'A"s a -r, + > / ' / "i, ■■ “One ton of beef per cow per year” is the result reported from the are ready for slaughter at 12 months weighing nearly one ton total. A South Devon beef system in England. The system utilizes double suck- United Nations report indicates the average milk yield for the South ling. During a nine-month lactation, one cow nurses her own calf and Devon is 6,550 pounds of milk in a 305 day lactation with butterfat con that of another cow which is being milked'. Ordinarily, the two calves tent averaging 4.19 per cent. Nutrition Sells, Research Needed, Official Says Willis A. Gortner, director of low-calorie items, the success of dence that refutes the myth, the USDA’s Human Nutrition two per cent milk fat products. Research Division, says, “There the growth in sale of orange T^ e . ot “®. r major myth, the are afe n least-two- major myths juice and the shift to polyun- nutrition director says, is tnai that T think are blocking public saturated vegetable oils as evi- people think we know enou e n support, or indeed, public de- about nutrition. mand, for concerted and ex “Let’s don t assume that we panged action in the field of Millers Return Here know enough. We have a na nutrition” tional S° al that ever y Amerl ‘ ' Harold and Annetta Miller, can child, will have the advan- One of the myths, Gortner EMBMC missionaries in Tan- tage of an adequate, nutritious says* is the idea that nutrition zan ia, are scheduled to arrive in diet. The means of achieving doeynot sell food. He says this the United States June 23. Their that goal must include a major “is just poppycock,” and points summer address will be 76 commitment to nutrition re out'tfae major growth in various Greenfield Road, Lancaster. ' search.” CASE WINDROWER SALE Large Pi Departm Means Li Down Ti Ask About Leasing Any Of Our Fine Line Of Pull Type 7 or 9 Ft. Machines. KINZER EQUIPMENT CO. , Bos 23, Kinzer, Pa. ( NEW MODEL CASE 655 Where King-Size Service Is Our Thanks To You Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County ~ ■*f r ♦ V „•* *'• v % kA* n« ~sJ? "■ v# v-fcv - v * * ' JSL* 1 r**#(**. v **jt “ A v 's* v , J "4*A, M BUILT Phone 442-4186 or 768-8916 ONLY 3800 (Two Only) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12,1971 — /, 'V „~ ' > /i jsLife $/'f * -> -*» ***-< y,/' 4 -'**v ' „ /'Z£&%y r % < ■* * Zi '' -s „ + #$ ¥ - * W >, y;, ♦> ' ** r. , -* * • vV n- Let Classifieds Work for You Call 394-3047 or 626-2191 n »v» »• w 1 i 19
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