I ’•-; - ~ , , Fulton Grange Has Meeting Fulton Grange 66 held its regu lar meeting August 9 at Oakryn with David Wissler conducting the business session. ; Charles McSparran reported 35 progressive parties held to date md total receipts of $523.33 for he Southern Lacaster County ramily Health Center fund. Garber Oil Co. TEXACO HEATING OIL i Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 OLDER MEN . . . DO YOU HAVE PROSTATE TROUBLE! enme up fnmmiY at night? Urgency Cutting Not Needed Office Treatment Avoid Surgery WRITE FOR FREE INFORMATION DEPT. LF4, BOX 1931, YORK, PENNA. - Jesse Cutler gave a report on the Health Center and answered questions concerning it. The youth committee is spon soring a bus trip to the Phfflies- Giants baseball game in Phila delphia August 27 and Lloyd VVelk, phone 786-2476, is in charge of ticket sales. The com mittee also is holding a swim party at 2 p.m. August 29. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wood. Lancster County Pomona Grange picnic was anounced for 7 p.m. August 21 at Holtwood Park. Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr., Lecturer, presented a program on flower arranging and conduct ed a contest on live flower ar rangements 'Wining prizes were: Single rose specimen 1. Mrs. Anna Armstrong; 2. Mrs. Leßoy Stumpf. Buffet arrangement 1. - f / /«- 4 *i .f ' y-• .v.' • M 11 yj /. > n f.t r t Mrs. Charles McSparran; 2. Mrs. Stanley Stauffer Jr. Centerpiece arrangement 1. Mrs. Ambrose Gifting; 2. Mrs. Stanley Stauffer Jr. Junior Grange contest: Cen terpiece arrangement 1. Scott Stauffer; 2. Chip Miller Mrs. John V. Lincoln and Mrs. Risser Strickler, Quarryville, acted as judges -■also demonstrated making various kinds of arrange ments.' The following presented a skit “If Flowers Could Talk”: Mrs Robert McSparran, Mrs. Ira Welk, Mrs. Rebecca Quinn, Mrs. Alfred Overly, Mrs. Susan Fite, Mrs. Charles Beath, Misses Elaine, Joyce au Peggy Gal breath. Mrs. Ira Welk received a prize in a game “Floral Wed ding” conducted by the Lec turer. The program topic at the next meeting, August 23, will be “Medic Alert” and there will be nominations for officers. There will be a photo contest at the September 13 meeting. Black and white or colored five by sev en inch pictures are to be en tered. Traveler’s Tree The traveler’s tree is a close relative of the Mala gasy banana tree. It collects good drinking, water in a pocket at the base of each leaf stem. Travelers punc ture this stem close to the trunk and out spurts the water. M r J * ,v, ! , r, t , ,y.r,' ' r •.-"Y' • * * * * !■ * _ r r * * ■ r t r r# w a * w #«■ #« i x / «"* » »* ■S » $ I >'<*»* t - > 1 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14,1971—21 Ladies, Have You Heard? By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist About Proper Canning Methods? Its fun to experiment with new recipes, but if you’re canning fruits and vegetables, use only canning methods which have been tested and approved. Using questionable canning methods may result in food poison. Process fruits and tomatoes in a boiling water bath. But process all vegetables and low acid foods in a pressure canner, There are several reasons for these rules. Boiling temperature of 212 degrees is used in canning foods containing acid, such as fruits and tomatoes. The acid helps to retard the growth of spoilage organisms. But a higher temperature of 240 degrees is needed to destroy spoilage organisms when can ning low-acid vegetables or meat. To reach this higher-than-boiling temperature, can these foods under pressure. Processing foods in your oven is highly un safe, according to United States Department of Agriculture. The temperature of food in jars during processing doesn’t ge f high enough to insure destruc tion of spoilage bacteria in the food. And there’s the danger that jars may explode. The United States .Department of Agriculture also reports that aspirin can’t be relied upon to \ prevent spoilage or to give a satisfactory product. Adequate heat treatment .is the only safe procedure to use when canning. For specific canning practices that are known to produce safe products, refer to your cook books. Save your experimenting for new recipes. How To Take Vacation Pictures? How can yon enjoy the same vacation twice?' Or dozens of times? OneAvay is be reliving vacation £un with pictures Granted, it’s not quite the being back on the beach or in the mountains, but your vacation is more fun if you can share it, through pictures, with friends and relatives. Sometimes it’s fun to go on vacation with strangers—a cruise or a tour, for example. But don’t take along a camera that’s a “stranger.” And that goes for any other picture-taking equip ment. Try your new equipment at home before you leave for vac ation. And it might be good to try a test roll of film in any camera that hasn’t been used lately—just to .be sure it’s work ing as well as you remember. It’s also a good idea to buy your vacation film before you leave home. - You may not find the kind you like best when you 'get where you’re going. And to be sure you get fresh film, check the date on the bottom of each box. Everybody loves a story and your family and friends will en joy reliving your vacation with you even more if you turn it into a picture story. Most vacation trips are fun because of the var iety of people you meet and the places you see. As a rule-of thumb for your vacation picture story, try taking about equal numbers of “people pictures” and scenic shots Both are easy. For the most natural-looking pictures of people “keep them busy.” Make people-pictures come alive by having the people in them do something. People will feel more relaxed and your pictures will look better. You can increase the feeling of depth and distance in your scenic shots by including people or familiar objects in the fore ground. Signs you find along the way make good titles for your vac ation picture story. And they’ll help you remember the location when you show your pictures. And remember that pictures can often tell a story with hardly a word spoken. What about rainy days 9 They happen in some of the very best vacations. Rainy day fun—and nightime fun—are easy to remember, too. Just use flash and capture the event. It you picture your vacation this year, you’ll enjoy it for ‘J - '--'J. f f S' • * ) ■> I » THOMAS