Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1971, Image 20

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    2ft—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 14,1971
Bold “look-at-me” stripes and “no kidding” ribs meet head on
and the results are dynamic! Is it a marvelous ribbed pull
over worked in a variation rib stitch or a terrific striped
one splashed in a trio of color? It’s both and both Eire'of “Red
Heart” Knitting Worsted in super shades of Light Blue,
Cardinal and White. It’s sleek ribs and “withPlt” stripes axe so
popular in today’s fashions. In sizes 10-18, to fit every miss.
Free instructions are available by sending a self-addressed
stamped envelope to this publication along with your request
for leaflet PK 4611.
Help Us Serve You
Don’t assume we know about your farm organization’s
meeting To get your meeting on our Farm Calendar, it’s
safer to assume we don’t know.
Semmd us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by writing
to Lancaster Farming, 22 E. Mam St., Lititz, Pa. 17543.
You’ll be helping us to serve you better.
P.S. If you’re not sure you told us already, we don’t
mind hearing from you again.
Society 14
A meeting of the Society of
Farm Women 14 was held Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. John
Hershey, Paradise RDI.
Co-hostesses for the meeting
were Mrs. Charles Murray, Mrs.
Charles Melloy and Miss Elsie
Metzler. Mrs. Murray led the de
votions. Response to roll call
was to give a safety tip.
Mrs. Melvin Kreider, a staff
member of the Lancaster Human
Relations Office, showed a film
on race relations.
Next meeting of the group will
be held at the home of Mrs. Paul
Longenecker, Strasburg RDI,
September 8, at 1:30 p.m. Co
hostess for the meeting will be
Mrs. Warren Hershey* Mrs. Mel
vin Stoltzfus and Mrs Ira Root.
A harvest sale will highlight
the meeting. Dues will be payed
at the meeting.
Farm Women
Saturday, August 14
6 p.m.—Farm Women Society 25
family picnic. Safe Harbor
Park Community Grounds.
Farm Women Society 2 family
picnic, Kauffman’s Park,
Monday, August 16
Farm Women Society 29, enter
tain Society 2, home of Mrs.
Richard Garber, Elizabeth
town RDI.
Wednesday, August 18
9:30 a.m.—Farm Women Society
4, tour of Lancaster County.
Thursday, August 19
6:30 p.m.—Farm Women Society
15 family picnic, ..Quarryville
■Legion Park.
Farm Women Societies 16 and
17, entertain guests at Con
estoga View.
Saturday, August 21
2 p.m.—Farm Women Society 3
entertain Northern Lancas
ter County 4-H groups, Salem
Lutheran Church, Ephrata.
Fleas - Ticks
Rats or Mice
J. C. Ehrlich Co. ( Inc.
1278 Loop Rd., Lane.
PHONE 397-3721
Agway '
—your oil heating system a rlSw heart for only
You’re burning up money every winter if
your oil burner won't hold its tune, needs
constant repairs, frequent service. For only
$169.95 plus tax Agway’s ex
pert servicemen can install a
new Model 40J burner, including a new primary control in just
a couple of hours.
And this is a quality burner that’s generous with heat and
miseHy with fuel. It quickly pays for itself with what it saves
you on fuel, repairs, service calls.
Call Agway today and modernize with a new oil burner package.
You’ll bring down the cost of winter.
Cali Agway Petroleum today. And bring down the cost of winter.
Dillenrille Rd., Lancaster ph. 717.3974954
Women Societies
Society 22
Mrs. Jay Landis was elected
president of the Society of Farm
Women 22 during a recent meet
ing held in the home of Mrs.
Wilmer Andrew, 2077 Mill
Stream Road, Lancaster.
Also elected were: Mrs. Henry
Hess, vice president; Mrs. Rob
ert Bare, secretary; Mrs. Clair
Witmer, treasurer, and Mrs.
Harold Ranck, corresponding
During the business meeting
conducted by Mrs. Lloyd Herr,
outgoing president, the group
voted approval of a $25 donation
to the nutritional program of the
countjr extension office and ap
proved the third printing of their
cookbook, “Dinner Bell”.
Members nominated Mrs. Herr
as their entry in the County
“Farm Woman of the Year.”
Mrs. Melvin Martin was ap
proved as a new member.
Prior to the meeting, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Zerphy, Mount Joy,
gave a demonstration on cera
Next meeting of the group will
be held Sept, 14 at 1 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Rohrer,
Smoketown. Trooper Edward J.
Rowlands will speak on safety.
Society 6
A gift of $25 was approved for
the Child Development Center at
the family picnic held by Society
of Farm Women 6 at the Milton
Grove Sportsmen Club.
The group will again sponsor
a girl in the Miss Elizabethtown
Robert Brubaker, Elizabeth
town, presented a baritone solo
as the musical feature of the
program. Miss Holly Leber, Miss
Elizabethtown, accompanied the
singer at the piano. Miss Leber
was sponsored by Society 6 at
the 1970 Miss Elizabethtown
Hostesses for the event in
cluded Mrs. Andrew Haines, Miss
Margaret Haines, Mrs. Bertha
Keller, Mrs. Mary Shaeffer and
Mrs. Lester Brenaman.
J. Henry Hershey, Lititz
sportsman, showed slides and
narrated a program on hunting
mountain lions in Montana with
a how.
Members will entertain pa
tients at Harrisburg State Hos
pital September 11.
The next regular meeting will
be held at 2 p.m. September 4 at
the Stevens Hill Church of the
Brethren. A cake decorating
demonstration by Mrs. Richard
King, Society 4, will be the pro
gram feature.