Jif: Periodicals Division U / *■ ■ . Cxx_i_c3 v r L , 1 WEO9 Pattee Library .A ...... CIQ7I ' ( Penna. Stfrbe^^^ VOL. 16 NO. 38 Southern Corn Blight Spreads Rapidly During Past Week The Southern Corn Blight has spread extensively throughout Lancaster County and Southeast ern Pennsylvania during the past several days, according to sev eral reports. While the blight level had been fairly stable following initial outbreak several weeks ago, officials report that within the past week, the blight has Mark Nestleroth, left, Lancaster County Swine Producers Association president, chats with Dr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson at the As- Several Lancaster Countians attending the Lancaster County Swine Producers Field Lancaster Co. Dairy, Junior Livestock Teams Win State Events Two Lancaster County 4-H judging teams took first places in state-wide competition this week at Penn State University. At the same time, four of 17 county representatives in the state competition received blue ribbons for individual high scores. The first place teams were in dairy judging and junior live stock judging. The county senior livestock gotten much more active. It is row considered a definite threat to the region’s T or non-resistant varieties, with possible damage to some of the blend or partially resistant varieties. The primary concern of local officials is that the blight is at a serious, stage two to three weeks earlier than it reached this stage last year The feeling Day at the Farm and Home Center Thursday enjoy their pork chops, as others wait in line. team placed third and the horse judging team was 15th out of 46 teams competing. The county was eighth in tractor driving. Leading the Lancaster Coun ty team in the dairy contest was Sue Kauffman, Elizabethtown RDI, who was recently named Lancaster County Dairy Prin cess She was third high indi vidual scorer. Another team member, Raelene Harbold, Elizabethtown Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14,1971 is that the blight has plenty ot time in the next two to three weeks to cause considerable damage locally, if the blight con tinues to spread vigorously, as it has during the past week Except in a few scattered fields, however, damage is re ported still light. But the blight is reported to be present in many fields at sociations field day Thursday. Dr. Johnson, of the USDA’s Beltsville, Md., swine research staff, was a field day speaker. RDI, was fourth. Both received blue ribbons. Also on the team were Bur nell Buchen, Manheim RD3, and Robert Hess, Strasburg RDI, who placed 13th and 25th indi vidually and received red rib bons. Michael Martin, New Holland RDI, paced the winning junior livestock team with his second high individual score, followed by James Martin, Pequea levels sufficient to indicate it could cause consideiable damage Southeastern Pennsylvania Ex- tension officials scheduled a meetmg for Fnday afternoon at the Russellville Grange Hall in Annua! Co. Swine Producers Field Day Is Held Thursday About 200 swine producers and allied industiymen turned cut to hear speakers, view films, see exhibits of the latest swine equipment and eat pork barbecue at the annual Lancaster County Swine Pioducers Field Day Thursday at the Farm and Home Center Mark Nestleroth, Manheim RD3, Swine Association presi dent, announced that the deci sion has been made to locate the swine testing station in Lancas ter County at the Allen and Wil mer Groff farm, Manheim RD4 Further details will be announc ed later. Farm Calendar Sunday, August 15 26th annual meeting. Soil Con servation Society of Amer ica, Columbus, Ohio, Aug 15-18. Monday, August 16 Kutztown Fair, August 16-21 Wednesday, August 18 5:30 pm. Lancaster County FFA Picnic, Elizabethtown (Continued on Page 3) Pomona Grange Sets Picnit Lancaster County Pomona Grange 71 will hold its annual picnic at 7 pm Saturday, August 21 at the Holtwood Athletic Field Park Members and friends should bring a meat dish, another dish and their own place settings Coleram Grange will provide rolls, butter and beverage Ful- ton Grange will provide table- cloth. Holstein Youth Contestants Asked Applications are being ac- cepted for Lancaster County en- tnes in the annual Pennsylvania Holstein Youth Contest Deadline for Lancaster Coun- ty entries is September 15 for the Distinguished Holstein Boy and Girl Contest and November 1 for the Milk and Fat Contest Entry can be made by writing RDI, who was fifth high indi vidual. Both Martins received blue ribbons. Also on the team were Richard Hess and Randy Hess, Strasburg RDI. Richard was eighth and received a red ribbon. Members of the third place senior livestock team were Jeffrey Greider, Columbia RD2, red ribbon; Edwin Hess, Stras burg RDI, red ribbon; Gary Buchen, Manheim RD3, white $2.00 Per Year Chester County “because of the rapidly changing developments and the southern corn leaf blight disease Penn State University pathologists and Lancaster Coun ty agents, including Max Smith, (Continued on Page 4) The station has been discussed for the past year as a tool in helping local pioduceis develop better quality animals A total of 18 exhibitois entei ed displays in the Field Day Nestleroth said about 150 pei sons joined in the barbecue, but (Continued on Page 4) In This Issue Classified 26, 27 Editorial Page 10 Guernsey Field Day 8, 9 4-H News 1, 18, 19 Market Reports 2,3, 4 Washington Repoit 12 Women’s News 20, 21, 22 Also see two special FFA reports on local persons to ic ceive top honors at the FFA National Convention in Kansas City in October on pages 15 and 23 Page 1 includes articles on local 4-H wmneis in state com petition, the annual Lancastei County Swine Pioduceis Field Day and the spi ead of Southei n Corn Blight duung the past week Gyles H Brown, Master, will conduct a brief business meet ing when Mr and Mrs Clifford w Holloway Jr will report for the Grange visitation committee Loran Brmton, Alfred Wanner Sr and Jesse Wood will serve on the resolution committee Mrs Jesse Wood - Lecturer, is planning for a quoit tournament volleyball, softball and other games and entertainment Donald L Hershey, Manheim RD2, or by phoning him at 665- 3808 During the past year, Lancas ter County had both the Boy 2nd Girl winners in the state Distinguished Junior Member contest They are Susan Kauff man, Elizabethtown RDI, and Earl Stauffer, Ephrata RDI ribbon, and Joseph Lefever, Manheim RD4. Members of the horse judging team were James Watts, 21 N Grant St., Manheim, white rib bon; Karen Horn, Manheim RD2, white ribbon; Nancy Hen kel, Strasburg RDI, and Karen Ressler, Elizabethtown RDI Darryl Bollinger, Manheim RDI, placed eighth in the trac tor driving contest (Continued on Page 24)