10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14,1971 Do We Use Do we as dairymen use the product that we produce? This has been the opening of brief talks by the new Lancaster County Dairy Princess, Sue Kauffman, Elizabethtown RDI, before two leading Lancaster County dairy groups, the Holstein Breeders Asso ciation and the Guernsey Breeders Asso ciation, at their annual field days recently. Basically, Miss Kauffman asked: How can the dairy industry be strong if dairy men themselves don’t believe enough in their product to use it and promote it every chance they get? Specifically, she asked, “Are we our own worst enemies? What do we buy when we go to a restaurant or out with'the guys? How can we expect others to use milk if we don’t ourselves?” When eating out, Miss Kauffman con cludes, always add a glass of milk to the menu. And maybe the person next to you will say, “I’ll take a glass of milk, too.” Maybe the dairy princess could be lersuasive in getting others to have - , of milk than most of the rest of us. B „ shouldn't sell ourselves short. The power of example is great. Just one person promoting a glass of milk at every opportunity may not decide the fate of the dairy industry. But hundreds of our readers are strongly dependent upon the health of the dairy industry. All of them together repeatedly urging “a glass of milk” definitely can make big difference. Have a glass of milk. That’s an order to someone else, something the dairyman can’t enforce. Hog-Corn Ratio Starts Up Again About two-thirds of the feed used by the typical hog producer is corn, according to the USDA. And this has led some farmers to gear their hog enterprises directly to the supply and price of corn and hogs. Th “hog-corn ratio” was a term that originated in the mid-1920’s to describe the profitability of hog production. Hog pro ducers know the ratio as the number of bushels of corn that can be exchanged for 100 pounds of live hog at current prices. A high ratio, say of around 20, means that corn is relatively cheap in relation to hogs and it’s highly profitable for the farm er to feed his corn to his hogs. A lower ratio, say around 10, means corn prices are up or hog prices down, making it more costly and less profitable to feed hogs. As farmers know, corn prices have been relatively high and there’s been a glut of hogs, making hog prices low. This means a low ratio now exists. But currently, it’s uncertain if corn prices will remain high and the hog glut is easing, bringing pork prices back up some. Things, at least pending the out come of the corn crop, are looking better for the hog producer. In theory, at least, the farmer should sell his corn direct when the ratio is very low, saving himself the work, perhaps even loss, of feeding out low priced hogs. In practice, as farmers know, the mar ket is highly unpredictable and a situation that starte out looking good or bad may be the opposite by the time the hogs are mar keted a few months later. As a result, most successful hog producers stay in con tinuous operation, with the idea that effi cient operators make enough more in good LANCASTER FARMING Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly P. O. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa 17543 Phone; Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2101 Robert G. Campbell, Advertising Directm Zane Wilson, Managing Editor Subscription price: $2 per year in Lancaster County: $3 elsewhere Established November 4,1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa 17543. Member of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn. Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association Our Produce? I’ll have a glass of milk. That’s a per sonal commitment. Anyone can make that choice. And because people do imitate each other, particularly in areas such as dress and eating styles, ordering a glass of milk every chance you get is both healthy and good business. We think it’s necessary to go one step farther. We think every farmer should un derstand and believe in his product so that he can be a promoter of his own welfare and his industry’s welfare everywhere he goes. In the past, this wasn’t so important, although we suspect many of the best farm ers have always been good salemen of their products and their industry. Today, as the number of farmers con tinually declines and as the potential for substitute products grows, farmers must begin to consider promotion as an absolute ly essential part of their job. While individual farmers nay object to being compelled to set aside money for promotion, we don’t see how anyone can object to saying, “I’ll have a glass of milk,” when he really does like milk and believes it’s a lot healthier than another beverage. Or to saying, “I like the new, lean pork better all the time,” when what he’s saying is the truth. Understanding your product, believing in it, using it we think this is < ne of the best possible approaches to p omoting farm products and keeping the farm econ omy healthy. times than they lose in bad times that they’ll come out ahead in the long run. Some successful farmers modify this practice of steady and continuous operation to an extent by cutting back a little just be fore what looks to them like a coming market glut, or expanding a little during good times. Others don’t hesitate to take advantage of good buys in corn and grain when prices for feed are so low that it would be difficult to lose even if hog prices dropped. Because it does represent a basic pro fitability relationship, farmers should stay aware of the hog-corn ratio or a similar beef-corn ratio. The following is a brief USDA summary of how the hog-corn ratio has fluctuated during the past three and a half years; During 1968, the ratio averaged 18.0 and it hovered around the same figure for much of the first half of 1969. In June 1969 the ratio broke 20. In fact, the 1969 average, 20.3, was a record high for a whole year. February 1970 stands as the high mark for a single month—24.l. And the ratio re mained very favorable until August when corn prices started to climb and hog prices were going down. The