division, locat
ed here in one of the nation’s
after, Furox helps break the sow-to
pigs infection cycle.
2. Included in the starter rations dur
ing the first five weeks, Furox helps
prevent scours outbreaks triggered
by E. coli.
Norwich. Agricultural Products
Division of Morton-Norwich Products, Inc. Norwich, NY. 13815
finest agricultural areas, says
that throughout the nation,
farmers anod teams of agricul
tural scientists are working out
the shape of things to come in
conservation and better land
Their efforts are directed
toward new and different ways
to “harvest” more of the rain
that falls, and to tillage and
management systems that im
prove soil structure and reduce
They are studying the uses of
chemicals to directly and in
directly promote the cause of
The Soil Conservation Ser
vice has high hopes that no-till,
minimum-till and modified till
age systems for row crops will
make a great contribution to
ward protecting soil and water
resources and increasing farm
productivity during 1970’5.
An SCS spokesman reports
Harvest The Rain
3. When you bring in feeders, start
them immediately on feed medi
cated with Furox to combat stress
triggered infections.
4. If scours should break out, feed
Furox at the treatment level. Dose
baby pigs with Furox Suspension.
Furox works because it is a specif
ic against E. coli and Salmonella, and
bacteria do not appear to build up re
sistance to the nitrofurans, as they do
with general-purpose antibiotics.
See your participating dealer today
and get your free Furox while supplies
last. Try it as suggested. The only way
you can lose is by not trying it.
•Rejistered trademark for furazolidone developed
and manufactured by Morton-Norwich Products, Inc.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14,1971—7
about 7 million acres were
planted under the no-till
mefthod last year, compared
with less than 10,000 acres just
five years ago. And no-till can
cut soil erosion 65 to 95 per
In Oregon, agronomists are
building a herbicide safety
zone for weed-free grass seed
plantings by applying bands of
activated charcoal directly over
'the seed rows at planting time.
And, a Beltsville, Maryland,
USDA research center biolo
gists and soil scientists have
found chemical additives for
herbicides that may lead to
more effectiv weed control with
fewer applications at lower her
bicide rates.
Air pollution and soil losses
from wind erosion are still with
us in the 1970’5. But tests in
humid Ohio and in dryland sec
tions of Nebraska show mini
mum tillage of such row crops
as corn, along with a sod or crop
> residue cover on the field, can
prevent wind erosion and bring
higher yields, even on highly
blowable soils.
In the Nebraska Sandhills, 150
bushels of corh to the acre, and
more, have been grown recently
under irrigation on soils that
wouldn’t support a corn crop
The secret is not irrigation
alone. Sod planting of corn to
control blowing on these light
soils is what makes the irriga
tion workable.
The summer season provides
house plant owners with an op
portunity to move their plants
outdoors where they may bene
fit from more natural environ
mental conditions.
Since the native homes of
many of our indoor plants are
world wide, the cultural re
quirements vary with the spec
ies of plant.
Most plants grown for their
flowers need full sun; but Afri
can violets and gloxinias, for
example, want semi-sun (little
direct sun), and foliage plants
do best in semi-shade (no direct
Plants should be placed in
spots outdoors that approximate
the light exposures of their na
tive environments. North or
east exposures with some shade
and wind protection are best.
The move outdoors may be
made as soon as nights remain
above 55 degrees. Plunge plants
into soil outdoors to their pot
rims. Roots stay cooler than if
pots are exposed to air and
sun, and moisture remains more
constant. Water plants and sur
rounding areas in dry weather
Want to learn more about
house plant care? Send your
name and address with $4.65 to
House Plants, Box 5000, Univer
sity Park, Pa. 16802.
A complete course copy
conies to you by mail. There
are no other charges. Make
checks or money orders payable
to Pennsylvania State Univer
Beware The Quack
Beware of unfounded claims
and unproven methods of can
cer treatment, says the Ameri
can Cancel Society. Sure “cures”
and “lemedies” for cancer may
prevent or delay proper life
saving treatment.
Vjf wko
• (New) Fiberglas Feed Bins
• Endless Belt Feeder
• P & D Silo Unloader
• Vinyl and Galvanized
Silo Pipe
• Level Flo Gooseneck
and Distributor
• Delivered and Installed