Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1971, Image 17

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Society 2
Society of Farm Women #2
met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Myer, of Myers
town BDI, Saturday, July 10.
The meeting was opened hy
singing "God Bless America.”
Mrs. Bva Keener conducted the
The president Mrs. Marlin
Hosier had charge of the busi
ness session.
The Lancaster County Farm
Women’s picnic will be held at
Manor Campmeeting Grove in
stead of Safe Harbor park Wed
nesday, Aug. 4.
Mrs. Alvin Graybill, Mrs. Ab
ner Brandt, Mrs. Eva Keener
and Mrs. Layser Shenk will
spend Aug. 22 - 23 - 24 at Camp
Twenty-three members and
friends attended. A covered
dish supper was held and games
were played. The next meeting
will be a family picnic at Kauff
man’s Park, Manheim, Satur
day, August 14, at 6 p.m.
Women Societies
Society 14
Farm Women Society 14
held a covered dish supper
Wednesday night at the Wil
liam S. Tinney Memorial Pavi
lion in Strasbure.
Hostesses were: Mrs. Henry
Rohrer; Mrs. Amos Ranck; Mrs.
Ralph Metzler, and Mrs. Everett
Newswanger. About 65 persons
“Speaker for the evening was
Miss Mary Harnish, R.N. She
has spent the last 21 years in a
Tanzania leper colony. Miss
Harnish has been commended
by the President of the Ameri
can Leprosy Mission for her
outstanding work in physical
therapy and for constructing
special shoes and artificial
The next meeting will be at
1:30 p.m. August 11 at the home
of Mrs. John Hershey, Paradise
RDI. Mrs. Melvin Kreider who
will speak on human relations.
Farm Women
Saturday, July 17
2 p.m.—Farm Women Society 8,
entertain Society 16, home of
Mrs. Mary Sarver, Mount'Joy
6 p.m. Farm Women Society
30, splash party. Media
■Heights Country Club.
Sunday, July 18
Farm Women Society 3, family
picnic, Walter’s Park.
Tuesday, July 20
Farm Women Society 4, bus trip
to Ocean City, N.J.
Thursday, July 22
6 p.m. Farm Women Society
23, family picnic, summer
home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Frey, Long Level.
Farm Women Society 26, bus
trip to Ocean City.
Saturday, July 24
8:30 p.m.—Farm Women Society
28, attend play, Longwood
Gardens Open-air Theatre.
PP&L Residential Rates
Lowered by Tax Change
PP&L customers served un
der residential rate schedules
BS and RH will find their fu
ture electric bills for service
rendered on and after July 1
reflecting the repeal of the six
per cent State Sales Tax.
“Current bills will include
the sales tax only for service
rendered through June 30,”
said PP&L’s Lancaster Division
vice president, Brent S. Shunk.
The removal of the sales tax
is part of the Pennsylvania
State General Assembly’s tax
reform code of 1871. The re
form code leaves the applica
tion of the sales tax to all other
electric service unchanged.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1971—1
Have You Heard? Vi s\
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
How To Dress Up Potatoes
You can dress up potatoes by having them wear their “jackets”
to dinner. But there are so many other ways to adorn this versatile
vegetable that you could serve potatoes every day
for months and never have the same dish twice.
As a kitchen staple, potatoes are a classic
They’re easy to store simply keep them in a
dark and cool, but not cold place. And it’s easy to
stretch them to feed more people.
Mashed potatoes are a perfect starting-off
point for your imagination. Here are some simple
ways to dress them up.
Mix crunchy peanut butter into hot mashed
potatoes just before serving.
Combine mashed potatoes with mashed tur- *
nips and top with butter. f '
Make golden potatoes by combining finely
shredded carrots and shredded Cheddar cheese to XHOMAS
mashed potatoes.
Serve seasoned mashed pota
toes over split frankfurters
Stir drained sliced canned
mushrooms into mashed pota
Now that warm weather is
here, cold potato salad is a great
favorite, and lends itself to many
variations. Every homemaker
seems to have a special recipe
for it.
When you’re grilling outside,
wrap some potatoes in foil and
roast them on the coals while
your meat is cooking.
Potatoes are great—dressed up
or down —and at any time of the
Keeping Ice Cream At Its Best
You can keep ice cream at top
quality in your home freezer
for some time. But your freezer
must be at zero degrees or lower.'
When you buy ice cream at the
supermarket, put the package
into the insulated bags you'dl
find at the frozen food counter
or check out point. Plan your
shopping within the store so that
ice cream and other frozen foods
are your last items to select.
Then go directly home with your
groceries rather than do other
Put the ice cream in your
freezer or freezer section of a
refrigerator. To prevent partial
thawing and the icy or sandy
textural changes that some
times occur in ice cream, the
temperature of your freezer must
be zero degrees or lower. If the
ice cream is soft when you take
it from the freezer, the tempera
ture isn’t cold enough. You may
need to change the setting to a
colder temperature or perhaps
your freezer needs defrosted to
maintain the proper tempera
Most quality defects of ice
cream arise from improper hand
ling. But if you store it zero de
grees or lower, you can satisfac
torily store ice cream for a few
weks or months without flavor
or tevtural change
When you’re ready to serve
the ice cream, a warm scoop may
make dipping easier. Or perhaps
letting the ice cream “warm” up
to about 10 degrees will make it
easier to serve. But when you’re
finished serving, place the re
mainder of the package back into
the freezer at once.
Remember, to retain top qual
ity ice cream once you get it
■home, store it at zero degrees or
County Extension Board
Slates Family Dinner
The Lancaster County Agri
cultural and Home Economics
Extension Association board
will hold a family dinner meet
ing at the Bird-in-Hand Restau
rant, Bird-in-Hand, at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 27.
Wives and husbands of board
members have been invited to
attend, along with county com
missioners. presidents of vari
ous fdrm youth organizations
and Penn State University Ex
tension administrators.
Food Safety
Because food spoilage bacteria
■thrive at 40 degrees and above,
it’s essential that you keep cook
ed meats at room temperature
for the shortest time possible.
Cool leftover cooked meats
quickly and refrigerate them
promptly, advises Mrs. Ruth J.
Buck, Extension foods and nutri
tion specialist at the Pennsyl
vania State University.
Fleas - Ticks
Rats or Mice
J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc.
1278 Loop Ed., Lane,
PHONE 397-3721