I CLASSIFIED ADS WORK Call 394-3047 or 626-2191 J IF YOU THINK TOBACCO IS A GREAT CASH CROP, WAIT’LL YOU TRY CASH.'. Invest your cash-crop money and harvest a bundle! A NEW INVESTMENT PLAN THAT'S SAFE! James E. Millen, Jr., well known insurance salesman, intro duces a fantastic new investment plan that offers to pay you an incredible 9% return. Most banks and investment com panies offer 5% or less. The plan is safe'. Backed by thousands of acres of land. Get a free brochure. It tells all. Sand coupon or call now! J SEND ME A FREE BROCHURE NOW! ! BEFORE OFFER ENDS James E Millen, Jr. Akrorj, Pennsylvania Telephone 859-2200 Name Address 1......—..—-———- City. ihone State $ 4-H Club News HI Summer 4-H Activities S R ° und ?, s h e ! The 4-H Strawberry Exhibit The following list of 4-H sum- July 24, Horse and Pony Round- Roundup will be held at 10 mer activities was announced up, Lancaster Riding Club, July a m Wednesday, June 16 at the recently by Miss Joan Lucas, 27, 28, 4-H Dairy Roundup, Faim and Home Center assistant Extension home econo- Guernsey Sales Pavilion, Au- T j ie clubbers will be mist gust 5, County Dress Revue, „ ues )- s 0 f (.he Lancaster Rotaiy June 27-July 4, Ban on, Wis- Farm and Home Center q at a noon luncheon consm 4-H’ers visit to Lancas- August 9, 10, 11, 4-H State ter County, 1p m July 8, Coun- Days, University Park, Penn- Members aie asked to bung ty Demonstration and Public sylvania, August 19, Achieve- 6 to 10 boxes ot beines lor ex- Speakmg Day, Farm and Home ment Day, Farm and Home hibit and sale Two of the boxes Center; July 14, District Demon- Center, August 23, 24, Pig will be entered foi judging stration Day, Owen J Roberts Roundup, Lancaster Stock The exhibits will be judged High School Yaids, August 26, Distuct between 10 and 11 30 am , with July 15-22, 4 H Exchange Trip Dany Show, Faim Show Build- prizes awarded duung the noon to Ashville, North Caiolina, mg, Hamsbuig progiam June Is Dairy Month for 640,000 4-H'ers June is Dairy Month But too They make dairy products the Coopeiative Extension Ser there are some 640,000 young into main dishes like ground vice says that milk and milk people who claim it is 11 beef Stroganoff, delicious products provide about a thud months too short. salads, sauces and snacks And of the average American’s nu- They are boys and girls en- they find their concoctions tntional needs for less than 20 rolled in the 4-H dairy foods popular as well as nutritious. per cent of the food dollar program And they back their Looking at dairy foods from There are other benefits, too, claims with convincing state- a pure economics point of view, 4-H’ers earn recognition, ments about the need for ‘ proper nutrition, three to four ■ i w _■ ■ _ a__ ■ servings of milk or equivalent LODcIKIOIt I Oil 111 NcHflOO 10 Atl6ll« per day. milk and milk products today West Virginia 4-H Conference are better than ever. Pasteunz- w ed, homogenized, fortified with Harold W Moyer, Lebanon The Older 4-H Members Con vitamin D and sealed in sani- RDI, an outstanding 4-H mem- ference is designed to increase tary containers, dairy products ber, recently was named lecipi- leadeiship skills in either come in an almost unlimited ent of an honor tup to attend reeieation 01 music variety powdeied, evapora- the West Virginia Oldei 4-H ted, with fat removed There are Membeis Conference at Jack all kinds of cheeses, sour son’s Mill June 28 to July 2 creams, yogurt, ice milk and ice He leceived the awaid on the cream to choose from b?sis of his leadership and The fun is in the eating, the citizenship activities, reports Ed 4-H’ers exlaim And they add Vj ai d A Mmtmier, assistant that learning to use milk and State 4-H leadei at Pennsylvania dairy foods is a good exercise in State University creativity Harold and another 4-H mem- They try dairy products as bei, Susan Clark, Catawissa appetizers and beverages, in bis- RD2, will participate in the con euits, breads and cakes, and in ference along with older youth candies, cookies and desserts, fi om all parts of West Virginia. You can still get weeds in com with AAtrex plus For fast kill of weeds that are up, H apply AAtrex plus an emulsifiable H H crop oil. H AAtrex and the oil knocks down V/z" high weeds. And then.AAtrex keeps weeds out for the rest of the season. For more Information see label or contact us. We’ll be glad to give you all the details. ORGANIC [\miMm PLANT I I ANHYDROUS AMMONIA j j-QQp GROFFTOWN RD. LANCASTER, PA. Ph. 392-4963 or 392-0374 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12,1971 — The son of Mr and Mis Al beit F Moyer, Harold has been a 4-H member eight yeais He has completed projects m dairy, handjman, small engines, vet erinary science, leadership, elec tric, tractor maintenance, and swine Harold served his local club as piesident, vice presi dent, treasurer, and game leader, and assisted as a junior leader the past six years. The honor trip winner partici pated in State 4-H Days, Penn sylvania 4-H Congress, State 4-H Capital Days, Camp Kanesatake, and Teen Leadership Confer ence Harold was selected as the Outstanding 4-H Boy in Lebanon County in 1970 and was a National 4-H Awards winner in leadership Nebraska 4-H Visits Forty-one 4-H’ers and two adults including County Agent Richard Adkins of Geneva, Ne braska, will visit Lancaster County today (Saturday). The visitors will meet local 4-H’ers at the Farm and Home Center at about 12 noon fox a box lunch. They will visit in the county until about 3 30 p m , then go on to Gettysburg, then to Washing ton for a 4-H Citizenship shoifc course. Co. 4-H Dairy Judging Set to Begin June I*7 The first 4-H dairy cattle judging practice session of the season will be held from 8 30 a m. to 3 p m. June 17. Interested 4-H dairy membeiy will meet at the Faim and Home Center Paul Anderson, Penn State dairy Extension specialist, will assist Max Smith, Lancaster County ag agent, witu the gioup. Besides providing 4-H’ers an opportunity to learn more aboui judging dairy cattle, the prac tices result in selection of county judging team to repie sent the county in the state 7
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