Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1971, Image 9

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    Export Market Is Available
To Local Holstein Producers
Dairymen in country after
country are buying quality cat
tle through Holstein-Friesian
Services Foreign Marketing
Orders at top prices far ex
ceed supply! Despite this fact,
13,000 Holstein cattle were
shipped last year to 35 coun
tries from all areas in the U.S.
Many nations are now de
veloping a livestock oriented
agriculture as a means of im
proving their standard of liv
ing. This accelerates their ef
forts in changing from heavy
starch to higher animal derived
protein diets.
The American Holstein-Frie
sian cow has proven to be the
most efficient dairy animal in
the world, according to foreign
livestock officials. Foreign buy-
Rough & Tumble
ers trust the records and quali
ty of Holstein cattle offered for
export because of the quality
control feature offered by the
Holstein-Friesian Association of
The Export Inspection Certi
ficate form gives identity, pro
duction verification, certificate
of parentage, and certifies the
functional conformation of the
animal. Official production re
cords, insurance and health re
quirements are included in this
service. The majority of foreign
buying requests specify mini
mal standards for production
and conformation.
By truck, ship and plane, re
cord backed quality Holsteins
are being exported and creat
ing new foreign markets. It can
easily mean top money to you!
All you have to do for in
formation is write or phone the
Pennsylvania Holstein Associa
tion, State College, Pa., for an
Export Coordinator for Hol
stein-Friesian Services, serving
the state of Pennsylvania.
The State Association’s Sec
retary, William C. Nichol, ad
vises of having orders right now
for Registered Holstein heifers
backed by production records
and two to six months preg
yFood In the Freezer
Label every package of food
you put into the freezer with
name of contents, how prepared,
and date packaged, advise Ex
tension food and nutrition spe
cialists at The Pennsylvania
State University. Keep a record
of all food frozen, including size
of package and date frozen. As
you use packages, check them'
off and you’ll know what’s in
.the freezer at all times. And
always use the oldest packages
RT. 30 (13 mi. east of Lancaster)
KINZERS, Lancaster County, Pa.
JULY 24 SEPT. 18,1971
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Tailoring an educational program to the
vital interest of northeastern industrymen,
based on the recommendations of a NEPPCO
membership “Committee of Forty”, is the
council’s program executive committee: left
to right, Richard I. Ammon, NEPPCO’s exe
cutive director and general chairman of
Northeastern 71; Alexander Gordeuk, of the
Thompson Land Co., Princeton, N.J.; Hen
drik Wentink of the Pennfield Corp., Lancas
ter, chairman of the program committee, and
Fertilizer Needs
It’s soil testing time again for
fields that are going into alfalfa
early in August or into small
grain this fall. The best time to
apply the lime is to work it into
the topsoil prior to the seeding
of the crop. A complete soil test
will reveal the amount of lime
needed as well as the major fer
tilizer needs. Producers are
urged to take the soil samples
now so that time will he allowed
to buy and apply the lime and
fertilizer needs. Lime and fertil
izer go together for maximum
crop yields; a shortage of one of
these soil elements will reduce
crop yields.'
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1971—9
John Todd, general manager, Otto Niederer
Sons, Inc., Pennington, N.J.
Northeastern 71 is slated for the Concord
Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., Sept. 22-24.
In addition to the extensive educational
program, other features planned for the con
vention include commercial exhibits, a mar
ket egg show, the annual NEPPCO banquet,
a ladies’ and a youth program, and a differ
ent big-name floor show each night.
Rough and Tumble Museum
On July 24 Sept. 18, 1971
Contests open to farm tractors with rubber tires. No
four-wheel drive allowed. No dual tires or chains per
mitted. No steel wheels permitted.
Each tractor may be entered in more than one class,
but only once in each class.
Minimum drawbar length 18 inches from center of rear
axle to point of hook. Drawbar to be stationary in all
directions. 20 inches from top of hitching device to
Drawbars must be equipped with a hitching device or
clevis not more than 1 inch in thickness and must have
a 3 inch diameter opening. Pulling point may not be
more than 1% inches from back edge of the hitching de
vice. Tractors may not pull from tow or three point
hitching mechanisms.
No pressurized tanks allowed except LP gas.
All exhausts must discharge upward vertically above
the highest point of tractor and be securely attached.
Rain caps may not be used.
All weights must be safely secured to the tractor.
Contest limited to stock block tractors.
ALL TRACTORS must be equipped with a hood and
The length of hitch on an official sled shall be 38 inches
(plus or minus Vz inch) as measured from the point of
contact of the hook to the hitching device rearward to
the point of hitch on the sled.
The weight classes are as follows; under 3,000 pounds;
under 5,000; under 7,000; under 9,000; under 12,000;
under 15,000 pounds.
The use of torque converters, automatic shifts, etc. will
be permitted during the pull.
Operators must remain seated during the pull and have
at least one hand on the steering wheel.
All pulls must start from a tight hitch no jerking
Tractors must be stopped immediately upon signal from
Tractors must be operated in a safe manner at all
Tractors and skid must remain within boundaries of
contest course during the pull.
Only one pull allowed each contestant unless tie is de
The pull shall be considered over when forward mo
tion of the load stops. The judge shall hold hole-digging
to a minimum.
Tractors will be weighed on R & T museum grounds
on newly installed platform scales. Weight will include
Three speed classes will be operated as follows;
1. Out of the field class under 4 MPH top speed
2. Stock block class under 8 MPH top speed
3. Modified or special engine class 8 MPH maximum
Fire extinguishers should be on each pulling tractor.
Almost anything goes but keep in mind the safety of the
crowd and yourself when, building and operating your
machine. *•
Violation of any rule constitute a disqualification.
Contest to be governed by judge or judges with all decisions
final. Judges have the right to stop and disqualify any
tractor if it is not being operated in such a manner as would
be considered safe.
Safety pays It doesn’t cost.
A tractor pull entrance fee of $5.00 per tractor will be
charged. This money will be awarded as prize money to
four (4) top winners in each class.
Admission to the grounds will be $l.OO per person. Food
will be available for the noon meal.
For further information contact
Daniel Brubaker
Phone (717) 442-4249 After 6 p.m.