ratio dropped 2.7 points from Aug ust to September 1970 and continued down to a low of 10.7 in January 1971. Most of the drop 'was due to declining hog prices. Many farmers saw no profit in feeding corn made extensive by drought and blight. Also many farmers became less anx ious to raise hogs during 1971 than they had been during 1970. Late in winter 1970, feeder pigs 40 to 60 pounds at Illinois markets were averaging $29 per head. When the prices of hogs fell, feeder pig prices fell faster. By late 1970 they were around $l2 per head, 50 percent drop from a year earlier, compared to slaughter hog price drops of around 40 per cent. Winter prices for feeder pigs strength ened and were averaging $l6 by June Prices are expected to improve further in second half, particularly if the corn crop looks favorable. The hog-corn ratio has turned more favorable to producers lately, standing at 12.2 in June 1971. NOW IS THE TIME.. By Max Smith Lancaster County Agent To Utilize Com Crop The blight condition in many corn fields has changed in the past week; growers with the “T” strain of cytoplasm (not resis tant) should be keeping a close watch on their fields. Spraying with a fungicide has been sug gested when lesions are on leaves above the ear of corn; if this is not done, then some of this corn might be made into silage before it gets too dry. Even though some of this corn may have been planted for grain, it might be a good idea to put the “T” strains in the silo and keep the “N” strains (resistant) for grain purposes. It seems un likely; that corn that is badly blighted now and only in the pol linating or milk stage, will de velop into a normal crop unless it is sprayed several times with a fungicide. The experiences of last year show how quickly the blight can kill a corn plant; the big difference is that it is hitting two to three weeks earlier this year. To Beware Of Silo Gas Silo filling time might be get ting close for some growers. The danger of silo gas should be im pressed upon every member of the farm family. From the time the silo is filled, or being filled, the danger may exist for at least READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS NO LAUGHING MATTER Lesson for August 15,1971 Background Scripture Jeremiah 35 1-10, 18, 19, Ephesians 5 15 20 Devotional Reading Luke 1 5 17 In our society the drunk is of ten represented or regarded as a most amusing fellow. Frequently the “hilarious” drunk is regarded as “the life of the party” and many well-known comedians have a “drunk” routine as part of their repertoire. For the family of a drunk, how ever, alcoholism is no laughing mat ter The drunken “life-of-the-party” is usually the sor row of the home His or her antics which some may Rev. Althouse f mc j so amusing are for husbands, wives, and chil dren a source of heart-rending tragedy The family curse Several years ago a woman wrote a letter to a nationally known columnist. The letter be gan: “I am the happiest woman in the world. My husband died last month He finally drank him self to death.” She went on to ex plain that her children no longer had to ask her why their father is “so mean,” nor did she need to lock them and herself in the bath room for protection. Her twelve year-old, she said, no longer had 10 days. Some of the gases are yellow and some are colorless; they are all heavier than air and dangerous. Never enter a partly filled silo until the blower has been running for at least 10 to 15 minutes. All farmers and custom silo fillers should remind all members of the farm family of this danger. A small amount of some of these gases can do permanent damage to lung tis sues. Be careful. To Prepare For Winter Grain The seeding of winter grain will soon get started on some farms; we urge the use of Cer tified seed sowed into ground that has been limed and ferti lized according to a complete soil test. lime and fertilizer work together to give the most effi cient yields. Livestock pro ducers wanting to sow winter grain early for pasture purposes can do this job during August and September, providing they use fly resistant wheat varieties such as Redcoat. Winter rye may be seeded at any time and will provide pasture until the ground freezes this fall and again early next spring. 'Frosty conditions do not make the winter grains dangerous from a toxicity angle as is the case with forage crops such as Sudan grass or the sudan-sorghum hybrids. to help put to bed a drunken fa ther and there were now no more liquor bills, jail fines, and attor ney’s fees. She signed her name, “Free At Last.” Her drunken husband was not a laughing matter. Those who continue to regard the alcoholic and problem drink er as “amusing” ought to try put ting themselves in the places of the families cursed by alcoholism. They ought to consider soberly the tragic statistics three out of four broken homes list alcohol as a major factor; three out of ten fatal accidents involve a drinking driver, eleven thousand people killed each year by drunken dri vers, one of every four emotion ally disturbed persons is a prob lem drinker Mrs Marty Mann, former exec utive director of the National Committee on Alcoholism, has said that the most painful years of her life were the years of chronic alcoholism “I suffered constantly,” she said, “not just one kind of pain, but all kinds of pain I suffered physically, men tally, emotionally, financially, and socially in every depart ment of my life I tell you honest ly that alcoholism is the most painful disease known to man ” The powerful witness of a few In Jeremiah 35 the prophet is called b> God to try to entice the Eechabites to break their vow of abstinance on alcohol This was a small group of sincere men who supported the prophets in their condemnation of pagan worship by the of their vows was to abstain from alcohol and so, though tempted, they reply: “We will drink no wine . . .”(35. 6). We must admire (and emu late’) the courage of this little band of men who regarded drunk enness as no laughing matter. (tased on outlines copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U,S.A. Released by Community Press Service.)